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1.(·四川成都外国语学校中考模拟) Writing.

Thirty-year- old Sophie has been bullied(欺凌)at school for over two years. She had her bag, keys and mobile phones stolen. Have you ever got in campus bully? Please write a passage with 80-120 words about your own opinions. Your passage should include the following points: 1. Some common forms of bullying you’ve seen or experienced. (At least two examples) 2. Some effects(影响) on the students who have been bullied at school. (At least two effects)

3. Some solutions you consider to solve the problem. (At least three solutions)

【答案】Bullying, as far as I know, is prevalent in secondary schools. Most of us have seen or even experienced that more or less. I saw John had his money stolen .Sometimes he was made to do the cleaning for others. John often feels afraid and can’t concentrate on his study. Some bullying leads to tragedy consequences, which draw public attention nationwide.

First, because students spend most of their time in school and it's the school's responsibility to protect them and stop any forms of bullying. Schools should make rules for it.Second, as we all know, parents are the best teachers for children in this world. So they are responsible for their children. 【解析】 【分析】

这是一篇给材料作文,介绍学校的欺凌事件。 【详解】

结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I saw……,Sometimes he was made to……,John often feels……,because students spend……,Schools should……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。 【点睛】

本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我经历过的欺凌事件的形式,接下来介绍学校欺凌事件对学生的影响,最后介绍解决欺凌事件的方法。此处as far as I know, more or less, concentrate on, draw public attention, be responsible for 等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


校园安全问题越来越受到重视,为了确保学生的安全,学校制订了一些规章制度。请根据提示内容,以“School safety”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。 提示:

1. 遵守校规,按时到校、离校;

2. 不接受陌生人的物品; 3. 结伴同行,天黑前到家; 4. 遇到麻烦及时告知家长和老师。 School safety

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】School safety

More and more people pay special attention to the school safety nowadays. Here are some rules to keep us safe.

First, as students, we should follow the school rules, such as not being late for school and leaving school early. Second, we shouldn’t go with strangers and we shouldn’t accept things from strangers. Third, it’s better for us to have partners on the way home and to school and we must get home before dark. Fourth, if we are in trouble, don’t forget to tell our parents or teachers as soon as possible.

I think these rules are good for us. We must obey them. 【解析】 【详解】

这是一篇话题作文,根据材料中的相关信息介绍一下校园安全。所提供的材料中列举了为了确保学生的安全,学校制订了一些规章制度。主要从1. 遵守校规,按时到校、离校;2. 不接受陌生人的物品;3. 结伴同行,天黑前到家;4. 遇到麻烦及时告知家长和老师。这四个方面去介绍。时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。本文是提建议,因此用shouldn’t或should来写。注意作文中必须包含材料上的所有信息,并适当发挥。写作时,避免使用汉语式的英语,尽量使用我们熟悉的句子或短语。语法要正确,表达要符合英语习惯,注意时态、时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,表达具有条理性。 【高分句型一】

Second, we shouldn’t go with strangers and we shouldn’t accept things from strangers. 第二,我们不应该和陌生人一起去,也不应该接受陌生人的东西。 本句话是由and连接的并列句。 【高分句型二】

I think these rules are good for us. 我认为这些规则对我们有好处。 句子these rules are good for us.是一个宾语从句。


86. 如今,中学生的学习时间长,压力大。上周我班学生对如何减压、放松进行了讨论。大家提出了许多种减压、放松的方法。请根据提示,以How Can We get relaxed为题,写一篇短文。

词汇:压力pressure 要求:


(2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥 How Can We Get Relaxed

These days, many students study too long every day and suffer from great pressure. Last week, my class had a discussion on how to get relaxed and reduce the pressure.

【答案】These days, many students study too long every day and suffer from great pressure. Last week, my class had a discussion on how to get relaxed and reduce the pressure。

The students offered different good suggestions. As well as going to the movie, listening to music, even going sightseeing at the weekends, some students think it a good way to take exercise between lessons. After all, too long study without exercise is harmful to our health. Other students feel it important to communicate with our parents. We can get help from them when we are in trouble.

