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Simplified Results简化结果

Once calculations have been performed a dialog displays simplified results for the selected type of verification.

计算完成后,对话框将显示所选验证类型的简化结果。 Access 访问

Select the Steel Design layout, or Timber Design layout. 选择钢结构设计布局或木材设计布局。

Define the elements that you want to verify, Set up the verification options parameters, and then click Calculations.

定义要验证的元素,设置验证选项参数,然后单击“计算”。 General description 一般说明

This dialog contains two tabs. 此对话框包含两个选项卡。

The Messages tab displays warnings and errors that occurred during structure member verification/design.


The Results tab content depends on the selected type of verification. 结果选项卡内容取决于所选的验证类型。 Member / Code Group Verification results 成员/代码组验证结果

The Member Verification and Code Group Verification dialogs are similar. “成员验证”和“代码组验证”对话框类似。

The Results tab of the Verification dialog displays the results of the verification or design process for steel, timber, or aluminum members, or group of members.


These short results are displayed in a table. 这些简短的结果显示在表格中。

Each row of the table corresponds to a member or group of members according to the list that was defined.

根据定义的列表,表的每一行对应于一个成员或一组成员。 Results interpretation 结果解释

: The section meets the code criteria.


: The section does not meet the code criteria. :节不符合代码条件。 Member Group Design 成员组设计

For member group design, three consecutive sections from each family of the selected section group are displayed. The section in the central row meets the code criteria.


Results interpretation 结果解释

or : the cross-section does not meet the code requirements, or meets the requirements with excessive reserves.

或:断面不符合规范要求,或储量过大满足要求。 : The section meets the code criteria. :节符合代码条件。

: The section does not meet the code criteria. :节不符合代码条件。

: Unstable member or group of members :不稳定的成员或成员组

: Unstable member or group of members with an efficiency ratio larger than 1.0.

:效率比大于1.0的不稳定构件或构件组。 Member Group Optimization 成员组优化

The dialog content is the same as the member group design dialog. 对话框内容与“成员组设计”对话框相同。

DESIGN WITH OPTIMIZATION OPTIONS is a design of each section family that has been selected during group creation. The most optimal profile with respect to the adopted optimization criterion is selected. If the sections of a profile in the current group belong to one family, there is no difference between the results obtained by means of the DESIGN option and those obtained with the DESIGN WITH OPTIMIZATION OPTIONS. Optimization functions as an operation on groups. Therefore, groups of members must be defined before starting the operation of optimization.



Results interpretation 结果解释

or : The cross-section does not meet the code requirements, or meets the requirements with excessive reserves.

或:断面不符合规范要求,或储量过大满足要求。 : The section meets the code criteria. :节符合代码条件。

: The section does not meet the code criteria. :节不符合代码条件。

: Unstable member or group of members :不稳定的成员或成员组

: Unstable member or group of members with an efficiency ratio larger than 1.0.

:效率比大于1.0的不稳定构件或构件组。 : The section is optimal. :截面最佳。

Note: When you close any of these short results dialogs, the additional



