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中考英语满分系列训练 之


Test 7


Reading Is a Way of Thinking 阅读是思考的一种方式

Good readers know that reading l only about knowing words—it is a way of 2 . Smart readers think before, during and 3 reading. Here are some points that may be 4 .

※Think before you read. Before you read the passage, ask 5 why you are reading it and what you want to 6 it. These questions will help you 7 what words you need to know and what words you can skip (跳过).

※Think while you are reading. Can you get the meaning of the passage without 8 the new words in a dictionary? Are there any clues (线索) in the passage? A passage will often give you some examples. They may help you understand 9 some of the words mean. Please look at the sentence:

Many large Russian cities, such as Chelyabinsk and Irkutsk, have done something to protect their culture. The words \the 10 . ※Think after you read. Did you 11 the passage? Could you 12 the meaning of the new words? 13 words do you need to look up?

If you practice reading and thinking 14 this way, you will become a smarter reader and you will learn 15 , faster and better! 1. A. are B. isn't C. aren't D. must be 2. A. thinking B. writing C. listening D. speaking 3. A. while B. until C. after D. as 4. A. interesting B. careful C. funny D. useful 5. A. herself B. yourself C. himself D. myself 6. A. get up B. get on C. get from D. get to 7. A. choosing B. choose C. making D. make 8. A. looking at B. looking after C. looking up D. looking like 9. A. why B. where C. which D. what 10. A. cities B. rivers C. people D. animals 11. A. hear B. find C. understand D. have 12. A. guess B. write C. think D. watch 13. A. Whose B. How much C. Which D. Whom 14. A. in B. on C. for D. at 15. A. much B. less C. fewer D. more 二、阅读理解


The Top Students in the World-Finnish 世界上最优秀的学生——芬兰人

Who are the top students in the world, do you know? Last week the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD, 经合济作与发展组织) picked the best students in the world. They are Finnish. The

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OECD gave a test to 280,000 15-year-old students from more than 40 countries and regions (地区) last year. The OECD wanted to know how well students were doing at school.21教育网

Finnish students were No. 1 in the reading test and second in maths after Hong Kong students. Those from Japan and Finland were top in science. In the problem-solving, Finnish students came second to those from South Korea. The test also showed Finland had more top students than the other countries.21cnjy.com

Finns (芬兰人) of your age have done a really good job but don't have a sense of

envy. You can learn from them. Most Finnish students make good use of the Internet. Of course not for computer games, but for doing more exercises and finding out more information.

Libraries are also important. Finland spends a lot of money on them. Many students have a free card. They read for at least one hour a day.

What do you usually do on the Internet? How often do you go to libraries? 1. Students from which country or region did best in the reading test?

A. South Korea. B. Hong Kong. C. Finland. D. France. 2. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Hong Kong students were No. 1 in maths.

B. Finnish students were the first of all the tests.21·cn·jy·com C. Finnish students did well in the problem-solving. D. Japanese students were top in science. 3. From this passage, we know that ___________.

A. the test can make the students lose their interest in learning B. the test is designed to find out good ways to use the Internet C. it's hard to tell who are the best students in the world D. Finnish students make better use of the Internet and libraries


Damien Barry's Strange Illness Gets Cured

Damien Barry的怪病治好了

For almost two years, Damien Barry had suffered from a strange illness that gave him terrible pain in his stomach. He had to go to the hospital eight times a year. He had to stop playing sports and eating his favourite food. He always felt tired and pain. The hardest thing was that it was not known what was wrong with his stomach. He had to have lots of uncomfortable tests, but there was still no answer.

One day, Damien was given a new test. It was very simple. All he had to do was to swallow a camera! But it isn't a usual camera. This camera is only 2. 6cm long, the same size as a pill. It went down into his stomach and then travelled through his body the same way as food normally does. As Damien walked home from the hospital, the tiny camera was busy taking pictures inside his body. Seven hours later, Damien went back to the hospital and the pictures could be seen on a computer. Damien had some large ulcers (溃疡). He needed an operation and doctors knew they could make him better.

So, thanks to the new camera, Damien Barry's strange illness gets cured. 1. Damien's illness was strange because . A. he never felt any pain B. he was always energetic C. he always felt hungry D. nobody knew the reason 2. What does the underlined word \

A. 正视 B. 咬紧 C. 吞咽 D. 紧贴 3. Which of the following is NOT true about the camera?

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A. It is only 2. 6cm long. B. It is as small as a pill. C. It is made from food.

