【期刊名称】《中国医药导报》 【年(卷),期】2013(010)015
【摘要】肝癌是临床上最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,根据最新统计,全世界每年新发肝癌患者约60万例,居恶性肿瘤的第5位.其中肝癌疼痛的发生率约占肝癌患者的75%,故在抗癌治疗的同时,止痛也是肝癌治疗中的重要内容.我们从中药外敷肝区止痛、中药涂擦肝区止痛、中药敷脐止痛、穴位敷药止痛、针灸止痛等方面对中医外治法治疗肝癌疼痛进行了述评,并对这些研究取得的成果进行分析和展望.%Liver cancer is one of the most pervading malignant tumor in clinical.According to latest statistics,there are nearly 600 000 new liver cancer patients all over the world every year,resulting liver cancer to be ranked number five among all the malignant tumors.Meanwhile,among all the liver cancer patients,the incidence rate of cancer pain is about 75%,thus relieving pain is very important when doing anti-cancer treatment.This article mainly reviewed and commented the external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for relieving liver cancer pain in the methods of external application of Chinese Medicine in hepatic zones,special ointment of TCM embrocated in hepatic zones,traditional Chinese medicine on umbilicus,traditional Chinese medicine on acupuncture points as well as acupuncture,etc.then analyzed the achievements got by the researches above to get a whole