Unit 1 Face to face
1.1 First impressions Step B. transcript (2 minutes 40 seconds)
1. Woman: Good evening, Mr. Green, how nice to see you again. Man: Good evening, it's nice to be back. How are you? 2. Man: good morning, madam, can I help you?
Woman: Yes, I’ve got an appointment with Mr. Henry Robinson. 3. Woman: Good afternoon, sir.
Man: good afternoon. I'd like to see Mr. Ferguson, please. 4. Man: Hello, madam, can I help you?
Woman: Yes, I'd like to know what time...
5. 1st man :( brusque) Er... good morning, sir. Do you have an appointment?
2nd man: Yes, I’ve arranged to see Ms Shapiro. I think I may be a bit early... 6. 1st man: Good morning, sir. Do you have an appointment?
2nd man: Yes, er... I've arranged to see Ms Shapiro. I think I may be a bit early...
7. Woman: Good morning, Mr. Rossi. How are you today? Man: Just fine, thanks. Is Mr. Grady in yet? Woman: I'll just find out for you...
8 Man: Er... hello, Miss Macdonald, I'm afraid... er... Mrs. Sanderson isn't back from lunch yet.
Woman: Oh, that's OK; I'll sit and wait if that's all right. Man: Oh, certainly, would you like some coffee? Woman: Mm, that's sounds a good idea, thanks. 9 Woman :( off-hand) Yes?
Man: Good morning, my name's Martin. I'm here to see Mr. Suzuki. Woman: Who? Man: Mr. Suzuke.
Woman: Oh, he's busy I think.
Man: Could you let him know I'm here, please? Woman: OK.
10 Woman: Good morning, sir.
Man: Good morning, my name's Martin, I'm here to see Mr. Suzuki.
Woman: If you'll just take a seat, Mr. Martin, I’ll let him know you're here. Man: Fine, thanks.
Woman: Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Martin's in reception for you... He's on his way down. Step D. This step introduces some expressions that are used when meeting some one for the first time,
or meeting them again after an absence. The recording illustrates and presents various exponents of the functions of meeting and greeting, used in context.
Transcript (2 minutes 10 seconds) 1. Alex White: Oh, good after noon.
Chris Grey: Good afternoon.
Alex White: Er… I’d just like to introduce myself. Er… the name’s Alex White and I’m the new
export sales co-ordinator.
Chris Grey: oh, yes. I’ve heard of you. How do you do? I’m…ER… Chris Grey, Pleased to meet you.
Er… have you just arrived?
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Alex White: Er…no, no, I got here…er… it was yesterday morning, but it,… it’s the first time
I’ve been up to this floor. So, Chris, what do you?
Chris Grey: Well, I’m not very important really. I’m…er…Jenny Santini’s assistant. She’s head
of personnel. Have you met her?
Alex White: Oh, yeah. I was introduced to her yesterday. Actually, I’m looking for Jim Price’s office.
Am I on the right floor for that?
Chris Grey: Er…well, no actually, Mr. Price is on the fifth floor. Er… if you take the lift over
in the corner you…
from our sales office in Toronto. Liz Jones: Hi!
Claire Smith: How do you do, Mrs. Jones? I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Liz Jones: Oh, please call me Liz. Claire Smith: And I’m Claire. Liz Jones: Hi.
Claire Smith: Well, Liz, did you have a good journey?
L: Yeah, not too bad. God, there was all this fog at Heathrow, though. C: Oh no, what happened?
L: Oh, it was … my flight was diverted to Bournemouth, ye … and then we had to go by bus from there to London. So… I didn’t get to my hotel till lunchtime, it was crazy…
3. Mrs. Green: Mr. Evans, um … have you met Miss Lucas? She’s from Argentina.
Mr. Evans: Yes, I think we’ve met before. It’s good to see you again! Miss Lucas: That’s right, hello again. How are you?
Mr. Evans: Fine, thanks. Er … must be, what, a couple of years since we last met? Miss Lucas: Oh, even longer – four years ago I think. In Miami, wasn’t it?
Mr. Evans: yes! Yes, that was an interesting conference! Ha… W… would you both like some coffee? Miss Lucas: Oh, thanks a lot, Mr. Evans. Er… white with sugar for me. Mr. Evans: Right.
