英语PEP五年级下册第四单元《What are you doing》
2.课题说明:英语PEP五年级下册第四单元A部分 3.课时说明:1课时
4.学生情况说明:本案例适合小学五年级学生 【教学详案】:
PEP Unit 4 Part What is he doing?
一.Teaching aims:(教学目标与要求)
1. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk about the things happening: What are you doing? I’m 2. Learn to say the following phrases and spell them:(能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式) 二.Important points:(教学重点) 重点掌握五个短语动词的ing 形式。
三.Difficult points:(教学难点)
以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词 ing 形式的变化。 四.Teaching aids:(教学设备)
课件, tape recorder, photos, pictures. 五.Teaching procedures:(教学步骤及说明) Step 1: Warm up Self-introduction
T: Hello. boys and girls, I’m Miss Wang. Nice to meet you, Usually I get up at 8:00, My favourite fruit is orange, oh ,I like draw picture, For example,教师板书,画一条鱼与一只螃蟹。同时教授新词drawing picture. Step 2: Presentation 1. 创设情境,多元导入
T:Look, what is she doing? 放视频,Miss lee 在打电话,让学生猜猜她正在干什么/
Ss: She is answering the phone.教师正音,answering. 2.Self-study the words.自学单词
幻灯片展示read a book,学生加上ing,组内互学此短语。同样的方式教授cooking dinner.
3.T:幻灯片展示一个一片狼藉的厨房,引出新的短语:doing the dishing.此处加入情感教育,教育孩子要热爱生活。
Step 3.Learn to say and spell(学生跟读词组,并拼写词组) Step 4. Classroom testing. “Let’s try Step 5.创设情境,对话练习 a T: Whating are you doing?
S1: I’m doing the dishes, What are you doing? S2: I’m answering the phong. b 小组练习并表演。 Step 6. Homework
Write down the dialogue “We are so busy!”
Unit 4 What are you doing? drawing pictures doing the dishes What are you doing? I’m reading a book cooking dinner reading a book answering the phone 【教学反思】:
这节课的主题是What are you doing? 学习五个新动作。掌握What are you doing?,了解What is he/she/your father/your mother doing? 句型。
首先,用What are you doing? 句型,以较短的时间复习五个已学过的进行时动作。
其次,让学生看图片,了解What is he doing? 句型。运用前三个单元出现的句型,较自然地引出五个新动作。教师板书五个动作于黑板上,为学生后面的书写练习做参考。
最后,词组的书写也是这节课的重要组成部分。教师示范如何完成We are so busy! 教学任务,让学生完成自己一家周末都在做些什么,同时以对话的形式表演出来。 1.教学观点:
学生语言表达能力的提高,要靠长期的学习积累,不能一蹴而就,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。小学生先学会说话,再学写作,把话说得通顺流畅,绘声绘色,无疑会为写作奠定基础。在小学英语学习的课堂上,利用看图说话,使学生语言能力的培养在活动中进行,让孩子灵敏的目光,扑捉画面的内容,从而萌发用英语表达这些内容的愿望,这个愿望催促他灵活地运用已经学过的单词和短语来叙述画面的内容,表达自己的理解和认识。 2.设计思路: