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(90 minutes)

Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points; 15 minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. In no circumstances __________ a lie.

A. you should tell B. shouldn't you tell C. you shouldn't tell D. should you tell

2. __________they managed to take from the tombs, there seemed to be no end to the valuable.

A. What B. Which C. How much D. However much

3. The ten-page report may __________ one simple point: it’s impractical to establish a chemical plant in that region with so many difficulties and oppositions. A. get down to B. come down to C. settle down D. take down

4. Don’t do that again! You not only endangered yourself, but also put your friend __________.

A. as a result B. at length C. at risk D. by mistake

5. “Perhaps you should go home now.” “No, I __________ on staying here for a while longer.”

A. persist B. stick C. sit D. insist

6. __________ a major disaster will get us to realize that we can’t go on destroying the rain forests of the world.

A. Anything but B. Nothing but

C. But that D. Everything hut

7. We went very often to Hyde Park __________ speakers addressed the passing crowds on different subjects.

A. which B. where C. that D. for

8. The matter __________ you were arguing about last night had been settled. A. as B. that C. for which D. what

9. The Chinese Red Cross __________ a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled.

A. assigned B. contributed C. furnished D. administered

10. The motorway __________ we drive to work is always crowded. A. that B. on which C. which D. on that

11. If he __________ promotion, he would be an important man today. A. gained B. had gained C. gains D. was to gain

12. Will the AIDS patients benefit __________ the new drug

A. out of B. through C. upon D. from

13. Fond of singing as she is, she is __________ a good singer by profession. A. everything but B. anything but C. nothing but D. something but

14. Could you tell me __________ to fly from Chicago to New York A. it costs how much B. how much does it cost

C. how much costs it D. how much it costs 15. I was very tired. Otherwise, I ___________ to the theatre with you. A. had gone B. would go C. went D. would have gone 16. He couldn’t even __________ a cow from a horse.

A. tell B. contrast C. compare D. recognize

17. Are you sure Mr. Johnson will show you __________ the new computer A. to use B. using C. how to use D. what to use

18. Quite a lot of people watch TV only to __________ time. A. waste B. spend C. kill D. pass

19. The soldiers were put in prison because they __________ to obey orders.. A. refused B. rejected C. denied D. objected 20. I missed the train and __________ was late for school.

A. finally B. eventually C. subsequently D. consequently Part II. Cloze Test (10 points;20 minutes)

Directions: Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase

marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Blacken the corresponding

letter of the word or phrase you have chosen on the Answer Sheet.

Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land .Geographers(地理学家)compare and contrast 21 places on the earth. But they also 22 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 23 . The world geography 24 from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth” and graphein, 25 means “to write”. The English word geography means, “to describe the earth”. 26 Geography books focus on a small area 27 a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 28 continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another 29 to divide the study of 30 is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the 31 starts with human beings and 32 how human beings and their

subject, 33 branch can neglect the other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, 34 branch can neglect the other.

A geographer might be described 35 one who observes records and explains the __36_

between places. If places 37 alike, there would be little need for geographers.

We know, however, 38 no two places are exactly the same.

Geography, 39 is a point of view, a special way of 40 at places. 21. A. similar B. various C. distant D. famous

22. A. pass B. reach C. go D. set

23. A. whole B. unit C. part D. total

24. A. falls B. removes C. results D. comes

25. A. what B. that C. which D. it

26. A. Some B. Many C. Most D. Few

27. A. outside B. except C. like D. as

28. A. extensive B. enormous C. overall D. entire

29. A. way B. means C. habits D. technique

30. A. world B. earth C. globe D. geography

31. A. second B. latter C. next D. later

32. A. learns B. realizes C. studies D. believes

33. A. upon B. for C. as D. to

34. A. either B. neither C. one D. each

35. A. for B. to C. by D. as

36. A. exception B. differences C. sameness divisions

37. A being B. are C. were D. be

38. A. although B. whether C. since D. that 39. A. then B.

nevertheless C .still D. moreover 40. A. working B. getting C. arriving D. looking

Part III. Reading Comprehension (40 points; 55 minutes) Section 1




