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1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What does the woman want to do? A. Buy her friend a dark dress.

B. Change the dark dress for a white one. C. Return the dress.

2. Where is the man’s mother now?

A. At home B. At her office. C. In a hospital. 3. What date can the man get tickets for?

A. April 9th. B. April 8th. C. April 19th. 4. What do we know about the woman?

A. She hires a gardener. B. She likes taking care of the flowers. C. She likes to keep bees. 5. What will the man do next?

A. Wash dishes. B. Prepare dinner. C. Watch a show. 第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第6至7题。 6. What did the woman think of the movie? A. Surprising. B. Wonderful. C. Boring. 7. Why did the man leave the party earlier?

A. He knew few people there. B. He had to go to see Peter’s father. C. He had to visit his grandparents. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至9题。

8. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. 9. What is the possible reason for Alice’s becoming near-sighted?

A. Lacking Vitamin A . B. Wearing improper glasses. C. Reading books in bed. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至12题。 10. What did the man work as in the past?

A. A computer programmer. B.A risk analyst. C.A software salesman. 11. What does the man think is one of his advantages? A. His being hardworking and responsible. B. His previous work experience. C. His great achievements.

12. Why did the man leave his present job? A. He couldn’t undertake the project. B. The job was too challenging.

C. He wanted to change his working environment. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至16题。 13. What does the woman do on Saturdays?

A. Work in an orphanage(孤儿院). B. Work as a volunteer. C. Do some cleaning at home.

14. How long has the woman been working here?

A. For only one month. B. For two months. C. For three months. 15. Why does the woman choose to work in orphanage? A. Her father told her to help people in need. B. She has work experience before. C. She likes to work together with her father. 16. What does the woman mainly do in the nursing home?

A. Have a walk. B. Read stories. C. Do the cleaning. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题。

17. What can we learn about the Museum of Chinese Women and Children? A. It is run by the woman from international community.

B. It is a main source of data on the history of Chinese women and Children. C. It is located on the southern side of the East Chang’an street trunk line. 18. How much space does the museum occupy?

A. 35,000 square meters. B. 3,500 square meters. C. 53,000 square meters. 19. What does the curved ceiling symbolize?

A. Female elegance. B. Female purity. C. Female gentleness. 20. When can you visit the museum?

A. At 9:00 on Monday. B. At 10:00 on Sunday. C. At 17:00 on Tuesday. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)



I was small for my age. I was shy and sometimes it was hard for me to make friends with others. However, learning came fairly easy for me. I was the best in most of my classes, but PE class was my nightmare (噩梦) and made me feel that I was not as good as the others. Miss Forsythe was our PE teacher. She was young and energetic. Everyone liked her. She said that we all had to come to her classes. No one could hide from Miss Forsythe!

One day she told me that she wanted me to play a game with another girl in a PE show. I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good job as she explained her idea, but she was excited. With her encouragement, I had no choice but to agree.

It was a \girl. We were dressed in evening clothes and danced around the floor. According to Miss Forsythe, I had to pick up Margaret Ann when we finished the dance. Since I was not strong enough to pick the tallest girl up, it was she who picked me up. I suddenly felt ten feet tall! It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending!

Afterwards, I smiled confidently (自信地).Miss Forsythe’s understanding and willingness to create a place for me in her show (which certainly did not need me) gave me some much needed confidence. She was and always will be my favorite teacher.

21. What do we know about Miss Forsythe? A. She was a strict and understanding teacher. B. She was good at dancing.

C. She liked to play games with the students after class. D. She taught students how to dance.

22. How did the author feel about the game at first? A. She was excited. B. She was nervous.

C. She was disappointed. D. She thought it would be fun. 23. It can be inferred from the passage that ___________. A. the author lost confidence by dancing with her classmate B. Miss Forsythe helped the author pick up the tallest girl C. the author was afraid when she felt ten feet tall

D. Miss Forsythe had planned the game that way on purpose 24. What is the best title for the passage? A. PE Classes B. My School Life

C. Our PE Teacher —Miss Forsythe D. A Game with My Classmate


Do you know how to tell a story? The following are some tips:

Who Will Listen?

Will you tell your story to people of your own age? Will they be friends or young people you

haven’t met before? Perhaps you will tell it to younger children, or will it be an audience of adults? Will it be just a few people, a small group, or a large audience? Why Are You Telling It?

There are many reasons for telling a story. Knowing why you are telling it may be the most

helpful reason in choosing a story for a particular audience.

Many storytellers choose tales just to entertain(娱乐). They tell jokes or silly stories. Others

want to teach something, such as how to be kinder to animals, the environment, or other people. One storyteller likes to encourage his listeners to try new things. Some babysitters tell stories to help children not to be afraid of thunder, lightning or frightening shadows in their rooms. Others want to make people think or to help people remember. Some like to frighten their audience with ghost (鬼) stories. Where Will You Speak?

How you tell your story and what story helpers you use will depend on where you will be speaking. Will you be talking at an evening party, in your classroom, in a library storytelling program, at a family dinner, at a museum, or at a storytelling festival?

25. The passage is mainly about ___________. A. the audience to whom you tell stories

B. the situation where you can tell a story C. the reasons for telling a story D. important tips for telling a story

26. The author shows his ideas by ______. A. Description B. listing questions

C. making comparisons D. reciting

27. The purpose of knowing why you are telling a story is to ____________. A. decide what helpers you need

B. do something good to animals, the environment or other people C. choose stories suitable (合适的) for certain audience D. satisfy different listeners

28. What decides how you tell your story according to the passage? A. The place where you will tell your story. B. The type of the story you will tell. C. The purpose of telling your story.

D. What kind of people you will tell your story to.




