Answers may vary. Sample Answers:
1. A cold is more serious than a runny nose. 2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment. 3. A toothache is more common than the flu. 4. A runny nose is less serious than a backache. 5. A bad headache is the most common ailment. 6. A cold is less serious than a backache. 7. The flu is less common than a cold. 8. The flu is the most serious ailment. E.
Answers will vary. Sample Answers:
1. The flu is more serious than a cold.
2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment. 3. A backache is the most common ailment. 4. A cold is less serious than a headache.
5. A sore throat is less common than a headache. 6. A cold is the most common ailment. F.
Answers will vary.
Challenge 3:一般过去时: 规则与不规则 (p. 76) A.
1. c. to a doctor.
2. d. three times a day.
3. a. in the park every week. 4. b. cigarettes. B.
Anya talked to a doctor. She exercised three times a day. She walked in the park every week. She also smoked cigarettes. D.
1. was 2. was 3. was 4. had 5. were 6. had 7. had 8. were 9. had 10. were
1. played 2. wanted 3. visited 4. asked 5. needed 6. smoked 7. talked F.
Last week, Alex exercised every day. He also played tennis on Saturday. He wanted his wife to play tennis, too. On Saturday, she visited the doctor. She asked for medicine for more energy. She needed more exercise and not medicine. She also smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. She talked to her husband about it.
Challenge 4: 情态动词: Should (p. 78) A. D U D W U W U W D D D U C.
1. You should go to the drugstore.
2. You should sleep eight hours tonight. 3. Ricardo should take some cough syrup. 4. You should go to the hospital. 5. You should go to bed.
6. Luisa should take some aspirin. 7. They should stop smoking.
8. You should go to the optometrist. D.
1. shouldn’t
2. should 3. shouldn’t 4. shouldn’t 5. should 6. should 7. should 8. shouldn’t 9. should 10. shouldn’t E.
Answers will vary. Sample Answers:
1. You should sleep eight hours tonight. 2. You should take cough medicine. 3. You shouldn’t smoke cigarettes. 4. You shouldn’t play tennis today.
Challenge 5: 一般过去时:不规则动词 (p. 80) B.
1. b. call the fire department, the police, or a poison
control center
2. a. his or her name and address D.
1. drove 2. woke 3. went 4. bought 5. came 6. did 7. ate 8. slept 9. took 10. got 11. said 12. drank E.
1. My throat hurt.
2. You drove me to the doctor at noon. 3. The doctor said to take some medicine. 4. I got the medicine from the doctor. 5. You read the directions.
6. I took two teaspoons of the syrup. 7. I slept for ten hours. 8. We ate a good breakfast. 9. My friends came to see me.
10. They bought me some flowers. F.
Answers will vary.
Extension Challenge 1: Should的问句 (p. 82) A.
toothache, stomachache, headache, backache, sore throat B.
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. aspirin
2. calcium carbonate 3. aspirin 4. aspirin
5. cough syrup D.
1. Should I drink coffee?
2. Should Eva eat three meals a day? 3. Should the medicine reduce the fever? 4. Should Mario have a checkup? 5. Should you chew the tablets?
6. Should they make an appointment? 7. Should I call an ambulance?
8. Should your parents stop smoking? E.
1. How should your mother lose weight? 2. When should Rosa take her medicine? 3. Why should you run every day?
4. Where should the children play soccer? 5. Who should we visit today?
6. When should Tan and Diem go to the dentist? 7. Why should Vladimir take aspirin? 8. What should I eat tonight?
9. Who should you call in the morning?
10. Where should we call for an appointment? F.
1. Should Alexi take aspirin for a headache? 2. Should Mario take calcium carbonate for a
3. Should Dalva take aspirin for a toothache? 4. Should Gilberto take aspirin for a backache? 5. Should Marie take cough syrup for a sore throat?
Extension Challenge 2: 一般过去时: 问句 (p. 84)
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Victor should sleep for eight hours.
2. Victor should exercise for thirty minutes a day. 3. Victor should eat three meals a day. D.
1. Did you have a headache? / I didn’t
2. Did Rosa exercise on Monday? / she didn’t 3. Did you go to the dentist? / I didn’t
4. Did they read the warnings? / they didn’t 5. Did you drink orange juice? / we didn’t 6. Did the cat break its foot? / it didn’t E.
1. What did the doctor say? 2. How did you pay?
3. Where did Marina buy the medicine? 4. Who did she buy the pills for?
5. When did your parents stop smoking? 6. Why did they exercise every day? F.
Answers will vary.
Unit 7: Work, Work, Work (p. 86)
Challenge 1: 将来时: Will (p. 86) B. 1. S 2. S 3. NI 4. NI 5. S 6. G D.
1. will work 2. will listen 3. will come 4. will follow 5. will leave 6. will not have 7. will need 8. won’t
9. will have 10. will leave E.
