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flac3d 5.0常用命令集锦

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建 模


①文件与工程在同一个文件夹,只写文件名即可:If the called file is located in the same folder as the FLAC3D project file, then only the file name need be entered with the CALL command.

②不在同一个文件夹,全路径:Otherwise, the file may be called by specifying its complete path (e.g., c:\\myfolder\\file.dat). Undo ;撤销上一条命令

2、创建 旋转 缩放视图 3、建模命令

model mech mohr ;莫尔库伦模型

model mech elastic ;弹性模型

set grav 0, 0, -9.81 ; 重力加速度 negative z-direction. (垂直向下!常用的) 下下面面这这代代码码,,是是沿沿着着--yy方方向向的的重重力力加加速速度度,,注注意意区区别别!!!!!!!! gen zone brick size 6,8,8 p0 -10, -10, -20 ... ;省略号表示写不下后面继续 p1 10, -10, -20 ... p2 -10, 10, -20 ... p3 -10, -10, 0 plot zone

gen zone brick size 6,8,8 p0 -10, -10, -20 ... ;不规则六面体 p1 10, -10, -20 p2 -10, 10, -20 ... p3 -10, -10, 0 p4 10, 10, -20 ... p5 -10, 10, 10 p6 10, -10, 0 ... p7 10, 10, 10

plot current plot Plot01 plot clear plot zone

Undo ;撤销命令

set logfile 127X1001.txt set log on truncate set log off

list zone prin range x 0 1 y 0 1 z 0 1 ;显示指定范围内各单元的主应力,结果如下 Hist命令:

① 命令编号按顺序从1开始:each history is numbered sequentially from 1 as it is entered via the HISTORY command.

②查找显示所有的his命令:Return to the Flac3D> prompt and type list hist

for a listing of the histories and their corresponding numbers.

hist nstep 5 ;每5步记录1次。默认是10步记录1次

hist add ratio ; 记录maximum unbalanced force ratio hist add gp zdisp 4 4 8 ;记录节点的位移

model null range x=2,4 y=2,6 z=5,10 ;To excavate the trench,enter

The dimensions of the excavation region (i.e., the null material) are defined by the x-, y- and z-coordinate range.

set large ; 设置大变形large-strain logic is specified ini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0 ;位移归零 solve

save trench ; 保持计算结果的文件 “TRENCH.F3SAV” 不需要后缀

4、group命令(注意新版本的区别 ,group zone)

gen zone brick size 6 6 6

group zone Tunnel range x 1 6 y 0 6 z 1 5 ;设置group

model mech mohr ; 莫尔库伦模型 model mech null range group Tunnel ;

group zone Tunnel range cylinder end1 100 105 100 end2 100 95 100 radius 3 group zone Matrix range group Tunnel not

; naming RANGES that are fixed in space and unrelated ; to the model geometry - represents stratigraphy... range name Layer1 plane dip 0 dd 0 ori 0 0 0 above range name Layer2 plane dip 0 dd 0 ori 0 0 0 below

prop bulk 1e8 shear 0.5e8 coh 0 tens 0 fric 35 range nrange Layer1 prop bulk 1e7 shear 0.3e7 coh 1e7 tens 0 fric 0 range nrange Layer2 pl zone colorby group


以下是切割模型法生成interface:寺河模拟用的 pl zone gen zone brick p0 0 0 0 p1 200 0 0 p2 0 40 0 p3 0 0 4 size 100 20 2 group 1 ; gen zone brick p0 0 0 4 p1 200 0 4 p2 0 40 4 p3 0 0 8 size 100 20 2 group 2 ; gen separate group 1 interface 1 wrap first group 1 second group 2 interface 1 maxedge 0.5 显示interface: plot create plot Plot01

plot add surface ;显示表面

plot add interface red ;显示交互面为红色 plot show


pl zone colorby group gen zone brick size 3 3 3 & p0 (0,0,0) p1 (3,0,0) p2 (0,3,0) p3 (0,0,1.5) & p4 (3,3,0) p5 (0,3,1.5) p6 (3,0,4.5) p7 (3,3,4.5) group zone Base gen zone brick size 3 3 3 & p0 (0,0,2.5) p1 (3,0,5.5) p2 (0,3,2.5) p3 (0,0,7) & p4 (3,3,5.5) p5 (0,3,7) p6 (3,0,7) p7 (3,3,7) group zone Top range group Base not interface 1 face range plane norm (-1,0,1) origin (1.5,1.5,3) dist 0.1 pl add interface pause ini zpos add -1.0 range group Top 4、hist命令(5.0版本需要加add!!!)