Mrs. Green: Er… Miss Lucas, er … whereabouts do you come from in Argentina? Miss Lucas: Er… well… mm… I live in Buenos Aires, but I was raised in Mendoza. Mrs. Green: Oh, was it… that’s in the north…
1.3 What do you enjoy about your work? Step A. what do they do? Transcript (4 minutes 20 seconds)
Ian: My name’s Ian McShane and I’m the group accountant for Small World-wide. I’m responsible for the day-to-day accounting for the group, covering financial management, management accounting, cash books, purchase ledger, sales ledger, credit control and so on.
Virtually every day you’ve got a different kind of … er… job to tackle, it’s always without exception urgent. I’m always up against deadlines and therefore I’m never bored. I find the whole of finance fascinating anyway and the whole exercise is very, very interesting.
It’s not very pleasant being difficult, or having to be difficult with people to get money out of them. I don’t particularly like doing that.
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2. Tony Harris: Ms Smith… er… I’d like you to meet Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones is
Lesley: My name’s Lesley Trigg. At Small World I work as an administrator for the international business development group. My responsibilities are responding to correspondence, making sure that meetings are scheduled for the right rooms at the right places. Um… also I deal with organizing people’s travel in the company to various different countries throughout the world.
The most important thing that I enjoy is actually the people that are here in Small World. The people are very friendly and I enjoy the work.
I wish at times I was a little bit more busier. Um… I have to wait for people to generate work for me and, as working within the international business development group most of the people actually work in … within other countries, because they’re going out into other countries to find partners that will assist Small World. And when they’re out of the country they’re not generating the work for me back in the office, they generate the work when they’re back in the office for me to deal with.
Patrick: My name is Patrick Verdon. I deal with the systems administration for Small World. I think the best description of systems administration is that it’s a trouble-shooting kind of job, there are all kinds of responsibilities, such as back-up of data, installation of new machines, installation of the operating system and the installation of the product that… er… Small World actually produces. It’s quite a challenge, because there’s such a variety of problems: sometimes it’ll be a loose cable on a … on a machine that’s a problem, another time it’ll take hours to solve.
I think the nice part of systems administration is the challenge. Um…sometimes it’s very quiet, but on the other hand you can have a day when it’s completely hectic and all kinds of different problems come up. So y… you’re always being confronted with… with different problems, which is nice.
The things I don’t enjoy are the routine back-ups of all the data, these take a bit of time. The other thing that I don’t quite like is the … the out of hours concept of system… systems administration, because the best time to actually fix problems is when people aren’t working, which means that ideally we should do that after six when everybody’s gone home, so, yes, we can be here until the early hours of the morning at the extreme.
Paul: I’m Paul Lockwood, and I’m one of the training officers at Small World and my job is to… um… run and provide training courses for our customers and agents.
The thing I enjoy most about my work is… um… being able to have direct contact with customers and … er … direct knowledge of the sort of problems they encounter and how to resolve them.
The things I don’t enjoy so much is that I feel that I … I … um … tend to be spending a lot of time either teaching or preparing training material, and I don’t get enough chance to do hands-on programming that I would like to do. I do have to have the skills of programming but what I don’t get the opportunity to do at the moment is to actually use the to develop real applications for customers, I’m just showing other people how to do it.
Generally speaking, I … I enjoy my job. I … I enjoy the company that I work for. Um … it’s a very good environment, a very stimulating environment. 1.5 Developing relationships
Step A. Transcript (3 minutes 10 seconds)
1. Bob: Er … Tony?
Tony: Mmm.
Bob: Er … I’d like to see you for a minute, would you come into the office? Tony: Oh, yeah, right.
Bob: Good. Now, how did you get on in Copenhagen?
Tony: Ah, yeah … er … well, Carlsson had the flu, so I couldn’t see him.
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Bob: Couldn’t see him?
Tony: No, so I had to see his assistant. And, you know, we … er … we got along quite well, but … um… th … er …. There are problems w … er .. Crystals got in before us. Bob: Oh Lord!
Tony: Yeah, they were in last week. So … er … they … you know, they … they spent days there and … er … it was all wrapped up really by the time I got there.
Bob: Is it … is it a question of .. of .. of supply? Are we … are we not producing enough for them? Tony: Well, no, they didn’t really look at the figures, quite frankly, and I showed them the figures and they … they weren’t interested.
