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Pre-Unit: Welcome to Our Class (p. P 2)

Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Be (p. P2) C.

Answers will vary. E.

Answers will vary. F.

1. am; I’m 2. are; They’re 3. are; We’re 4. is; He’s 5. are; They’re 6. is; She’s 7. are; You’re 8. is; It’s G

1. d. 2. c. 3. e. 4. b. 5. a. H.

1. She’s tired. She needs some rest.

2. They’re nervous. They have a test today. 3. We’re happy. We have a new baby! 4. He’s hungry. He wants a hamburger. 5. I’m sad. I have no friends. I.

Answers will vary.

Challenge 2: 所有格形容词 (p. P4) B.

Name: Smith, Jonathon Phone: (714) 555-8989 Birth Date: March 3, 1978

Street Address: 2356 Orchard Lane City: Pine City State: CA

Zip Code: 90638

Exercise D.

1. My 2. Their 3. Your 4. Our 5. His 6. His 7. Its E.

1. His address is 2274 W. Bayside Dr. 2. Their school is Lincoln Adult School. 3. Her birth date is June 5, 1975. 4. Their state is California. (Note: CA = California) 5. His last name is Nakamura. 6. our F.

Answers will vary.

Challenge 3: Can的问句 (p. P6) C.

Answers will vary. E.

1. Can you spell that? 2. Can you say that again? 3. Can you repeat that? 4. Can you speak louder? 5. Can you help me?

6. Can you speak slower? 7. Can you teach me English? 8. Can you open the door? 9. Can you write it? F.

1. c. 2. e. 3. b. 4. d. 5. a. G.

Answers will vary.


Sample answers:

Student A: Can you help me with a problem? Student B: Sure.

Student A: Can you help me spell certain words? Student B: OK.

Unit 1 Everyday Life (p. 2)

Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Live and Be (p. 2) B.

Kenji: single, 22 years old, Los Angeles Anya: married, 68 years old, Los Angeles Gilberto: single, 30 years old, Los Angeles Marie: divorced, 32 years old, Los Angeles D.

1. lives 2. are 3. are 4. are 5. am 6. lives 7. live 8. live 9. is 10. lives 11. is 12. am . F.

Answers will vary. Sample answers:

Anya: Anya is 68 years old. She lives in Los Angeles. She is a student. She is married.

Gilberto: Gilberto is a student. He is 30 years old. He is single. He lives in Los Angeles. G.

Answers will vary.

Challenge 2: 一般现在时: Have (p. 4) B.

1. Three 2. One

3. Four 4. Vietnam

5. The United States 6. Nguyen


1. I have two sisters. 2. I don’t have a wife.

3. You don’t have an aunt in Korea. 4. Ken doesn’t have a brother. 5. My mother has four sisters.

6. You don’t have a niece in Poland. 7. Maria doesn’t have a husband. 8. We don’t have children.


Jessica and Kate have a brother. F.

Sample answers:

1. Martha has three brothers. 2. Ned has three sisters.

3. Both Martha and Ned have brothers. 4. Martha and Ned both have five cousins. 5. Martha has three uncles. 6. Ned has two brothers. G.

Answers will vary.

Challenge 3: 形容词的比较级与最高级 (p. 6) B.

1. Howard is tall.

2. He has blonde hair and green eyes. 3. Sam is average height.

4. He has brown hair and brown eyes. 5. Kyle is short.

6. He has blue eyes and red hair.


1. taller 2. shorter 3. heavier 4. thinner 5. younger 6. older


thinner, taller


8. taller, thinner E.

1. John 2. Herbert 3. Herbert 4. Lien 5. Jack 6. Frank 7.



Answers will vary. G.

Answers will vary.

Challenge 4: 一般现在时与频率副词 (p. 8) B.

1. c. 2. a. 3. a. D.

1. Anya wakes up at 6:00 A.M. 2. You get up at 7:00 A.M.

3. Ivan goes to work at 8:00 A.M. 4. They help with the grandchildren. 5. We play soccer.

6. Ivan works in Los Angeles. 7. I go to school.

8. Anya takes the children to the beach.


1. often wakes up 2. always works 3. sometimes take 4. often play

5. sometimes works 6. rarely get up

7. sometimes wakes up 8. rarely take


1. Kim works every day at 12:30 P.M. 2. Kim goes to school on Mondays and


3. Kim studies at 9:00 A.M. on Thursdays. 4. Kim watches the kids in the mornings on

Tuesdays and Thursdays.

