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2020年人教版九年级英语Unit 1--5选择题专项练习

1.Although the weather is terrible, Mary gradually ____it.

A. used to B. gets used to C. uses to D. is used for

2.Tom went to school____having breakfast this morning. So he is hungry now.

A. with B. without C. in D. on

3.We visited the Great Wall____Jenny. She went to Shanghai yesterday.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for 4.I find____difficult to remember everything, though I’m still young.

A. it B. that C. this D. these 5.There are____in my English test paper.

A. a little mistakes B. a little mistake C. a few mistakes D. a few mistake 6.Agood way _______the brain is to do some math exercises every day. A.train B. training C. to train D.trained 7.Working hard is one of the secret of _______successful. A.become B.became C.to become D.becoming 8.Why did the girl find ______difficult to learn physics well? A.that B.this C.it D.it’s

9.People become interested in a certain thing and soon get ______ of it easily. A.bore B.boring C.to bore D.bored 10. As for a foreign language, it is not enough ____ hard. A.studying B. to study C.study D. studies

11. The air pollution in Linyi is ________serious ________more and more people have to go to see the doctor.

A.too; to B. so ; that C.such;that D enough ; to 12.----What does“ use it or lose it ” mean? ——It means“_________”

A.You will never lose anything B.People are always forgetful C.You’ll forget it unless you use it D. Everything is useless 13.You have to study hard ________you are cleverer than others.

A.because of B.but also C.even if D.however

14.If you forget how to spell some words, you can ________in a dictionary . A. look at them B. look up them C. look them of D. look them up

15.Good learners often ________What they need to learn ________ something interesting. A.compare ; with B. communicate; with C. connect ;with D. help ; with

16.It is reported that a plane from Malaysia , MH370, crashed(坠毁) in Southern Indian Ocean ___________the morning of March8,2014. A. on B. in C. to D.at

17.I believe _____ it’s very important for us to listen to others by heart. A. what B. that C. if D. whether

18.__________necessary thing it is to join the “Clean Your Plate ” Campaign(光盘行动)! A。 What B What a C.How D.How an

19. We Chinese ________the Chinese Spring Festival for centuries. A.has celebrated B. have celebrated C is celebrating D.celebrated

20.Chang’e story is ________touching ________many students love it very much. A.such;that B.too;to C.so; that D.enough;to

21.My mother always ________fruits and desserts in the yard ______Mid-Autumn night. A.lays out; in B.puts out ; at C. lays out; on D. puts on,in

22.I think it’s fun for children to ________as cartoon characters when they play games. A. dress up B. stay up C.make up D.put up

23.To his surprise, one of his friends refused ________to his party. A.come B.to come C.coming D.comes

24.If you don’t have an umbrella. let me share mine_______you. A.and B.for C. with D. to

25.She doesn’t want to ________more weight. A. put away B.put off C.put on D.put up

26.People all over the world hope to have good ______in the new year.


A.luckily B.luck C.luckily D.unlucky

27.Have you read Harry Potter, a famous novel _______by J.K.Rowling? A.writing B.written C. writes D. wrote

28. With the development of the society, it is _______to travel. A.more and more popular B.much and more popular C.much and much popular D.more and much popular 29.—can you sing the song, trick or treat? -----Yes,we sing it ________every Halloween. A.happy B.happily C. unhappy D.happy

30.The Browns plan _________a picnic (野餐) in the park this Sunday. A. to have B. to do C.having D.making 31.I need some ________on how to learn English well. A.suggestions B.advices C.suggestion D.advise

32. On the way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by________ A.Uncle Bob B.Uncle Bobs C. Uncle Bob’s D.The Uncle Bob 33.-----What did Lucy ask you just now? ----She asked me ____________ A.if I will come to the party.

B.that he would help me to clean the room C. who was I waiting for

D.whether there was a restaurant around

34.—Do you know __________he moved to Guangzhou? -----I’m not sure. Maybe he wants to find a better job. A.when B.how C. if D. why

35.---Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can get some postcards? ------sure, There is a _________at the end of the street. A. restroom B. bookstore C. hospital D. cafe

36.I’m not sure whether I can have a party in the open air, because it ______ the weather.A. decides on B.depends on C.lives on D.agrees on

37.Excuse me ,would you mind _______me how I can get to the library?