D. It can take pictures inside one's body. 三、任务型阅读

Some Classes That Only Girls Can Take


You may know that there are schools only for girls, but have you heard about some of the classes that only girls can take?

Guangdong Province is planning special classes for girls from primary school to high school. This program will help girls solve some of the problems troubling women today, according to the Guangzhou Daily.

For example, some girls pursue beauty and hurt themselves to lose weight; some women think being a full-time mom is better than working.21*cnjy*com

\前任的) president of an all-girls school in Guangdong, said. \

Many, like Miu, support the idea, saying the program will help girls to feel strong and confident. It will also teach them useful skills that they can use to protect themselves in difficult situations.

There are similar programs for girls in the West, too. For example, in California, US, there's a program called \to teach them about teamwork and real-life skills and to give them self-confidence.

However, some have different opinions about the program. They say such classes may only give the idea that being a girl will cause lots of problems.

\would be bad for their self-esteem (自尊心). \ 阅读短文, 完成下面的表格(每空一词) Problems Reasons Some girls lost weight for beauty but hurt themselves. Some women prefer being a full-time mom to working. l. There are some l in female education. 2. The education today doesn't consider girls' 2 . 3. This program will help girls solve some problems troubling women today. Program: special classes for girls Against For 4. The program will help girls to become 3 and 4 . 5. The program will teach girls some 5 skills. 6. Girls can use what they've learnt in class to 6 themselves. 7. Such classes will give girls the idea that being a girl is the cause of all of their 7 . 8. Such lessons will make girls think they are 8 and it's 9 for their ____10 . Test 7 一、完形填空

思路点拨:阅读不仅仅只是认识单词,而是一种思考的过程。读前、读中和读后都需要思考。只有会思考,才能学得更多、更快、更好。 答案解析:

1.B。根据句意和后面表达的内容看,这里想说的是:阅读不只是识字。 2.A。结合后面的“Smart readers think”可以推测本空应选填thinking(思考)。 3.C。根据前面的before,during,可以推测此处为after,即:阅读前、阅读中和阅读后。 4.D。因为是提建议,因此应该是有用的( helpful)建议。

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5.B。此句要表达的意思是“问自己为什么阅读等问题”。 6.C。构成get sth. from...结构,其中的sth.就是前面的what。 7.B。help后面接动词原形,选用choose,表示“挑选”的意思。 8.C。选用look up,表示“查阅”的意思。 9.D。选用what作mean的宾语。

10.A。前面说到的是Russian cities,所以这两个名词应该是城市名。

11C。因为是阅读完了,所以此句应该是问:“你明白文章吗?”,故应选用understand。 12.A。new words一般不认识,所以应该是猜词(guess)的意思。 13.C。用which表示“哪些词要查(字典)”。 14.A。in this way表示“以这种方式”。

15.D。根据内容看,本句的意思是“学得更多、更快、更好,才是聪明的读者”。 二、阅读理解 A

思路点拨:据调查,芬兰学生是世界上最优秀的学生。在与各国被调查的学生的对比中可以知道,他们在阅读方面最强,数学和解决问题的能力第二,科学也是名列前茅。芬兰的学生十分喜欢看书,而且能很好地运用网络。 21*cnjy*com 答案解析:

1.C。通过分析文章的第二段内容可以发现,芬兰学生在阅读方面排第一。因此C力正确选项。 2.B。第二段中说到芬兰学生很优秀,但不都是名列榜首的。故选B。

3.D。根据“Most Finnish students make good use of the Internet”和“Many students have a free card. They read for at least one hour a day”可以看出,芬兰的学生会充分合理地运用网络,并乐意多读书。 B

思路点拨:Damien Barry两年前得了一种怪病,胃里疼痛难忍,经常去医院治疗,没有人能诊断出什么毛病,后来,医院采取一种新的诊疗措施,很快治好了他的病。 答案解析:

1.D。通读文章第一段理解,Damien Barry的病之所以怪是因为没有医生能诊断出病因。

2.C。通读第二段,由本单词所在句子知这个camera在他身体里的活动情况,所以推断此处意为“吞咽”。 3.C。根据文中对camera的描述,A、B、D项与文意相符,故选C项。 三、任务型阅读


1. weaknesses 2. personalities 3. strong 4. confident 5. useful 6. protect 7. problems 8. weak 9. bad 10. self-esteem

Test 8


Don't Stop Half Way! 不能半途而废!