Bob: Yeah, well you see the trouble is that we’ve got a … we’ve got an on-going problem…
2. Mr. Allen: Now, Barry … er … and Susanna, have you got your worksheet in front of you – fact sheet
Barry & Susanna: Yes.
Mr. Allen: Now you can see here that Miss Henry is James Ferguson’s personal assistant. That’s pretty important to know. Ted Douglas is the chief export clerk. Susanna: Ah, right.
Mr. Allen: Er… Barry, you’re going to be working with Susanna very closely here… Barry: Good.
Mr. Allen: And … er … I think it’s very important, Barry, that you … er … get together with Susanna over there and try to work out the … the letter filing system here. Barry: Uhuh. Susanna: Mmm.
Mr. Allen: now, as you can see, we’ve … er … as you can see on your fact sheet here we’ve got it marked Urgent and Non-urgent. Barry: Yeah.
Mr. Allen: Er… anything essential I’ll take care of, OK? Haha. Barry& Susanna: Haha.
3. Mr. Green: OK, Martin, er… let’s go through it again. You go to the airport.
Martin: Right.
Mr. Green: OK. Terminal 2.
Mr. Green: Pick up Glenn Donaldson. Martin: Glenn Donaldson.
Mr. Green: Now I want you to write this down. Martin: Yeah, I’ve got it down.
Mr. Green: OK, he’s arriving from Miami on the flight number LX432. Martin: LX432.
Mr. Green: Have you got that? Martin: Yeah, I’ve got it.
Mr. Green: Right, off you go. Get back here as soon as you can. Martin: Yes, sir, Mr. Green. Mr. Green: Thank you.
4. Mandy: Geoff, um … could you just come over here a minute and have a look at this sketch?
Geoff: Yes, sure.
Mandy: What do you think?
Geoff: Aha, yes, well you’ve put a lot of work into it, that’s … that’s very good. I’m not too happy about this border round here… um… Mandy: No?
Geoff: Maybe you could try another go at that. Mandy: I will, I’ll try again. Ok.
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5. Tony: Mrs. Lang, could I have a word, please?
Mrs. Lang: Oh, yes, Tony, of course.
Tony: I wondered if I might have next Friday off. My sister’s arriving from Switzerland… er … I’d like to meet he at the airport.
Mrs. Lang: Oh, Friday’s rather difficult. What time does she arrive? Tony: Well, the plane gets in at four pm.
Mrs. Lang: Oh, I know, Tony! Why don’t you go off just after lunch, then you’ll manage to get to the airport on time to meet her at four.
Tony: Oh, thank you very much, Mrs. Lang.
Step C:
Transcript (1 minute)
Host: Mary, hello again. Do come in and sit down! How are you getting on? Visitor: Hello. I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
Host: Oh, very well thanks. Did you … er… did you have a good journey? (more small talk)
visitor: … Well, I know I’m lucky to be here this soon.
Host: Yes, haha. Right, let’s get down to business, shall we? Visitor: Yes, all right.
Host: OK, first of all if we could just look at erm… (main business phase of the meeting) Host: Yeah. Yep, sure.
Visitor: Oh, and now I really must be going, I’ve … er …
Host: Sure you won’t have … er … some coffee or something before you go? Visitor: Oh, no, no, thanks. I haven’t really got time. Sorry. Host: OK, well, see you again soon, I hope!
Visitor: Yes, yes, I … I’m glad we were able to meet. Host: Oh, so am I. Um… I’ll come downstairs with you…
Unit 2 Letters, faxes and memos
2.1 Communicating in writing
Step B. Transcript (1minute 20 seconds)
Mr. W: Ah, Maria, I wanted to see you, um … did I tell you that we’re starting up the English classes
Maria: Oh, are you? Great, good. Where?
Mr. W: Er… in the training centre, hopefully. We’re getting Mr. Roberts in again from ELS. So could you
tell your people and let me have a list of names by … um… let’s say Wednesday?
Maria: Yes, yes … um … Last time there was a bit of misunderstanding about the books they needed … um…
who was going to pay for them.
Mr. W: Oh, really? Well, no problem this time, we’ll provide the books. But they will have to do some homework
outside work, make sure they realize that. Um… or else there’ll probably be some problems. Er… there’ll be two classes, by the way: an intermediate class and an advanced one. But there will be a limit in each of the classes of … probably about twelve.
Maria: Oh, really, a limit of twelve? Ah, well, what if there are more people wanting to come? I mean, I
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