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仅供参考,2014j英语口语考试,by wcl 模拟试题一


1. A: What’s your name, please? B: My name is ______. 2. A: Where do you study?

B. I study at NO.1 senior middle school. 3. A: What subjects do you study?

B: I study Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, PE and so on.

4. A.:What subject do you like best?

B: As far as i am concerned ,i like English best. 场景1:安排旅行计划(机问人答) 旅行行程单 目的地:西藏 交通工具:飞机 出发日期:5月2日 所需费用:2000元左右

所需行李:衣服、药品、照相机等 1. A: Where do you plan to go?

B: I pan to go to Tibet. 2. A: How do you go there ? B: I will go there by plane.


仅供参考,2014j英语口语考试,by wcl 3. A: When do you set off? nd B: I will set off on May 2.

4. A: What luggage do you need to take?

B: I need to take some clothes,some medicine as well as a camera. 5. A: How much will the trip cost ?

B: The trip will cost about 2000 RMB.

6. A: Which places have you been to already and where do you plan to go

next? Why?

B: I have been to Shanghai, Nanjing,Suzhou and so on. And i plan to go to

Hainan next, for i love the sea so much.

7. A: How do you often go travelling by plane or by train?

B: I often go travelling by train, as it is a cheap way to travel. 8. A: Do you think it is a good time to travel during the Spring Festival?

B: I don’t think so. After all ,there will be too many people during the Spring

Festival. I don’t like the crowds and noises. 场景2:去邮局寄包裹(人问机答) 包裹单 目的地: 包裹重量:

邮寄方式: 包裹内容: 付费方式: 2

仅供参考,2014j英语口语考试,by wcl 1. A: Where do you want to mail it?

B: I want to mail it to New York in America. 2. A: What’s the weight of the parcel? B: It is about one kilogram.

3. A: Which way do you want to mail it ? B: I want to mail it by air. 4. A: What are there in the parcel? B: There are some books and files. 5. A: How do you pay for it?

B: I will pay for it by credit card. 机问人答

6. A: What will you do if the parcel you mail is lost or damaged? B: I will ask the staff of the post office to take responsibility for it.

7. A: What do you usually do at the post office?

B: I usually order some magazines at the post office. 8. A: Would you like to send a letter or an email? Why?

B: I would like to send an email,because it is faster than sending a letter.



