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Unit 1

H: Here’s your order, have a good meal. Next one! Welcome to KFC, for here or to go?

J: For here, please.

H: OK. What can I do for you?

J: I’d like a hamburger. Remember to add more lettuce.

H: OK, a hamburger with more lettuce. Anything else? Would you like something to drink?

J: Um… What kind of drink do you have?

H: Well, this strawberry juice with ice cream is on hot sale. You can pay only half of its price when you get 2 cups.

J: It’s a pity that I don’thave any friend with me to share the second cup of drink. But it looks so good that I want to order one.

H: What a shame! And what about some snacks?

J: I think the chocolate cake looks tasty. I’d like one. How much is my order?

H: Well, a hamburger with more lettuce, a cup of strawberry juice with ice cream, and a piece of chocolate cake, is that right?

J: Yes.

H: I t’s 9.8 dollars in total. You can only add 1 dollar to get this lovely rabbit doll. Do you want one?

J: It is cute, but I have already got one. Sorry.

H:That’s all right. Do you have VIP card?

J: Yes, here you are.

H: OK, there is 390 dollars left in your card. Here’s your order. Have a good meal!

J: Thank you!

Unit 4 (看病)

H: Hey! Oh dear,you look pale. Are you ok?

J: Not at all. I have caught a serious cold, and I have just come back from the school hospital with so much medicine.

H: God bless you! Are you feeling a little better now?

J: Nope. My throat is still killing me and my head hurts so terribly that I can do nothing.

H: Poor guy! And how is your appitite?

J: I can hardly eat anything because of my upset stomache. I weigh myself yesterday and found that I have lost 3 kilograms!

H: I’m so sad to here that. What did the doctor say about your symptoms?

J: Well, he said I caught a flu and it is necessary for me to take these medicine regularly.

H: From my perspective, obey the doctor’s suggestions is the most vital. Furthermore, it is universally acknowledged that drinking more water is the best way to reduce you pain.

J: Iknow, I know. But I always forgot. To tell the truth, I don’t like drinking water without any taste. H: Well, just drink water with lemon. Not only it’s tasty b ut also it can provide you more Vitamin C, which is of great use to do with your cold.

J: That sounds great. I will go and get some lemons.

H: I have some in my dormitory. You can ask me for it whenever you need.

J: It’s so kind of you! (看表)Oh, it’s time for me to go to the lecture hall. A competition is waiting for me.

H: Dear, maybe it has been repeated for many times but I still have to tell you. Though the competition or the work is significant, your health is the most essential. I have seen you to stay up for three nights.

J: Thank you for your concern. Today is the final fight. I will have a long rest after it.



