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Unit1 Playing Sports


1. I (赢) the first prize yesterday.

2. The activities of learning from Lei feng in our school is very (受欢迎) with students. 3. The boy tried not to (打破) the glass, but he failed(失败).

4. Jack takes an (积极的) part in volunteers during summer vocations. 5. She eats lots of (健康的) food.

6. Doing more listening (练习) every day is very important.

7. I want to (提高) my English, so I make friends with an American girl. 8. Our teacher often (鼓励) us to speak English. 9. The (现代的) computers have been in use for a month. 10. It's good to form a (习惯) of reading.

11. She (赢得) two tickets for the concert in the competition. 12. Dao Lang's songs are quite (流行的) today in the whole country. 13. Take care not to (打破) the glass.

14. That's my grandmother. She is 84. You wouldn't believe how (活跃的) she is! 15. If you want to keep (健康), you'd better take more exercise.


16. If I f these tasks, we can go to the concert. 17. She can speak three f languages, such as English, French and Japanese. 18. Every year many v come to Tibet and they are surprised to see the beautiful place. 19. Tina looks very t , and she should have a good rest. 20. After the film, she becomes f . There are always a lot of fans waiting outside her house. 21. He often goes to bed after he f his homework. 22. My uncle can speak three f languages—English, French and Japanese. 23. There are many v coming to visit our country every year. 24. The girl has lots of homework to do every day. So she is very t . 25. Zhou Jielun is f as a singer in China. 三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)

26. 明天你打算干什么?

What you tomorrow? 27. 也许你会为他们不能找到解决空气污染问题的方法而担心。(词数不限)

Maybe you fear that they won't to find the solutions to the problem of air pollution. 28. Would you like to come and us (加油)? 29. 你必须至少在开课前一个月支付课程费用。

You must your course one month before it starts. 30. Betty长大后想当一名歌手。

Betty want to a singer when she . 31. 因为公共场所禁止吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。(词数不限) I believe more and more people will smoking because it's not allowed in public. 32. 考试前听点轻音乐对你有好处。

you to listen to light music before the exam. 33. The baby (一直哭个不停). Can you stop him? 34. 丹尼很生我的气,因为我弄坏了他的眼镜。

Danny was very me, because I broke his glasses. 35. 汤姆每天花费大量时间玩电脑游戏。 Tom a lot of time every day. 四、单项选择

36. Are you going to the school English club? A. take part in B. join in C. join 37. They will China the day after tomorrow. A. leave for B. leave to C. take off 38. --- your son a camera?

--- No. He one this summer vacation. A. Has; bought; will buy B. Did; buy; bought

C. Does; buy; bought

D. Does; buy; will buy

39. Oh! It's so loud. Zhou Xin, please the music. A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up 40. --- Give him a(n) to explain. Maybe he is right.

--- All right.

A. answer B. reply C. problem D. be in

D. take

D. turn to

D. chance

41. --- Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Miss White?

--- I said I'd better go back to the office. I someone this afternoon.

A. would meet C. am going to meet

B. met D. was meeting

42. I think we can stay at home and watch TV instead of out to play. A. go B. going C. went D. goes

43. My brother can ride a horse and swim, and he can shoot . A. as well B. also C. as well as D. either

44. When will the young man the shopping center? A. get B. arrive to C. reach at D. arrive at

45. I would like with you.

A. make friends C. make a friend

B. to make friends D. to make a friend

46. --- Would you like bowl of beef noodles?

--- No, thanks.

A. one another B. another one C. two more D. more two

47. --- Would you mind in the dining hall?

--- Of course not.

A. not to smoke B. not smoking C. smoke D. not smoke

48. My father is very tired. , he is still working. A. But B. However C. Whatever D. Wherever

49. Perhaps people will fly up into space and spend their holidays on the moon .