5. Kim takes a break at 9:00 A.M. on Monday

and Wednesday.

6. Kim goes to school at 7:00 A.M. G.

Answers will vary.

Challenge 5: 一般疑问句: Is it? (p. 10) D.

1. Is it rainy today?

2. Is it snowy in the mountains? 3. Is it hot in California today?

4. Is it foggy by the ocean every morning? 5. Is it windy at night?

6. Is it cloudy and rainy today?


1. No, it isn’t. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes, it is. 4. Yes, it is. 5. No, it isn’t. 6.

Yes, it is.


Answers will vary. Sample answers:

True: It is cloudy today. True: It is windy today. False: It is rainy today.

False: It is 90 degrees today. H.

Answers will vary.

Extension Challenge 1: Be的否定句 (p. 12) B.

Mario: single; Mexico; short; brown; black

Sylvia: single; Peru; average height; brown; black D.

1. am not 2. ’m not 3. ’s not


4. isn’t 5. are not 6. aren’t 7. ’re not 8. are not 9. is not 10. ’s not E.

1. Mario isn’t from Peru. 2. Her name isn’t Maria. 3. They aren’t teachers. 4. His last name isn’t Ortiz. 5. Sylvia isn’t sad in the U.S. 6. Mario isn’t tall.

7. Sylvia and Mario aren’t married. 8.

Sylvia isn’t old.


Answers will vary. Sample answers:

1. I’m not a teacher. 2. a woman, not a man. 3. handsome, he is not ugly. 4. nice, They are not mean.

Extension Challenge 2: Be的一般疑问句 (p. 14) B.

1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. No 6. Yes


1. Is Kenji from Japan?

2. Are Anya and Ivan from Russia? 3. Are you from Korea? 4. Am I late for class? 5. Is Marie from Haiti?

6. Are Gilberto and Mario tall? 7. Is Mario from Mexico? 8. Is Kenji at school?


1. No, he’s not. 2. Yes, they are. 3. No, she’s not. 4. Yes, they are. 5. No, they aren’t. 6. No, she’s not. 7.

Yes, she is.


Answers will vary.

Unit 2 Let’s go Shopping! (p. 16)

Challenge 1: 一般现在时的否定式与肯定式(p. 16) B.

Summer Clothes: sandals shorts swimsuit T-shirt


Winter Clothes: a scarf boots a coat sweater

Both Winter and Summer: dress a cap

sunglasses D.

1. doesn’t shop 2. doesn’t wear 3. don’t need 4. don’t buy 5. don’t like 6. doesn’t need 7. don’t shop 8. never eat 9. don’t want 10. don’t work E.

1. wear, don’t wear 2. likes, doesn’t like 3. need, don’t need 4. wants, doesn’t want 5. wear, don’t wear F


Answers will vary. G

Answers will vary.

Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 18) B.

1. $33.59 2. $111.88 3. $52.48 4. $29.97


1. socks 2. shirt 3. shorts 4. dress 5. jacket


1. cheaper than

2. more expensive than 3. more expensive than 4. more expensive than 5. cheapest

6. most expensive 7. cheaper 8. cheaper F.

1. socks 2. sandals 3. pajamas 4. shorts 5. shirt 6. pants 7. shoes 8. dress 9. sweater 10. jacket G.

1. the jacket

2. The jacket and the sweater 3. The socks and the sandals 4. The jacket

5. The socks, sandals 6. The shoes, the sweater


Answers will vary.

Challenge 3: 现在进行时 (p. 20) D.

1. ing 2. ing 3. is 4. ing 5. are 6. are 7. are 8. is 9. ing 10. are


1. Anya is looking for new summer clothes. 2. I am buying sandals.

3. You are wearing your new blouse. 4. Three men are sitting on a bench. 5. We are not eating at the mall today. 6. Duong is going to the shoe store.

7. The children are talking to their friends. 8. Irina is not buying the blue skirt.

9. You are reading a book at the bookstore. 10. We are taking the bus home.

Challenge 4: Because的用法 (p. 22) B.

1. Armstrong Clothing 2. Armstrong Clothing 3. Fashion Express 4. Fashion Express 5.

Armstrong Clothing


Answers will vary. E.

1. c. 2. a. 3. b. 4. f. 5. e.