In my opinion, we should spend a little time developing our hobbies like reading or doing sports while working hard. In this way, we can get relaxed and reduce the pressure. 【解析】 【详解】


亮点说明:这是一篇优秀的作文,很好的完成了试题规定的任务,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态、主谓一致,特别使用一些亮点词句,如as well as,a good way to,take exercise,after all,be harmful to,communicate with,get help from,be in trouble,in my opinion,spend+时间+(in)doing以及in this way,增强逻辑关系,增加上下文意思连贯,

用词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯。 【点睛】






4.(·广东南方求实教育集团中考模拟) 《朗读者》、《中国诗词大会》等文化类节目唤醒了中国人的阅读情结。为了激发市民们的阅读兴趣,广州开展了“书香羊城”活动。 请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对阅读的看法,并对如何培养阅读习惯和开展班级阅读活动提出建议。 阅读的好处 1、 阅读使人睿智 2、补充1-2个看法 培养阅读习惯 1、每天至少阅读20分钟 2、补充1-2个建议 开展班级阅读活动 1、观看《朗读者》,分享节目推荐的好作品。 2、补充1-2个建议 注意:1.参考词汇:《朗读者》(Readers): 作品: works (n.) 2.文章应包括所有要点:

3.词数80词以上(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数): 4.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分.

The activity of “Reading in Guangzhou “has been held in Guangzhou for quite a while. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

【答案】The activity of “Reading in Guangzhou” has been held in Guangzhou for quite a while. Reading makes us wise . It can not only help us learn more about the world but also bring us happiness. Keeping reading every day is a good habit. We should spend at least twenty minutes in reading after class. What’s more, try to make notes for good points while reading. We can also hold some reading activities in our class. For example, watch some good programs such as Readers and then share some good books introduced by the readers. Also, a book corner can be set up in our classroom so that we can read at any time after class. 【解析】 【详解】

这是一篇给材料作文,内容包括提示内容以及谈谈自己对阅读的看法,并对培养阅读习惯和开展班级阅读活动方面提出建议,人称为第一人称,时态主要为一般现在时,同时注意恰当使用连词使文章逻辑关系更为紧密。高分句型:1. It can not only help us learn more about the world but also bring us happiness. 它不仅能帮助我们更多地了解这个世界,而且能带给我们幸福。not only …but also… 不但……而且……,并列连词短语。2. Keeping reading every day is a good habit. 每天坚持阅读是一个好习惯。Keeping reading every day动名词短语作主语。3. Also, a book corner can be set up in our classroom so that we can read at any time after class.另外,我们的教室里还可以设置一个读书角,以便课后随时阅读。此句是一个复合句,主句是含有情态动词的被动语态,so that引导的是目的状语从句。


安全对于每个人都很重要。中学生年龄较小,学生安全更是人们关注的焦点。请根据以下提示,写一篇关于学生安全的英语作文。 内容提示:

1.交通安全:遵守交通规则,不闯红绿灯等; 2.食品安全:吃健康食物,不吃垃圾食品等;

3.活动安全:进行体育锻炼时,不要弄伤自己,不私自下河游泳等。 提示词语:

study hard, read, healthy food, exercise, help, chores, at home, Travel Safety is very important to everyone.


【答案】Safety is very important to everyone. Middle school students are like precious flowers – so their safety is becoming a focus for us all.

First, we must obey the traffic rules when we go out. Don’t cross the street when the light is red. Secondly, we should eat healthy food. Don’t eat junk food. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat less meat and eggs. Finally, be careful not to hurt yourself while you are playing outside. It’s dangerous to go swimming by yourself, so don’t go swimming without permission. These are some important safety tips to remember. 【解析】 【详解】




