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基于单片机的直流电机调速系统设计 - 图文 

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基于单片机的直流电机调速系统设计 Dc motor speed control system design based on

single chip microputer

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亚妮 信电工程学院 电子信息科学与技术


2011年 5月 25日








This topic is on the research of the dc motor PWM speed controller design, the main implementation of the control of the motor so in the design, principle of dc speed control, dc speed control and speed control characteristic, the basic principle of PWM and implementation approach are prehensively described.

For the realization of the system of microputer control, in the design, adopted AT89S52 single chip microputer as the core part of the whole control circuit of the control system, match with all kinds of display, driver module, realize display and measurement of the rotational speed of the motor; By the mand input module, photoelectric isolation module and H driver module.Adopt independent type keyboard with interruption as mand input, monolithic integrated circuit under the control of the program, constantly send H drive circuit PWM waveform, the plete motor and reversing control in the design, using PWM speed control mode, by changing the PWM duty cycle to change the armature voltage of the motor, and then realize to the speed of the motor.On the design of the whole control system, the hardware structure by a large number of integrated circuit module, greatly simplify the hardware circuit, improve the stability and reliability of the system, improve the performance of the whole system

KeywordsAT89S52 single chip microputerPulse Width Modulation Basic principleH drive circuit


目 录

1 绪论1

1.1 单片机简介1 1.2 选题的目的和意义2 1.3 研究背景与方法3 2硬件系统设计4 2.1 技术基础4

2.1.1直流电机的结构4 2.1.2直流电机的工作原理4 2.1.3 直流电机的主要的技术参数4 2.1.4直流电机的调速的技术指标5 2.2系统总体方案设计6 2.3 硬件系统设计6 2.3.1 控制电路的设计7

2.3.2 PWM驱动模块电路的设计7 2.3.3 光电开关测速部分电路的设计8 2.3.4 电机控制正反转电路设计9 2.3.5 数码管显示设计10 2.3.6 整个电路原理图11 3 软件系统设计12 3.1 主程序设计12 3.2 按键控制程序设计14 3.3 PWM软件程序设计14 3.4 数码管显示程序设计15 4 系统功能调试17 4.1 调试软件介绍17 4.2 软件设计与功能17 结论20 致21

参考文献22 附录23

附录1硬件实物图23 附录2元件清单24 附录3 源程序代码25


1 绪论


1.1 单片机简介




图1-1 AT89S52管脚图




