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Official Safety Control on Chinese Products of Animal Origin for Export & Import

一、进出口食品安全法律、法规和标准体系Laws, Regulations and Standards on Import and Export Food Safety (一)法律Laws

1、《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》Law of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection

2、《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine

3、《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Animal Disease Prevention

4、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China

5、《中华人民共和国产品质量法》Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China

(二)法规 Regulations

1、《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法实施条例》Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine

2、《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法实施条例》Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection

3、《中华人民共和国兽药管理条例》Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Veterinary Medicine

4、《中华人民共和国饲料管理条例》Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Feeding Fodder


最新资料欢迎阅读 5、《中华人民共和国农药管理条例》Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Pesticides

6、《中华人民共和国种畜禽管理条例》Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Breeding Stock and Poultry (三)部门规章Regulations of Ministry

1、动物卫生控制Animal Disease Control(1)《供港澳活禽检验检疫管理办法》(国家质检总局第26号局令)(2)《动物疫情报告管理办法》(1999年10月20日农业部发布)(3)《国家动物疫情测报体系管理规范(试行)》(4)《国家高致病性禽流感防治应急预案》(5)《关于印发《高致病性禽流感防治技术规范》等7个重大动物疫病防治技术规范的通知》(1)

Control Measures for report on animal epidemic situation (issued by Ministry of Agriculture on Oct20th,1999) (2)

Control Measures for Inspection and Quarantine of Live Birds Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Order of AQSIQ No、26) (3)

Specifications on State Animal Epidemic Situation of report and Forecast(4)

State Emergency Provision On Prevention and Cure of HPAI(5) Notification regarding of issuing7 important epizootic control technical protocols including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Control Technical Protocol ( MOA [2002] No、74)

2、进出口肉类、水产品及蜂蜜生产加工卫生安全控制Hygiene and Safety control on Processing of Meat, Aquatic product and honey for export and import(1)《进出境肉类产品检验检疫管理办法》(国家质检总局2002年第26号令)(2)《出口肉禽饲养用药管理办法》(3)《出口禽肉及其制品检验检疫要求》(4)《进出境水产品检验检疫管理办法》(国家质检总局2002年31号令)(5)


最新资料欢迎阅读 《出口蜂蜜检验检疫管理办法》(国家质检总局第20号局令)(6)关于印发《出口鳗鱼产品检验检疫和监管要求(试行)》的通知(1)

Control Measures for Inspection and Quarantine of Meat for entry-exit (AQSIQ Announcement No、26,2002)(2)

Regulation on Drug Usage Control for Export Chicken(3)

Inspection and Quarantine requirements for Export Chicken and Chicken Products(4)

Inspection and Quarantine Administrative Measures for Entry and Exit Aquatic Products (AQSIQ Announcement No、31,2002)(5)

Inspection and Quarantine Administrative Measures on honey and honey Products for export (CIQ Announcement No、20)

3、出口食品企业注册管理Administration on Registration of Food Establishments for Export(1)《出口食品卫生注册登记管理规定》(国家质检总局2002年第20号令)(2)《出口食品生产企业危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)管理体系认证管理规定》(2002年认监委第3号公告)(3)《出口食品生产企业申请国外卫生注册管理办法》(认监委2002第15号公告)(4)《出口鳗鱼养殖场登记管理办法》(1)

Administrative Regulation of Sanitary Registration for Food processing Establishment for Export (AQSIQ Announcement No、20)(2) Regulation on Administration of HACCP Management System Certification (CNCA Announcement No、32002)(3)

Regulation for Administration of Domestic Manufacturers Regarding Food Export Registration in Foreign Countries (CNCA Announcement No、15,2002)(4)

Administrative Measures of registration on farm of eels for export 4、残留监控Residue Monitoring(1)《兽药管理条例实施细则》(2)《农药管理条例实施办法》(农业部令20号)(3)《水产品药物残留专项整治计划》(4)《残留分析质量控制指南》(5)《关于发布《动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量》的通知》(1)


最新资料欢迎阅读 Administrative Regulations on detailed rules for implementation of Veterinary drugs (2)

Administrative Regulations for implementation of Pesticide (MOA ORDER No、20)(2)

Special Renovation Plan on Drug residues of aquatic products(3) Quality Control Guideline for Analysis of Residues(4) Notice on MRLs of veterinary drugs in the foods of animal

5、病原微生物控制Pathogen Control(1)《关于执行国家标准的通知》(2)《关于进一步加强对境肉鸡产品检验检疫管理的通知》 (3)《关于进一步加强禽流感防疫检疫工作的紧急通知》(4)《关于进一步加强进境肉类检验检疫工作的通知》 (5)《进出境肉类产品检验检疫管理办法》(1)

Circular Letter on the Implementation of National Standards of Fresh, Frozen Poultry Products(2)

Circular Letter on Further Strengthening Quality Controls of Exported Chicken Products(3)

Emergency Circular on Further Strengthening AI Prevention and Identification (4)

Circular Letter on Further Strengthening Quality Controls of the Import of Meat Products(5)

Management of Quality Inspection, Supervision and Quarantine of the Import and Export of Meat Products

6、出口食品加工储运卫生控制 Sanitary Control in Processing and Storage of Foods for Export(1)《出口食品生产企业卫生注册登记管理规定》 (2)《肉类屠宰加工企业卫生注册规范》等规范(4)《食品生产加工企业质量安全监督管理办法》第52号局令(1)

Administrative Regulation of Sanitary Registration for Food processing Establishment for Export (2)

Sanitation Criteria for Slaughtering and Processing Enterprises of meat Products, and ect、(3)


最新资料欢迎阅读 Administrative measure of supervision on quality and safety of food Processing Enterprises (四)技术标准

1、国际标准( International Standards)(1)《动物卫生法典(OIE)》(2)《哺乳动物、禽、蜜蜂A和B类疾病诊断试验和疫苗标准手册》(3)《国际水生动物法典(OIE)》(4)《国际水生动物疾病诊断手册》(5)《国际植物保护组织(IPPC)有关标准》(6)《食品法典委员会(CAC)有关标准》(1) Terrestrial Animal Health Code(2)

Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals(3) Aquatic Animal Health Code(4)

Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals(5) International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures(6) Relative standards of Codex Alimentarius Commission

2、国内标准(部分GB与SN标准)Domestic standards (Some GB and SN)(1)GB2707-1994 猪肉卫生标准 (2)GB2710-1996 鲜(冻)禽肉卫生标准 (3)SN/T 041895 出口冻肉用鸡检验规程(5)SN/T 038495 Rule for inspection of frozen rabbit meat for export(4)

SN/T 041995 Rule of the inspection of frozen prawn for export 二、组织管理体系(Management System)

(一)组织机构Organization根据我国有关法律法规和届全国人大一次会议批准通过的新一届政府机构,我国涉及动物健康与保护、植物保护以及食品安全的官方机构主要有三个,即国家质量监督检验检疫总局、农业部和卫生部。According to relevant Chinese laws and regulations, currently there are three governmental bodies involved in animal health, animal and plant protection and food safetywhat needs to be controlled(1)有害生物:病原微生物,虫(体内、外寄生虫,昆虫),害(有害物质、杂草等);Harmful existences: pathogenic microbes, pests (celozoic and ectozoic parasites, insects), weeds and other harmful substances、(2)残留(农药与兽药残留,重金属,生物与化学毒素,有毒物质,超标的微量元素);Residues: pesticides




