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河南省上蔡县第一初级中学九年级英语全册Unit 8 Ill help clean up th

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Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks



hunger homeless aadvertisement establish

elementary coach cheer up give out.put off set up think up 掌握重点句型

(1)I’d like to work outside. (2)He looks sad.let’s cheer him up. (3)You should help cleanup the city parks.

(4)We are going to set up a food bank to help hungry people. (5)We need to come up with some ideas. 3.语法:短语动词

4.学会用英语表达关于提供帮助的话题 第四课时(3a~4) 预习: 英汉互译:

put up__________ 2.work out__________ 3.call up sb___________ 4.告诉某人某事___________________ 5.发广告单___________________ 6.打扫__________________________ 7.fill…with…_______________ 8.帮助某人摆脱(困境)______________

9.一条经过特殊训练的狗_____________________10.at once_____________ 二.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1.The man f__________the room with books.

2.He is b___________in the left eye.and feels very sad.

3.The girl ran into a room and s__________the door behind her. 4.Would you_________(去拿来)my cup over there?

5.I can’t__________(想象)living without my life or friends. 重点点拔

知识点1.He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem.他张贴海报来寻求自行车,而且打电话给他所有的朋友,告诉他们他的问题。

(1)此句是一简单句,主语是he,谓语为三个并列动词(词组)put up called up/told表示一系列连续工作。

(2)在put up some signs asking for old bikes中asking for old bikes为现在分词短语作状语.

(3)put up为短语动词,意为“张贴,展示”call up也为短语动词,意为打电话。 e.g:Don’ t___________up signs on that wall.

知识点2:work out短语动词,意为“结果为;产生结果,发展”。 如:Things have worked out quite well for us. Workout还有“计算出,找到答案,处理,解决”的意思。 e.g. Have you worked_0_________the answer? 反馈练习 单项选择

( )1.I_________some clothes to charity because they were too small for me. A.gave out B.gave away C.gave off D.gave up

( )2.Our math teacher will only give us 5 minutes________this problem. A.find out B.work out C.to give out D.to work out ( )3.They need to come_________a good plan.

A.on with B.up to C.on to D.up with ( )4.The examination results will be_________tomorrow. A.put out B.put up C.work out D.set up

( )5.They_________a monument(纪念碑)to the memory of the revolutionaries. A.set for B.set up C.set off D.set to ( )6.Tell me when you are in trouble,I will________you________. A.help,out B.help;with C.help;on D.help;for

( )7.I left my keys in my aunt’s hourse.I felt very tired and didn’t.Want to_________them.

A.take B.bring C.carry D.fetch

( )8.You will__________his novels after reading his biography. A.look Bfind C.appreciate D.hear 二.从方框中选择适当的短语完成句子。 Come up with,take after,fix up,clean up,put off,set up,hand out,hangout,cheer up,run out of Mother will he late.So let’s_________our lunch wntil 12:30. The teacher will________the papers in class. The man wants to _________a shop next year.

Jimmy is very sad.Everyone is trying________him_________. We need_________a plan on May Day.

I’ll help_________the city parks on Vocunteer Day.

She doesn’t look like her mother;she_________her father. Look,Jim_________his old bike.

She wanted to buy the nice dress,but she_______all of the money in her pocket. I’d like_________at the sports club with my friends at weekends. 课堂练习

短文填空(用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,有两项多余) Interview,out,with,call,hand,up,away,set,cheer,give Last week everyone was trying to 1 up Jimmythe Bike boy,But this week,Jimmy is happy again.On Monday he told a a radio 2________that he had run out of money to buy old bikes.He also put 3 some gigns asking for old bikes and 4 up all his friends and to them about the problem.He even 5 out advertisements at a local market.Then he told the teachers at school about his brotlem and they 6 up a call—in center for parents,The strategies that he came up with worked 7 Fine.He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give 8 to children who don’t have bikes.


1.The boy can help his mother do a lot of things like____(clean)the room.

2.The people in the village often imagine________(live)a happy life in the future.

3.The girl has passed the exam and is filled with________(please). 4.________(be)a blind man is not easy to walk in the street. 5.I felt very________(luck)to have such a good job now. 三.单项选择.

( )1.Your classroom is so dirty.Everyone should keep it_______. A.dry B.open C.clean D.quiet ( )2.—What was the result of the games? I was ill on Saturday,So I_________it.

A.failed B.fell C.lost D.missed

( )3.—Great Changes have taken place in this city—Right,Many modern tall buildings have been_________these years.

A.turned up B.put up C.shown up D.fixed up ( )4.We________the number again,but failed to get a connection. A.call up B.ring up C.rang up D.rang

( )5.Not only Jim but also his sister__________a few cities in the south since they came to China.

A.will visit B.has visited C.have visited D.visited

()6.—James,your socks are on the chair,please_________ ________Ok.Mum. A.put it away B.put away it C.put them away D.put away them

( )7.There is going to ________a sports meeting next week. If it________we’ll have to cancel it.

A.be;will rain B.have;will rain C.be;rains 四.句型转换.

1.They are going to establish a food to hlp hungry people.(改为同义句)

They are going to__________ ___________a food bank to help hungry people. At last the girl thought up a good idea to help my grandpa9(同上)

At last the girl________ ________ ________a good idea to help my grandpa. It took him two hours to fix up the bike.(同上) He________two hours_________ ________up the bike. The daughter takes after her mother.(同上)

The daughter_________ _________ ________her mother. 5.I have given all my new books away(同上).

I________ _________any________of the new books now Reading. 学习目标


Disabled肢体有残疾的 pleasure愉快 blind盲的

Deaf聋的 unable不能的 shut关上 specially特意的、专门的 fetch取来 support支持,帮助 arrreciate感激,欣赏

donate捐赠 fill…with用…填充 help sbout帮助,某人解决困难 掌握重点句型

For sure,you have helped made it possible for me to have…Lucky”,who has filled my life with pleasure.

…a friend of mine said that.she would like to help me out.

Your donation is greatly appreliated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me.


Unit 8 参考答案 第四课时 预习

一.1.搭起、挂起 2.事情发展成功;算出 3.给某人打电话

4.tell sb about sth 5.give out advertisements 6.clean up 7.用…填充/满 8.help sb out 9.a specially trained deg 10.立即,马上…

二.1.filled 2.blind 3.shut 4.fetch 5.imagine 重点点拔

反馈练习:一.1—5BDDBB 6—8ADC

二.1.put off 2.hand out 3.set up 4.cheer、up 5.to come up with 6.clean up 7.takes after 8.is fixing up 9.ran out of 10.hang out 课堂练习

1.cheer 2.interviewer 3.up 4.called 5.handed 6.set 7.out 8.away

二.1.cleaning 2.living 3.pleasure 4.Being 5.Lucky

三.1—5CDBCB 6—7CC

四.1.set up 2.came up with 3.spent…on fixing 4.is simlilar to 5.don’t have,more

河南省上蔡县第一初级中学九年级英语全册Unit 8 Ill help clean up th


