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一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.0 分,共80.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1.— I'd like to book a room, please.

— ___A____

A.Single or double? B.Good or bad? C.Which room?

D.We don't have books here.

2.—Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?

— ___C____.

A.Hello! International Airline

B.You'd better look up the schedule first C.I'm sorry, but it's completely booked D.I'm afraid you have to change

3.— What time is the next flight to Washington?

— ___C____

A.It’s a smaller one. B.It’s too late. C.It’s 1.45 pm. D.It sounds good.

4.— Passport, please? — ___C____

A.It is here.

B.What do you want? C.Here you are. D.No, you can’t.

5.— I didn't know my identity card(身份证)was needed, sir. — ___C___

A.That's sorry.

B.I don't believe you.

C.Sorry, but that's no excuse. D.You can't say that.

6.— Oh dear! I've just broken a window. — ___B____! It can't be helped.


B.Never mind C.That's fine D.Not at all

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7.— What do you think of this novel? — ___B____

A.I've read it.

B.It's well-written.

C.It was written by my uncle. D.I bought it yesterday.

8.— Excuse me, how much is the jacket?

— It's 499 Yuan. ___D___

A.Oh, no. That's OK! B.How do you like it? C.Which do you prefer?

D.Would you like to try it on?

9.— Hello, I would like to open an account. — ____C___

A.Which account do you want to see? B.Have you make up your mind?

C.What kind of account do you have in mind? D.You’re welcome.

10.— Would you please show me your bankbook?

— ____B___

A.Sorry, I have no idea. B.Here you are. C.Come with me. D.Yes, I'd like to.

11.— I feel sick. — ____C___

— I'm not sure, but I have got a bad headache.

A.I'm sorry to hear that. B.How are you feeling now?

C.Do you have a high temperature? D.How long have you been away?

12.— Must we hand in our homework now? — ____C___

A.Yes, you will. B.Yes, you mustn’t. C.No, you needn’t. D.No, you mustn’t.

13.—Excuse me. Is this table taken?


A.We haven't booked the dishes B.We haven't ordered the dishes

C.Yeah. I'm saving these seats for friends D.Yeah. I'm hungry

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14.—Let me see inside your carry-on bag.

— ___A____

A.Just a few personal belongings. B.You have no right. C.It’s my privacy. D.Is it necessary?

15.If he ____D___, he would have signed his name in the corner.

A.painted that picture B.paints that picture

C.would have painted that picture D.had painted that picture

16.It’s already 5 o’clock. Don’t you think it’s about time ___C____?

A.we are going home B.we go home C.we went home D.we can go home

17.It has been proposed that we ___B____ our decision until the next meeting.

A.delayed B.delay C.can delay D.are to delay

18. I wish I ___A____ what to do.


B.have known C.know

D.would know

19.Not until I began to work ___B____ how much time I had wasted.

A.didn’t I realize B.did I realize C.I didn’t realized D.I realized

20.His answer is not correct, and ___C____.

A.neither am I B.either is mine C.neither is mine D.mine is neither

21.Hardly ___B____ the railway station when the train started.

A.did I reach B.had I reached C.I reached D.I had reached

22.She suffered temporary loss of ___B____ after being struck on the head.

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A.view B.vision C.eye D.illusion

23.The company’s move to new offices is ___D____.

A.in turn B.in effect C.in nature D.in process

24.— _______ I take the newspaper away?

— No, you mustn't. You ___B____ read it only here.

A.Must; can B.May; can C.Need; must D.Must; must

25.This is the third week ___A____ the dustmen haven’t come for the rubbish.

A.that B.when C.which D.on which

26.With the ___B____ of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.

A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception

27.You needn't make such a funny noise, ___C____?

A.don't you B.doesn't it C.need you D.need it

28.Sorry, I don't know he is a friend of ____D____.

A.your brother B.your brothers

C.your brother's friend D.your brother's

29.___D____ they met each other and became good friends.

A.It was in the countryside where B.Being in the countryside

C.It was in the countryside when D.It was in the countryside that

30.It ___B____ a retired worker that she was brought up after her mother’s death.

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A.is B.was C.are D.were

31.The man, together with two girls, ___B____ by the police.

A.has arrested B.was arrested C.are arrested D.have arrested

32.— Do you want to wait?

— Five days ____C___ too long for me to wait.

A.was B.were C.is D.are

33.A number of people ___C____ at the street corner.

A.am B.is C.are D.be

34.Neither the students nor the teacher ____B___ got the right answer.

A.have B.has C.is D.are

35.Physics ___A____ always my strong point.

A.is B.are C.being D.to be

36.You'd better wear more clothes. It's ___A___ cold today.

A.much too B.too much C.very much D.much very

37.Her reaction to the child’s bad behavior was unnecessarily ___D____.

A.abundant B.fluency C.rational D.hash

38.I won’t make the ___B____ mistake next time.

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