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剑桥国际少儿英语第五册 kb5文本资料讲解

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Shari and Alvin: Yeah!

Dan: Yee ha! We’re going to win that prize!


U3 City life 城市生活

Mr. Grey:OK, kids. We’re going to meet back here at half past five. Don’t get lost!

Dan: No problem, Dad! It’s ten past two now, so we’ve got more than three hours.

Shari: We want to get some interesting information for our ezine, so where shall we go first?

Alvin: Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge in London. Let’s go there.

Shari: How do we get there?

Alvin: Let’s look at the map…. Now, we’re outside the station. That’s here.

Dan: We have to go straight along this road. We don’t go across the river. We turn left here…

Dan: Ok, now we’re at a corner. Do we want to go left or right, Alvin?

Alvin: Er, I don’t know. I think we take the third street on the right, then walk past this park.

Shari: Er, boys…turn the map round! We’re going in the wrong direction.

Shari: Excuse me. Can you tell us how to get to Tower Bridge,



Woman: Look, dear. It’s just across the street. It’s behind you.


U4 Disaster! 灾难!

Shari: That was amazing! Alvin: It was really scary as well.

Alvin:Now we’ve got a great project for our ezine…Disasters! Shari and Dan: Yeah!

reporter:Well, hello, children. Are you getting warm? Shari, Dan, and Alvin:Yes!

reporter:Can you tell me what happened?

Shari: It was hot and sunny this morning, so we decided to sail to the small island for a picnic with my dad.

Alvin: When we were sailing to the island, the sky went dark. Reporter: Were you listening to the weather on the radio? Dan: The radio was on, but we weren’t listening to the weather. We were listening to music.

Reporter: Why didn’t you go back to the beach?

Dan:Because we were very near the island.We decided to wait there for the weather to get better…but it didn’t.A storm started. Shari: We were walking up the beach, looking for somewhere safe to stay,when lighting hit the boat and it caught fire. Reporter: What a disaster!


Shari:We couldn’t leave the island, so Dad had to phone for help.

Alvin: At first,the phone didn’t work. But when they tried again and it was OK. Phew! Reporter: Were you afraid? Shari, Dan and Alvin: Yes!

Dan:But it was really exciting when the helicopter came to get us.

Shari and Alvin: Yeah, that was great!


剑桥国际少儿英语第五册 kb5文本资料讲解


