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Supplemental information

Observed volatilization fluxes of S-metolachlor and Benoxacor applied on soil with and without crop residues

Bedos C.1*, Alletto L.2, Durand B.1, Fanucci O.1, Brut A.3, Bourdat-Deschamps M.1 , Giuliano S. 2, Loubet B. 1, Ceschia E.3, Benoit P.1

Number of pages: 4 Number of Tables: 4 Number of Figures: 4

- Air sampling

Table S 1 Air sampling

Sample number

D1S1 D1S2 D1S3 N1S4 D2S5 D2S6 D2S7 N2S8 D3S9




116.260 116.406 116.417 116.552 116.563 116.698 116.719 117.271 117.292 117.427 117.448 117.583 117.604 117.740 117.760 118.260 118.281 118.417 118.438 118.573 118.594 118.729

Duration (min)

210 210 200 795 210 210 210 735 210 210 210


116.281 116.417 116.427 116.563 116.573 116.708 116.719 117.271 117.292 117.427 117.448 117.583 117.604 117.740 117.760 118.260 118.281 118.417 118.438 118.573 118.594 118.729

Duration (min)

210 210 200 795 210 210 210 735 210 210 210

Plot 136.51 136.63 136.63 136.73 - -

136.73 137.27 137.27 137.42 137.42 137.56 137.57 137.73 137.73 138.27 138.27 138.42 138.43 138.56 138.56 138.71

Duration (min)

170 144 777 207 205 236 777 207 198 208

Table S 2 Chemical analysis

TDS3 Transfer line

Splitless method Split method 30 to 325 °C (hold 8 min) at 60 °C/min in the TDS splitless mode 325 °C

Same conditions with transfer step (transfer

-50 °C to 325 °C (hold 23 min) at 12 °C/s into the GC system) operated with split to

Cooled injection

(straight glass liner) in the solvent vent analyze highly concentrated samples


mode Helium flow rate

200 mL/min

Compound Benoxacor Metolachlor

CAS number 98730-04-2 51218-45-2

Ion 1 120 162

Ion 2 259 238

Retention time (min) 15.0 15.5

Table S 3 Calibration points for air, soil, and plant residue samples

Air sample analysis Example n°1 0.1-0.2-0.5-1-5-25 ng Example n°1 0.2-0.5-1-5-25-100 ng Example n°1 1-5-25-100-200-500 ng Example n°1 10-25-50-100-200 ng Soil sample analysis 0.01-0.035-0.07-0.15-0.25-0.375-1 μg/ml -

Recovery tests for soil and crop residue extraction

Soil and crop residues samples were spiked before extraction with a mixture of s-metholachlor, OA and ESA. The concentrations of each compound were 100 μg/kg and 150 μg/kg for soil and crop residue, respectively, corresponding to a final concentration in the extract before analysis of 0.3 μg/mL and 0.1 μg/mL, respectively.

Table S 4 Recovery results for soil and crop residue samples

Smeto OA ESA

Crop residues Soil From Aslam et al. (2014) This study From Aslam et al. (2014) n Rdt (%) Rdt (%) rdt (%) CV (%) n rdt (%) CV (%) 5 105 100 76 30 3 104 4 5 30 38 35 8 3 57 3 5 67 70 42 10 3 75 4 Figure S 1 Picture of the three wind tunnels placed in the field. The arrow with thick dashed line represents the airflow

direction inside the tunnel (left). Map of the field for the field scale experiment. The red point indicates the location of the different masts

Figure S 2 Latent heat of evaporation together with soil surface temperature for the wind-tunnel experiment

Figure S 3 Ratio of the concentrations in S-metolachlor and benoxacor in the air for each sampling periods (left) and in the applied solution, measured application dose with filters, air concentrations averaged over all sampling periods and cumulated fluxes (right)

Figure S 4 Cumulated volatilization fluxes of S-Metolachlor and Benoxacor for the wind-tunnel and field experiments



