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课时跟踪检测(十五) Language Awareness 3, Culture Corner &

Bulletin Board


1.A formal contract was signed between the two companies.

2.Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.

3.Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits.

4.She underwent (经受) an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year. 5.If we had taken such effective (有效的) measures much earlier, the river would not be polluted so seriously now.

6.He was completely ignorant (无知的) about the country's political system. Ⅱ.单句语法填空

1.This time she's leaving for good; you can't expect to see her. 2.I hope the weather will clear up before Sunday.

3.All their attention was focused on only one thing — how to solve the problem of water pollution.

4.When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, telling (tell) me stories till I fell asleep.

5.The robot equipped (equip) with a camera can do many things for mankind. 6.First of all, you have to wash your hands.

7.The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole. 8.You will benefit from jogging a lot if you stick to it. Ⅲ.完成句子

1.He worked day and night so_that_he_could_support_his_family. 他夜以继日地工作,为的是养活全家。

2.It_seems_that they know what they're doing. 看来,他们知道自己在干什么。

3.It_is_reported_that the production has been put into use. 据报道,这种产品已投入使用。 Ⅳ.完形填空

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Holidays often include plans to return home. Since I live close to my parents' home, I __1__ have this chance. One day, I overheard a(n) __2__ between my dad and his caregiver, Sonny.

The stroke left Dad's left side in a sleepy state but the situation was __3__ with his stroke rehabilitation (中风康复). However, he __4__ needs help with moving, dressing, something that we would do with our left side. He must __5__ a caregiver to help him.

That day was particularly __6__ as my dad's arms and legs were not acting properly. That made Dad very __7__. It was during that day that I overheard Sonny tell Dad something __8__.

Sonny said, “Don't __9__, Bill, I will be your left side today.” And I was lost in thoughts of gratitude (感谢) for Sonny and his expression of __10__. Sonny didn't say, “Lean on me __11__ I will do it all.” He __12__ Dad's dignity (尊严) and worth. Sonny saw what needed to be done and did it, assuring Dad that he was there as __13__.

Have you __14__ anyone your left side? This is hard for me __15__ I am the spokesperson for the club with the title, “If I can do anything, just let me __16__.” I am willing to help people and always __17__ for other people to come to me and tell me they need help. To turn intention (意图) into action is the balance I __18__.

But Sonny turned intention into action. He clearly knew another's __19__ and acted. He served that day and __20__ today to serve as my dad's left side.


1.A.hardly C.simply

B.particularly D.frequently

解析:选D 根据上文“Since I live close to my parents' home ...”可知,作者住的地方离父母的家很近,所以“经常”有机会去看望父母。

2.A.conversation C.secret

B.discussion D.argument

解析:选A 根据下文可知,此处指作者听到父亲和护工的“对话”。 3.A.judged C.improved

B.checked D.recorded

解析:选C 根据上文“The stroke left Dad's left side in a sleepy state but ...”可知,中风让父亲左边身体失去知觉,但是在康复锻炼中父亲的情况有所“改善”。

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4.A.always C.just

B.still D.even

解析:选B 虽然父亲的情况有所改善,但是一些事情“还是”需要别人的帮助。 5.A.rely on C.watch over

B.refer to D.stare at

解析:选A 由于父亲左半身瘫痪,他必须“依靠”桑尼的帮助。 6.A.important C.unforgettable

B.wonderful D.difficult

解析:选D 根据下文“...as my dad's arms and legs were not acting properly”可知,对父亲来说,这一天特别“艰难”。

7.A.relieved C.frustrated

B.satisfied D.puzzled

解析:选C 根据上文“...as my dad's arms and legs were not acting properly”可知,父亲的胳膊和腿不能正常活动,这让父亲非常“沮丧”。

8.A.disturbing C.subjective

B.inspiring D.direct

解析:选B 也就是那天作者意外听到桑尼对父亲说的一些“激励人心”的话。 9.A.try C.move

B.stop D.worry

解析:选D 根据下文“... I will be your left side today”可知,桑尼说:“不要‘担心’……”。

10.A.pleasure C.surprise

B.care D.doubt

解析:选B 根据句中的“gratitude”可知,此处指上文桑尼所说的话,也就是“关心”的表达。

11.A.so C.and

B.but D.or

解析:选C 本题考查逻辑关系,上下文是并列关系。 12.A.kept C.selected

B.discovered D.ignored

解析:选A 联系上文桑尼说的话可以推知,他“维护”了父亲的尊严和价值。 13.A.advice C.success

B.support D.energy

解析:选B 桑尼知道自己该干什么,他能够做到的就是“支持”父亲。

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14.A.showed C.paid

B.passed D.offered

解析:选D 由桑尼的态度可知,他是积极主动的,由此可知此处的问题是:你曾经“主动提出”作为任何人的“左半身”吗?

15.A.though C.because

B.unless D.before

解析:选C 根据下文“If I can do anything, just let me ________”可知,作者所做的事情让其很难回答这个问题,“因为”自己做的事情只停留在语言上,而不是行动上。

16.A.go C.guess

B.comment D.know

解析:选D 根据下文“... tell me they need help”可知,作者的意思是以前总会说:“如果我能为你做点什么,告诉我。”

17.A.wait C.search

B.look D.cheer

解析:选A 作者很愿意帮助别人,也一直“等着”别人来告诉作者他需要帮助。 18.A.miss C.seek

B.avoid D.forget

解析:选C 作者要表达的意思是:关键是行动,所以把意图转化为行动是自己一直“追寻”的平衡。

19.A.point C.habits

B.needs D.happiness

解析:选B 结合桑尼的语言和行动可以推知,他知道别人的“需求”然后行动。 20.A.continues C.manages

B.starts D.agrees

解析:选A 分析that day和today的时间关系,再由桑尼的行为可知,今天他仍然“继续着”自己所做的事情。


There is little doubt that humans used herbs (药草) for healing well before anything could be written about them.

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Many authorities recognize Hippocrates as the “father of medicine” for the European tradition. The treatment of the Hippocratic physician reflected his fundamental approach. It was the treatment of an individual, not a disease, and the treatment of the whole body, not any part of it. Treatment was based on the fundamental idea that nature had a strong healing force of its own, and that the main role of the physician was to assist nature in this healing process, rather than to direct it. The main ally of the physician in assisting nature in this process was diet. Only if diet failed were drugs used, and surgery was a last resort.

The great philosopher Aristotle was the son of a medical man and a medical man himself, but his main influence on the development of European medicine was through his student, Theophrastus, called the “father of botany (植物学)”. He was the first known author in Europe of a classification system for plants with accompanying comments about their medicinal value. He described about 450 different medicinal plants. However, this text has not come down through history, and is only noted in later commentaries.

The first document of herbal medicine that is regarded as a medical classic in the European tradition was De Materia Medica by Dioscorides. Dioscorides was a surgeon accompanying the army. He travelled far, collected much information, and gained considerable medical experience. Dioscorides had recorded herb knowledge for 600 plants. The book's pictures were considered the only authoritative ones for European medicinal plants for over 1,000 years. The work was translated into English in 1655, and continued to be the primary reference on European herbs.

Greek medicine continued to improve for several decades after Dioscorides, but it eventually began to stagnate.


1.The treatment of the Hippocratic physician ________. A.usually didn't function well

B.was based on the healing power of nature C.tended to replace diet with drugs D.relied heavily on surgery

解析:选B 细节理解题。从第二段的“Treatment was based on the fundamental idea that nature had a strong healing force of its own, and that the main role of the physician was to assist nature in this healing process ...”可知B项正确。

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