基于 Microsoft Excel 试算法在明渠工程设计中的应用
【期刊名称】《浙江水利水电专科学校学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)003
【摘要】在水利工程明渠的设计中,高阶方程需要通过试算法求解,用传统的计算器人工计算,计算参数多、工作量大,且精确度不够。用Microsoft Excel工具进行试算则方便、快捷、计算精确度高,可为工程设计提供便捷准确的计算结果。以渠道水深计算案例,通过对Microsoft Excel单元格公式的编辑,探讨Microsoft Excel试算的具体方法。%In the design of open channel in water conservancy project , the high order equation should be solved by algorithm because it is difficult to solve directly by traditional manual calculation due to its multi -parameter calculation , heavy work-load and low precision .The algorithm by Microsoft Excel provides convenient , fast and accurate calculating results for engi-neering design .The trial method based on Microsoft Excel is illustrated in the paper to calculate channel depth by spread -sheet formula editing of Microsoft Excel . 【总页数】3页(47-49)
【关键词】水力计算;试算;Microsoft Excel工具 【作者】胡建春;何茜
【作者单位】西昌学院工程技术学院,四川西昌 615013;西昌学院工程技术学院,四川西昌 615013
基于 Microsoft Excel 试算法在明渠工程设计中的应用