A.tell B.tells C.to tell D. agrees on 38.----I think He Wei is a________boy.

-----I agree with you. He always speaks________to others. A.polite; politely B.polite; polite C.politely;politely D.politely ; polite

39.---Excuse me .May I use your dictionary? -----____________.I lent it to Martin this morning,

A.Sure B.I’m afraid not C.With pleasure D.Yes, here you are 40.---oh, sorry, I’m late. I couldn’t remember_______ ---That’s all right.

A.where is your house B. where your house is C. where your house was D. where was your house 41.----Can you tell me ________on te Internet? My dear! ---OK, Mom.

A.how can I use Wechat B.How I can use Wechat C. where can I use Wechat D.whether can I use Wechat

42.We all________how she made such great progress in such a short time . ------she worked hardest in our class.

A.believed B.thought C. supposed D. wondered 43.-----What are you doing here?

——I’m waiting for _______I can buy a ticket from. A. whose B.whom C. which D.that 44.----Where is the bookstore ?

-----Take the elevator(电梯)__________ the second floor and turn left. And the bookstore is________the furniture store and the drugstore.

A.at;next to B. at; between C. to; between D.to; next to 45. I wonder where we should go next. ---____________ A.Can I help you? B.Where are you going ?


C.There is a supermarket down the street. D.How about trying that new ride over there?

46._____________his parents couldn’t be there to take care of him, they were always thinking of him.

A.Since B.Even though C.Even D.But

47.---Li Na won the women’s best single player of Australian Open last year. -----Yes,all the Chinese ________her.

A. took proud in B.take proud of C. are proud of D.are pride of 48.Every _________comes from hard work. If you want to_________,work hard. A.success; success B.succeed; succeed C.succeed:success D.success; succeed

49.I saw him____________basketball when I passed by the playground. A.playing B.played C.play D.to play 50. Whatever happens, we shouldn’t _______our hopes. A.put up B.cheer up C. keep up D.give up

51.-----Mr.Lee is really good at telling jokes, This makes him a popular teacher. A.silent B. shy C. helpful D. humorous

52.I can’t tell when the building was built _________,but it must be very old. A.quickly B.exactly C.seldom D.differently 53.---Do your grandparents live in the country or in the city?

------They _________in the country,but now they are used to living in the city. A.use t live B.used to living C.used to live D. are used to living 54.I heard that an accident happened in Linyi last week. ----Yes.It is said that the bad weather ________the accident. A.brought B.influenced C.caused D.changed 55.-----Tom didn’t come to school today.Is he ill?

-----____________.He told me he didn’t feel well yesterday afternoon. A.I’m afraid not B.I hope not C.I’m afraid so D.I don’t think so 56.---You used to be really quiet,didn’t you?

-----__________.I wasn’t very outgoing.

A.Yes, I did B.Yes,I didn’t C.No,I did D.No, I didn’t 57.Bob is interested in basketball.He is________a basketball team. A.in B.on C.at D. for

58.Last Sunday, we took a____________bus ride to climb Mount Tai. A.2hour B.2hours c.2-hour D.2—hours

59.Emily didn’t ____________to eat a lot of vegetables, but now she ______ carrots and tomatoes.A.use; love B.used; love C. used; loves D.use, loves 60.It____________five years since we met last time. A. has been B.to be C. being D.was

61.Sky lanterns are_________as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes. A.see B.saw C.seen D.seeing 62.My little cousin is an_________girl.

A.8-year-olds B.8-year-old C.8 years old D. 8-years-old 63.---You bought a new watch, didn’t you?

-----Yes,I did. The watch was made _______Switzerland. A.of B.from C. in D.at

64.Linda is a talented girl. She________drawing and singing. A.is good with B.is good at C.is good for D. is good to 65.Mo Yan is known ________his novels as a great writer. A.to B. as C.for D. with

66.Tom should do his homework before ________supper every evening. A.have B.to have C.has D.having 67.----Your new shoes are very beautiful. What brand? ---_________It is “Gucci from Italy.

A.No, they aren’t B. Thanks C.It doesn’t matter D.Not at all 68.I found ______ interesting to watch English movies. A.that B. one C. this D.it

69.You should avoid_________mistakes in your homework. A.make B. to make C.making D.made




