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英语试题 (卷)

命题人: 朱琳 审核人:李爱


Please put your answers by filling in the correct boxes with-2B pencil on the

multiple choice answer card.(请将以下选择题的答案用2B铅笔填在答题卡上) Ⅰ.Listening 0.5%X20 =10% Section A Questions l-10

You will hear ten short conversations. There is one question for each Conversation. Choose the proper answer to each question. You will hear each conversation twice. 1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a bookshop. C. In the classroom. D. At home. 2. What time is it now?

A.3:00. B.3:30. C.4:00. D.4:30. 3 .What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Doctor and patient. B. Husband and wife.

C.Teacher and student D. Shop owner and customer. 4. What will the man do? A. Return the CD to Amy B. Lend the CD to Millie C. Buy the CD for Daniel

D. Keep the CD for another week

5. Why doesn't the woman eat the chocolates? A. Because she feels sick.

B. Because she wants to lose weight.

C. Because she thinks they are too expensive. D. Because she wants to protect her teeth. 6. How does the woman feel about the film?

A. It's exciting B. It's boring C. It's good D. It's popular

7.What's the weather like now?

A. Windy. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy D. Sunny

8. Where is the Walkman now?

A. On the table. B. On the floor. C. In the drawer. D. Behind the door 9. How long does the girl spend doing the housework? A. Fifteen minutes. B. Half an hour

C. An hour. D. One hour and a half 10. What can we learn about Tom? A. He is a top student.

B. He doesn't work hard now. C. He is an honest boy.

D. He used to play computer games too much. Section B Questions 11-13

You will hear a conversation. There are three questions for the conversation. Choose the proper answer to each question. You will hear the conversation Twice.

11. How often does the girl have English classes at the night school? A .Every day. B. Twice a week

C. Three times a week. D. Tuesday or Thursday. 12. What does she think of the study of English?

A. Tiring. B. Hard. C.Easy D.Interesting 13. What does she enjoy doing most?

A. Listening. B. Reading. C. Talking D. Writing Section C Questions l4-16

You will hear a conversation. There are three questions for the conversation. Choose the proper answer to each question. You will hear the conversation twice.

14 What's David's problem? A. He can't focus on his study.

B. He doesn't share his secrets with his parents. C. He has no close friends.

D. He isn't getting along well with his teachers. 15. Why did David go to the Internet bar?

A. To play games. B. To chat with a friend. C. To get a job there. D.To get some useful information. 16. What can we learn about David's parents? A. They often visit David's teacher. B. They often blame David.

C. They often take David to different places. D. They often argue with each other. Section D Questions l7-20

You will hear a passage. There are four questions for the passage. Choose the proper answer to each question. You will hear the passage twice.

17. How will Americans feel if they are asked \A. They'll feel sad.

B. They'll feel surprised. C. They'll feel excited. D. They'll feel happy.

18. What does the question \A. They think it is a joke. B. They think it is a greeting.

C. They think it is an introduction.

D. They think it is an invitation.

19. Which of the following will be used as a greeting in America? A. How old are you? B. where are you doing? C. How are you? D.What is your job?

20. What does the speaker mainly want to tell us? A. More foreign languages should be learnt. B. Different countries have different customs.

C. Some questions can only be asked by policemen. D.Chinese people are more friendly than Americans. Ⅱ. Multiple Choice 0.5*20=10%

21. honest man is often regarded as fool by some people. A. A;a B. An;a C. The; the D./;an 22. —Shall I tell John about it?

—No , you ______. I've told him already. A. wouldn't B.mustn't C.needn't D.shouldn't

23. After a whole day of hard work, all was a nice meal and a good rest. A.what I wanted B. which I wanted C. the things I wanted D. I wanted

24. The number of students invited to the school fashion show sixty, but a number of

them absent for different reasons.

A. were;was B. was;was C. was; were D. were;were

25. Five friends haven't decided by plane in the coming holiday together. A. whether they will travel to Korea B. that they will travel to Korea

C. who will they travel to Korea - D. what will take with them to K'orea

26. Few people paid full attention to their health conditions they were seriously ill.

A.when B.if C.until D. before

27.Jane didn't waste her time before the exam. Instead, he hard every evening. A.study B.studied C. has studied D.studying

28.During the past 20 years. the Internet has helped change our world in way or another for the better.

A.any B.one C.every D.either

29. 1t was I got to know Mr. Jackson, who taught French in a local school in those days.

A.many years that B. many years before

C.many years ago that D. many years when

30.There a magic show on the school playground if it next Monday afternoon.

A. will have;doesn't rain B. will have; won't rain C. will be;doesn't rain D. will be; is not raining 31.Bob never does his homework Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.

A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. careful than D. as careful as??

32. Everyone should know to protect themselves H7N9, a type of flu usually seen in birds.

A. what; for B. why; for C. how; against D. when; with? 33. Has Jessica shown her newly-bought harp to you? It ____ her a lot of money. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took

34. ________, the young are less conservative than the old. They accept new thing more quickly than the old.

A. In time B. For example C. Generally speaking D. In the end 35. You may go to John for help if you have any problem with computer. He has studied computer science _______.

A. since three years ago B. by the end of last year C. in three years D. three years ago

36. ---You are confident about tomorrow’s daily report, aren’t you? --- _________. I’m well prepared and feel I’ve got everything ready.

A. Sure, I am B. It’s hard to say C. I hope so D. Well, maybe

37.Which of the following statements is true according to the texts we have learnt? A. It was in the early 1960s that the Beatles from New York became popular B. Reggae, from Mexico, is a type of soft rock music for dancing

C. Rap developed on the streets of New York with jazz and Latin rhythms D. R&B combined gospel and jazz with strong rhythms and fast lyrics.

38.________ the time the Beatles broke up in 1970, they had provided hundreds of songs _______ their fans.

A. In; to B. By; for C. At; with D. During; for

39. ---What’s your taste in _______? ---I prefer science fiction to westerns.

A. Music B. sports C. food D. movies

40. Unfortunately, my car broke down. It ________on the road for two hours so far. A. has been B. has stopped C. stopped D. was Ⅲ.Find out the incorrect one of the four underline parts. 0.5%X10 =10% 41. About 9 percent of the people in the United States come from Spanish-spoken countries such A B C D

as Cuba and Mexico. 42. Many slaves who lived in bad conditions were treated badly and punished hardly. A B C D 43. There are different kinds of industries on the reservations in America today. However, Native

A B B Americans still can’t get as the same jobs as white Americans. D

44. That casting director thought that good clothes were too expensive to waste in the extras. A B C D

45. On average, more than three times more women than men aren’t able to read and write. A B C D 46. There are hundreds of different kinds of toys for boys and girls in this shop, each has its own


color and style.

47. Changes of the climate in this area have greatly affected the lives of many animals for a dozen

A B C D years.

48. Many women are not as poor as they used to do after they stop working in agriculture and

A B C D move to the urban areas.

49. Tommy will be in charge of organizing money for the project after he replacing Jason to be our

A B C D new manager.

50. Slavery were existed in the United States for hundreds of years. Slaves had no rights at all and

A B C received minimal amounts of food. D

Ⅳ. Close Test 1%*15=15%

One Saturday afternoon, my daughter Alice asked me, \if the yare different in color?\

I thought for a minute, and then I said, \at the grocery store. I have something 52 to show you.\



