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70. 在他的书房人们发现了这封他写给他唯一女儿的亲笔信,信封里还有一张他们 30 年前


In his study, they found a h photo of them taken 30 years ago.

letter he had written to his only daughter, along with a

71. 我最早的童年记忆之一是母亲在炉火旁给我读故事。

One of my earliest childhood m is of my mother reading stories to me by the fire. 72. 我以为这药会让他入睡,但效果去截然相反。

I thought the medicine would make him sleep, but it had the o 73. 这并非他唯一的选择。他可以选择离开。


It's not his only o . He can choose to leave.

74. 民谣这种音乐形式经过了二十几年的沉寂又重新受到年轻人的喜爱。

After more than twenty years of silence, folk music has returned to p people again.

with young 75. 多亏了一个新的防洪项目,这些洪水现在可以成为历史了。 These floods could now be a thing of the past thanks to a new flood p VI. 综合填空(10%)


At one time, experts were against raising children in a bilingual home. They thought their brains would become confused, which would result in their development delays and poor

p (76) in studies. But we now understand that the exact o (77) is true.

Children can easily learn extra languages because of the higher ability of their brain to form new neural(神经的) connections and new brain cells throughout life. W

(78) some studies suggest that learning two languages can l unexpectedly early. B_ (79) to delays, these delays are short-lived. In addition, the brain of the children who learn two languages can benefit

(80) using a fun game with a disappearing puppet,

researchers found that babies as young as 7 months old who are raised in bilingual homes got


cognitive benefits! A study used a memory game and found that bilingual 5-year-olds answered questions faster and were more exact than their partners only learning one language.

According to a report given by the National Education Association, children who study a second language receive a r_ (81) in general development, do better in tests, are more

(82) their reading skills and social (83) to speak a second language (84).

creative, and have a better sense of achievement in school. Second language studies help kids do better in other areas of study, including i studies. Research shows that students who are a have better listening skills and sharper memories, and are better at solving difficult problems. From primary school to college, they score higher in tests than those who c And results from the Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT) also show that students who have studied another language for four or more years did better in both the spoken and maths problems of the test

In a word, learning more than one language contributes to the brain development in babies and the excellent school performance of students of all ages. Therefore, it is clear that it’s n (85) too early to learn a second language for children.

VII. 书面表达(15%)

86. 假定你是李华,你的留学生同学 Smith 对中国传统文化很感兴趣,想要了解端午节。 请你写信向他介绍中国的传统节日——端午节。包括以下要点:

1. 端午节的时间及起源(农历五月初五);

2. 端午节的习俗;

3. 邀请他端午节那天和你一起过节。

Dear Smith,

Yours, Lihua


参考答案: I. 听力(10%) 1-5 CABCA II. 单选(15%) 21-25 ACBAD III. 完型(20%) 36-40 ACBBB IV. 阅读理解(20%) 56-60 CCCCA V. 完成句子(10%) 66. advance 70. handwritten 74. popularity VI. 综合填空(10%) 76. performance 80. By 84. can’t

VII. 书面表达(15%) 参考范文:

67. awareness 71. memories 75. prevention

6-10 CABCB

11-15 ABCBA

16-20 BACAC

26-30 CCDCA

31-35 DDDDC

46-50 AAADB


41-45 DBCCB

61-65 CACCD

68. explore 72. opposite

69. gathered 73. option

77. opposite 81. rise 85. never

78. While 82. improving

79. lead 83. able

Dear Smith,

Knowing that you are interested in a traditional Chinese festival, which is called Dragon Boat Festival by Chinese, I am writing to introduce it to you.

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month in honor of the great poet, Qu Yuan. As is known to us, in order to warn the king, Qu yuan sacrifice his life to jump into the Miluo River. People were touched by his behavior and set the day he died as a festival to show honor to him. On that day, we often eat rice-dumplings and drink a special wine. Besides, what should be stressed is the dragon-boat racing, which is very interesting and exciting. People gather on both sides of the river to watch the participants spare no effort to make for the finishing line.

The dragon boat festival is approaching. Would you like to join us to spend it? Looking forward to your coming.

Yours, Lihua


1. 总共 6 个采分点(4 个要点:时间、起源、习俗、邀请+感兴趣+想了解),每点占 1 分 2. 结构:段落(至少三段)占 1 分 A 档. 信息齐全+语言好(13-14) B 档. 信息齐全+语言一般(10-12) 书写不清晰不规范者,成绩降一档。 其余酌情递减。




