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2020-2021学年高一英语上学期课堂同步练习 Unit 1 Period 3 Discovering useful structures


1. Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of ______________(冒险). 2. His mistake was due to y_________ and inexperience.

3. I would be grateful if he could cast an e________ eye over it and tell me what he thought of it. 4. They thought his___________(行为)was abnormal. 【答案与解析】

1. adventure; 2. youth; 3. expert; 4. behaviour/behavior


Here are some 1. (suggestion) for you, which may help you enjoy your school life better. As senior high school students, you will be living a very busy life. So first of all, you should arrange your time 2. (proper). You'd better make a timetable so that you know when to study, exercise and rest. Only in this way can you make good use 3. every minute. Besides, while in school, it is wise 4. (develop) a pleasant relationship with teachers and classmates. When you have a problem you can't work out alone, you'd better turn to your teachers 5. classmates for help. Furthermore, be confident. Laughter is better than tears and 6. (angry). Smile at life, and it will shine on you. Last but not least, take an active part in activities at school, 7. will give you good chances to make friends and challenge 8. (you).

I hope the suggestions above will help you go through a rich and 9. (color) school life. I’m sure that a beautiful future 10. (wait) for you. 【答案与解析】

1. 考查名词的数。由系动词are和不定代词some(一些)可知,此处用名词的复数形式,suggestion是可数名词。故填suggestions。

2. 考查副词。proper要修饰动词短语arrange your time,副词修饰动词,此处用副词形式。故填properly。

3. 考查固定搭配。固定搭配make good use of,意为“好好利用……”。故填of。

4. 考查动词不定式。固定句型It is +adj. + to do sth.,it是形式主语,to do sth是真正主语,此处用动词不定式(to do)。故填to develop。

5. 考查连词。此处意为“你最好向老师或同学求助。”,名词your teachers和classmates是选择关系,应用连词or。故填or。

6. 考查名词。and是并列连词,前后语法结构一致,此空和名词tears并列,用不可数名词anger。故填anger。

7. 考查非限制性定语从句关系词。此句是非限制性定语从句,先行词是句子take an active part in activities at school在从句中做主语,指物,用关系代词which。故填which。 8. 考查代词。此处意为“最后但并非最不重要的是,(你)积极参加学校的活动,这将给你交朋友和挑战自我的好机会。”,祈使句的主语是you,所以表示“挑战自我”,用反身代词yourself/yourselves。故填yourself/yourselves。

9. 考查形容词。名词school life需要形容词修饰,此处用形容词形式。故填colorful。 10. 考查时态。此处意为“我相信美好的未来正等着你。”,表现在进行,应用现在进行时(am/is/are doing),主语a beautiful future是单数。故填is waiting。


I’ve been teaching college for many years, long enough to note the gradual relaxation of attention in matters of student dress. And I’ve long been used to the worn jeans, flip-flops and shorts. Still, I took note recently when one of my students showed up in pajama bottoms. I couldn’t help asking, “Did you just roll out of bed?” “Five minutes ago.” he responded.

I’m familiar with the school of thought that says that how students dress is not important, so long as they’re learning. This is much the same when they say “Grammar and spelling don’t matter, so long as they’re expressing themselves.” Perhaps. But I also wonder about the wisdom of blurring(模糊)the line between bed and desk. I should think that a careful consideration of clothes before entering a formal environment is a sort of visible reminder to oneself (and one’s teachers) that impressions are important and that we have come together to get down to business.

I suppose that I come from a time when there were “school clothes” and “play clothes,” and never did the two sorts meet. I grew up in a working-class family, to whom “looking sharp” was important. Personal appearance might have made the difference between getting and losing a job. So yes, I’m all for freedom of choice in matters of dress, and yes, I do want my students to be comfortable. But I also want to pay my respects to those students who believe that appearances matter.

I think of this lady I had in class a few years back. She was someone to whom science was never easy: She worked hard for respectable grades on every task. But I was impressed by how tastefully she dressed, day after day. When the course ended, I mentioned this to her. “You always looked so nice,” I remarked,“as if you were ready to take on the world.” 1.Which of the following statements is Not True? A.“Looking sharp” is helpful in getting a job. B.It is wise to blur the line between bed and desk. C.Students are being more and more casually dressed.

D.The author believes we should pay some respects to our appearances. 2.What does the “school of thought” mean in paragraph 2? A.a college that teaches thoughts C.a way of thinking

B.a group of students and teachers D.a branch of learning

3.What do we know about the lady in the last paragraph? A.She had a talent for science.

B.The author was impressed by her casual dressing. C.Her grades were not decent though she studied hard.

D.She was one of the students who believed that appearances matter. 4. 第二自然段中NP/AdjP/AdvP NP: AdjP: AdvP: 【答案与解析】

1.细节理解题。根据第三段的 “looking sharp” was important. Personal appearance might have made the difference between getting and losing a job.” 可以看出,“神采奕奕”对找工作很有帮助。所以A正确。根据第一段 “long enough to note the gradual relaxation of attention in matters of student dress.”可以知道,我注意到在学生着装问题上注意力逐渐放松,也就是学生们穿得越来越随便了。所以C正确。根据第二段的 “I should think that a careful consideration of clothes before entering a formal environment”以及第三段的 “I also want to pay my respects to those students who believe that appearances matter.”可知,我认为在进入正式环境之前,仔细考虑一下衣服,并且我也要向那些相信外表很重要的学生表示敬意。可以看出,作者认为我

们应该尊重自己的外表。所以选项D正确。根据第二段的 “But I also wonder about the wisdom of blurring(模糊)the line between bed and desk. I should think that a careful consideration of clothes before entering a formal environment is a sort of visible reminder to oneself (and one’s teachers) that impressions are important and that we have come together to get down to business.”可知,我在思考模糊床和桌子之间的界限是否明智,我发现在进入正式环境之前,仔细考虑一下衣服,是对自己(和老师)的一种明显的提醒,即印象是重要的。由此可以看出模糊床和桌子界限并不是明智的。所以B错误,故选B。

2.词义猜测题。第二段says that how students dress is not important, so long as they’re learning.学生的着装并不重要,只要他们在学习。此句是在评论对着装搭配的看法,所以作者很熟悉一种思维方式,故划线词的意思是“一种思维方式”,故选C。

3.推理判断题。根据最后一段的 “I was impressed by how tastefully she dressed, day after day.”以及 “ ‘You always looked so nice,’ I remarked, ‘as if you were ready to take on the world.’”可以看出,我对她日复一日的衣着品味印象深刻,并且我认为她准备好面对这个世界了,由此 可以推出,这个女士相信外表的重要性,由此判断出她是相信外表重要的学生之一。故选D。4.

NP: the thought of school, the wisdom of blurring, the line between bed and desk, a sort of AdjP: be familiar with, a careful consideration, a formal environment, visible reminder AdvP: so long as