1. a. Lydia will come to work on time. b. Lydia won’t come to work on time.
2. a. The Nguyen brothers will follow instructions well.
b. The Nguyen brothers won’t follow instructions well.
3. a. I will help others at every opportunity. b. I won’t help others at every opportunity. 4. a. We will work well in a team. b. We won’t work well in a team. F.
Answers will vary. G.
Answers will vary.
Challenge 2: 情态动词: Can (能力) (p. 88) B.
1. use a copy machine 2. supervise employees 3. file papers
4. manage an office 5. write business letters 6. manage paperwork 7. set appointments 8. type letters 9. answer phones 10. speak to customers D.
1. can’t 2. can’t 3. can 4. can’t 5. can 6. can’t 7. can 8. can 9. can’t 10. can 11. can’t 12. can E.
1. You can play soccer. 2. Sara can’t play the piano. 3. We cannot draw well.
4. Ivan can fix things around the house. 5. Dalva can use the computer. 6. You can’t drive a truck. 7. The children can swim. 8. I cannot teach Spanish.
9. Mario can cook Mexican food. 10. We can’t understand Chinese. F.
Answers will vary. G.
Answers will vary.
Challenge 3: May和 Can 的问句(p. 90) B.
Driver, 1 yr., f/t or p/t, $12/hr
Assembly worker, no experience, f/t, $7 Hairstylist, 3yrs., p/t, $15/hr
Secretary, exp. necessary, p/t, $18/hr D.
1. Can Anya and Ivan work on Saturday? 2. Can Diem drive a car? 3. Can I file those letters? 4. Can you send me a resume? 5. Can we talk about the job?
6. Can Don give me his application? E.
Driver: speak English, drive a truck
Assembly worker: speak English, work at night Hairstylist: work on weekends, use a cash register Secretary: speak Spanish and English, type 60 words per minute F.
1. Can Mario speak English? Can you drive a truck? 2. Can Anya speak English? Can Peter and Jane
work at night?
3. Can you work on weekends? Can Kevin use a
cash register?
4. Can you speak Spanish and English? Can Pilar
type 60 words per minute?
Answers will vary.
Challenge 4: 一般过去时 (p. 92) B.
1. housekeeper until 2001
2. supervisor from 2001 to 2007 3. hotel manager during 2008 C.
1. 9 years 2. 19 months 3. 6 years 4. 8 months E.
1. wasn’t 2. didn’t have 3. weren’t 4. didn’t work 5. didn’t speak 6. didn’t ask 7. didn’t read 8. didn’t fill F.
1. didn’t check 2. didn’t type 3. wasn’t 4. weren’t 5. didn’t know 6. weren’t 7. didn’t offer 8. didn’t keep 9. wasn’t
10. didn’t apply G.
1. Hakim wasn’t a hairstylist from 1999 to 2001. 2. He didn’t manage the hotel for three years.
3. He didn’t answer the phones in the office in 2002.4. Hakim and the other housekeepers didn’t work
for free.
Challenge 5: 祈使句 (p. 94) A.
open, connect, press/enter, close, choose, turn on, record, turn off C.
1. Turn on the copier.
2. Don’t connect the printer. 3. Enter the information. 4. Please, record a message. 5. Choose the answer. 6. Don’t close the lid. 7. Open the container. 8. Turn off the machine. D.
1. Don’t turn on the broken copier. 2. Don’t put the paper in the bottom. 3. Don’t turn off the printer. 4. Don’t press the start button. 5. Don’t Enter a name. 6. Don’t wait for a beep.
7. Don’t connect the printer to the fax. 8. Don’t place the paper in the middle slot. 9. Don’t keep the printer near the phone. 10. Don’t turn off the copier in the morning. E.
Answers will vary. Sample Answer:
Open the door. Place the food inside the microwave. Close the door. Choose the cooking time. Press the start button. Wait for the beep. Open the door. Take out the food. Close the door.
Extension Challenge 1: 规则过去时: 拼写 (p. 96) B.
1. 6 months
2. new position / better pay 3. 11 years 4. Manager D.
1. fixed 2. used
3. remembered 4. cried 5. listened 6. dropped 7. permitted
8. opened 9. carried 10. enjoyed E.
1. delivered 2. chewed 3. managed 4. chopped 5. showed 6. cleaned 7. decided 8. applied 9. stopped 10. dropped F.
Answers will vary. G.
Answers will vary.
Extension Challenge 2: 一般过去时:不规则动词 (p. 98) A.
driver: drives a truck carpenter: makes cabinets
construction worker: builds houses teacher: helps students
delivery person: delivers packages office worker: types letters mechanic: fixes cars C.
1. built 2. heard 3. bought 4. gave 5. hurt 6. wore 7. became 8. threw 9. caught 10. read 11. found 12. knew 13. put