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3.4.1 Modesty

Britain as a developed capitalist country is covered with fierce social competition so that people in there emphasize individual behaviors, achievement, and value. Their value orientations appear to be in contrast with Chinese in this aspect.

On the contrary, Chinese people often make self-negation to show modesty. Therefore, the Chinese have more modest language than English in the social activities. 3.4.2 Individualism

Being guided and influenced by the spirit of competition, western people think highly of individualism. In the eyes of Westerners, individualism means a pursuit of freedom and diversity, there are differences of people’s behavior, speech, thinking, which are almost synonymous with individualism. 以后内容已省略.......

The social conditions of western developed countries leads many people to accept this kind of faith, “Every man for himself and god for us all” (人人为自己,上帝为大家), “God helps those who help themselves” (自助者天助), “Every man is the architect of his own future” (自己的命运自己掌握), “Self is our centre” (自我是我们的中心). 3.5 From different views on colors

The idiomatic phrases can reflect the change of outside world, the development of people’s thoughts and the progress of an era, and it can also reflect the colorful world. The words related to color are an important part of idiomatic phrases; they have specific functions and abundant meanings.以后内容已省略....... Different nations have different feelings on colors because they have different living environment and visual angles. This 文章的各级标题和内容要放leads to the idiomatic phrases have different 在同一页上。如果标题在某meanings. It is obvious that English and Chinese have different words to describe colors. 页的最下面,要挪到下一页。标题之间需有文字内容,且For example, Chinese people love red all the time, because the sun and the fire can bring 不能只是一两行,太少了。 people light and warmth.

3.6 From different dialectical thoughts

Idioms are usually closely related to distinctive dialectical thoughts. Idioms from


dialectical thoughts are the gems of human cultural heritage. The western and Chinese people have their own dialectical thoughts, which have provided rich and varied materials for their idioms, and consequently give a national color to the idioms in the two languages.

Westerners would like to look at things dialectically. In all aspects of life, people try their best to pursue a harmonious state in their lives, and they always obedient to the nature. This is reflected in the idioms, such as “give way to sb. to avoid a conflict” (退避三舍), “to lock the stable gate after the horse has bolted” (亡羊补牢), “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” (这山望着那山高).

In contrast to the westerners, Chinese people like to recognize things as a whole that can’t be separated. 以后内容已省略.......

From the examples, people can see the Chinese idioms have structure stability while the English idioms have free styles.

4. Conclusion

We have discussed so much about the cultural differences between English and Chinese idioms. It is an important issue to understand and handle the relationship between culture and language. Meanwhile, language is not only the culture’s important content but also the carrier of culture, so culture and language are a whole.

Idioms constitute the kernel of a language. Various kinds of cultural differences constitute cultural barriers. Therefore how to solve the cultural factors in idioms is a touchstone of successful rendering of idioms. Idioms as a special form of language carry a large amount of cultural information. 以后内容已省略.......

In this paper, the differences between Chinese and western cultures in idioms have been explained in order to seek better ways for communication. Only by doing this can we try our best to minimize difficulties of cultural communication caused by cultural differences.

Conclusion 部分要和正文部分比例协调,且涵盖要点 Conclusion不用另起一页,因为它是正文的一部分



References(顶格即左对齐);(Times New Roman 4号 加粗) (段后一行,1.5倍行距。文献内容Times New Roman 小4号,先全部选中设为1.5倍行距,然后每个条目再分别设为段后一行 Collins Cobuild English Dictionary. (2000). London: The University of Birmingham & Harper Collins Publishers.

Ke, Ping. (2000). Cultural presupposition and misunderstanding. Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Corporation. 中国作者作品格式 姓, 名. (年份). 书名斜体. 出版地:出版社. Lado, R. (1985). Linguistics across cultures. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Luo, Hong. (2005). Translation between English and Chinese on terms of national culture. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 外国作者作品格式 姓, 名首字母. (年份). 书名斜体. 出版地:出版社. Nida, E. A. (2001). Language, culture and translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

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期刊中的文章 参考书目格式 外国作者

作者姓, 名首字母. (年). 文章名. 期刊名斜体, 卷数斜体(第几期), 页码或起止页码. 中国作者

作者姓, 名. (年). 文章名. 期刊名斜体, 卷数斜体(第几期), 页码或起止页码.

Monk, P. (1980). Frankenstein’s daughters: The problems of the feminine image in science fiction. Mosaic of Literature, 13(4), 15-27. 这是期刊名,期刊名中所有 实义词首字母要大写(和封 面要求的一样),另外还要斜体,其后加逗号。和后边 的卷数13要空一个格 13是卷数,(4)是第几期。 13要斜体,和(4)中间不空格,紧挨。 文章名字不斜体,不加下划线,不加引号。文章标题首字母(F),冒号后的首字母(T)大写,如果有破折后的单词首字母要大写,专有名词首字母也大写,其他单词小写(如d小写)。本条文献只涉及到F, T 两个字母。 (4)不斜体,后其后加逗号,再空一个格 15-27是起止页码,最后是句点




O’Donnell, P. A. (1996). IDEdit: An influence diagram editor. Retrieved June 12, 1999 from the World Wide Web: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/ling.


作者姓, 名. (年). 文章名. 未出版硕士或博士论文. 作者所在的大学名.

Brine, J. W. (1988). Collaborative publishing and word processing in the primary curriculum: Technology and side-effects. Unpublished MA thesis/doctoral dissertation. University of Toronto.


Retrieved加检索日期,然后是from the World Wide Web:冒号后加网址,最后点句点。 若是硕士论文写Unpublished MA thesis. 若是博士论文写Unpublished doctoral dissertation,句点