hist nstep=5 //设置采用间隔为5 等效于set hist_rep=5 hist add id =2 zone szz 0,0,-1

hist unbal //最大非平衡力 hist add gp zdisp 4 4 8 print hist

hist add gp zdis 0,0,0 hist add gp zvel 0,0,0 hist add gp ydisp 0,0,0

;监测网格点(0,0,0)点的y 方向上的位移 hist add zone syy 0,1,0

;监测单元(0,1,0)点的y 方向上的应力 hist add zone syy 1,1,0

;监测单元(1,1,0)点的y 方向上的应力

hist add zone szz 0,0,-1

List history set large history nstep 2 history add fish tt history add fish theta history add zone sxx (1,1,1) history add zone syy (1,1,1) history add zone szz (1,1,1) plot add his 3 4 5 vs 1

HISTORY add fish var ; fish var变量的监测

5、solve命令 ?????什么意思



pl zone colorby gr ;查看各个分组 通过命令流的方式: plot create plot Plot01 plot clear

plot add history 1 linestyle color black

plot post plot Plot01 file 127F1002.ps manual plot create plot Plot02 plot clear

plot add history 2 linestyle color black

plot post plot Plot02 file 127F1003.ps manual plot create plot GravV

plot cut add plane dip 90 dd 0 origin 3,4.1,0 ;截面 plot set center 3 3 3 plot set eye 12 18 12

plot add zone plane behindplane on onplane off ;addlabel \plot add bcont szz ramp grey plot add axes

plot post plot GravV file 127F1004.ps manual res kw50 plot create plot szz_contour plot cut add plane dip 90 dd 180 origin 0,18.9,0 plot set orient 120 220 0 plot set center 45 45 0 plot add zone plane behindplane on onplane off ; plot add bcont szz ramp rainbow pl set mag 1.0 plot add axes plot show plot create GravV plot set plane dip=90 dd=0 origin=3,4,0

plot set rot 15 0 20 ;this would be achieved interactively

plot set center 2.5 4.2 4.0 ;and is show here simply to illustrate plot add bound behind plot add bcont szz plane plot add axes plot show

这样我们就建立了一个叫“Grav V”的图形,将它设为当前图层,对此图形设置一个倾角为90°的面,(在x-y面上,约定z的负方向为下),倾向为0°。(在x-y面上,从y的正方向开始沿顺时针方向计量),过x-y面上一点(x=3,y=4,z=0),在平面后加一个网格,垂直方向的应力Qzz,最后给模型加轴线,整体图形轮廓

与添加图形相反,显示每个区域中心的应力计算值,每个区域的颜色直接对应基本区域的应力,当键入show,我们建立的图形被显示 Plot create Dispcont

Pl add cont disp plane behind Pl add axes Pl show plot sketch ;绘出轮廓线 plot add vel ;添加矢量

plot add his 1 2 vs 3

;绘出历史记录n,actLoad , p_sol cyc 15000 plot

Create Trench

Add surface yellow Add axes black Show

plot create szz_contour

;创建文件名为szz_contour(z 方向的应力云图) plot set cent 4 4 5

;视图的中心坐标为(4,4,5) plot set rot 20 0 30

;视图的旋转角度为(20,0,30) plot set mag 1.0


plot add cont szz out on shade on ;打开szz 的等值线图 plot add axes ;打开坐标轴线 plot show ;显示窗口

;不同的区域,材料赋值不同 pl zone colorby model pl zone colorby group 求解前对模型进行检查 网格检查(如前所述) 边界条件检查

速度约束条件 plot gpfix 荷载条件 plot fap 模型检查

模型赋值 plo block model 参数赋值 plo block prop *** 初始应力检查(如后所述)

flac3d 5.0常用命令集锦