My parents took me to Japan when I was little. I lived there for five years. 1 I came back, my Japanese was very good. \

Then, one day last spring, I got a good opportunity (机会).

Everyone was afraid of SARS, so I stayed at home with 2 to do.

My father brought me a Japanese book. “Why don't you translate (翻译) it into Chinese? It will be better than 3 computer games all day.\

I promised (许诺) to do 2,000 words each day. But 4 I found it was hard to keep the promise. One day in May, the weather was beautiful. But I couldn't go out. Those 2,000 words were still 5 me.

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After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book.

I looked at it for a long time. But I couldn't make myself turn the pages. How I 6 I could just go outside and play football with my friends!

I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up.

I felt as if two people were fighting 7 my mind. One said, \you'll do well!\ 8 than translating, Do your work tomorrow. \

I stood up and would 9 the computer.

But then I remembered 10 my parents had told me, \down and went on with it.

1. A. Because B. Until C. Since D. When 2. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 3. A. be played B. playing C. played D. plays 4. A. just then B. right now C. soon D. suddenly 5. A. talking to B. looking at C. smiling at D. waiting for 6. A. thought B. felt C. wished D. decided 7. A. in B. with C. about D. for 8. A. fun B. important C. useful D. dangerous 9. A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close 10. A. how B. where C. which D. what 二、阅读理解


The Crystal Palace水晶宫

Do you know the most unusual building of the 19th century? Perhaps it was the Crystal Palace. It was built of iron and glass in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world. It was one of the biggest buildings of the time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. People from all parts of the world sent quite a lot of goods to the exhibition. There was also a lot of machinery on show. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer (锤子). Though in those days, travel wasn't so easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the English Channel from Europe. As soon as they got to England, trains took them to the Crystal Park. There were 6,000,000 visitors in all, and the money they got from the exhibition went to the building of museums and colleges later, they moved the Crystal Palace to South London. It was one of the most famous buildings until a great fire pulled it down in 1936.

1. We can learn from the passage that Hyde Park is more than ____________ years old. A. 100 B. 165 C. 150 D. 65 2. The underlined word \ A. something for exhibition B. iron and glass C. machines in general D. a steam hammer

3. If it cost every visitor l.5 pounds to visit the Crystal Palace, how much money did England get from the visitors?

A. £1,000,000. B. £9,000,000. C. £7,500,00. D. £6,000,000. 4. How could visitors to the Crystal Palace cross the English Channel in the least possible time? A. By steam boat. B. By air. C. By train. D. By machinery. 5. What happened to the Crystal Palace in 1936?

A. It began to be one of the most famous buildings of the world.

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B. People changed it into a college and museum after a fire. C. A fire pulled it down.

D. People built a museum and a college near it.


A Wrong Question 一个错误的问题

One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw a woman, who lived a few miles away, sitting on a bench with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman.

Jack walked up to the woman and said, \\The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】



They both laughed and then Jack said, \

“No,\“He's never bitten anyone. He's always gentle and friendly. \21教育名师原创作品

Hearing this, Jack decided to hold out his hand and touched the animal's head. Suddenly it jumped up and bit him.


Sue replied in surprise, \1. The dog looked at the woman because _______________.

A. the woman wanted to feed him B. the woman was friendly C. he was strong and healthy D. he was hungry 2. Jack and Sue were _______________.

A. friends B. next-door neighbors C. strangers D. in the same family 3. Jack touched the dog because he believed _______________.【出处:21教育名师】 A. the dog was handsome B. Sue's dog was unfriendly C. the dog belonged to Sue D. Sue's dog was at home 4. We can infer from the passage that _______________. A. Sue gave a wrong answer B. Jack made a mistake C. the dog wasn't dangerous

D. both Jack and Sue liked the dog 三、任务型阅读

My school Life

I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me, a boy, meant play, play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning something. However, I changed the way I used to behave (表现) at school with the help of my teachers. I tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the school rules.

Growing and learning were great fun. Every year we had different kinds of school trips. Not only could we learn many things from them, but also we were given many projects(课题)as homework. It helped us know more. At the same time, we made many good friends. In Grade 8, I won prizes in drawing and English speech competition. When I was in Grade 9, I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because I was going to take the exams into senior (高级的) middle school.

Whenever I think of my school life, I feel very happy and I think in everybody's school life there are many ups and downs that influence his life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. “School\

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