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(考试时间 120分钟 满分120分 班级:________ 姓名:________)

第Ⅰ卷 (共90分)

第 1 页

一、听力测试。(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) (一)听句子,选图片。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


,A) ,B) ,C)

,D) ,E) ,F)

1.__D__ 2.__C__ 3.__F__ 4.__A__ 5.__E__ (二)听句子,选答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

你将听到五个句子,请根据句子内容,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 (C)6.A.Yes,please. B.No,thanks. C.Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. (B)7.A.Really? B.Congratulations! C.I’m so sorry to hear that. (C)8.A.Yes, I have a new watch. B.Yes, I do.

C.Oh, it’s a quarter past eight. (B)9.A.Don’t mention it. B.It’s very interesting. C.That’s new to me! (A)10.A.Have a good time. B.You are lucky.

C.I am glad to hear that.


你将听到三段对话,请根据对话内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 请听第一段对话,回答第11—13小题。 ( C )11.What day is coming soon?

A.Mother's Day. B.Children's Day. C.Father's Day.

( B )12.What will they do?

A.Carry the water. B.Wash the car. C.Help Frank's father. (A)13.Who will help Frank?

A.His sister. B.His father. C.His mother.

请听第二段对话,回答第14—16小题。 ( B )14.When did the boy go to Sichuan? A.On April 19th. B.On May 19th. C.On June 19th.

( B )15.How long did the boy stay there? A.One day. B.Two days.

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C.Three days.

( C )16.What did the boy do?

A.He went shopping. B.He went boating. C.He went sightseeing.

请听第三段对话,回答第17—20小题。 (C)17.Where will they study together this evening? A.In the classroom. B.In Linda’s house. C.In Nick’s house.

(A)18.Who will help Nick with his chemistry? A.Linda. B.Simon. C.Nick’s teacher.

(A)19.What will Nick help Linda with? A.Physics. B.Chemistry. C.Chinese.

(B)20.When will they go to the library? A.At noon. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.


你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 ( B )21.Where did the speaker go that day? A.To a garage. B.To a restaurant. C.To a village.

( A )22.What time should they meet for the party? A.At 5:55 p.m. B.At 5:15 p.m. C.At 6:05 p.m.

( B )23.What happened to the speaker on the way to the party? A.The wallet was lost. B.The car went wrong. C.The gift was missing.

( B )24.What did the speaker have to borrow from his friend? A.Some presents. B.Some money. C.Something else.

( C )25.How did the speaker feel at the end of the party? A.Funny. B.Lonely. C.Bad.


你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读两遍。 Children of western(西方的) countries get pocket money When to do the chores On weekends When they grow 29.older By doing some 26.housework. On 27.weekends. They can do some 28.easy chores. They can do some difficult chores to get more money. 第 3 页

Who usually teaches their children how to do chores 二、单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 30.Parents. ( B )31.(成都中考)I want to be ________ engineer when I grow up. A.a B.an C.the D./

( C )32.—Why didn't Kate ________ her homework yesterday? —Because her mother was ill. A.turn on B.give up C.hand in D.give back

( D )33.—I really hate to go to such a noisy place. —________.

A.So am I. B.So have I. C.So I do. D.So do I.

( C )34.—(哈尔滨中考)How do you keep fit?

—I live on ________ floor.I walk upstairs instead of taking the lift every day. A.twelve B.the twelve C.the twelfth

( D )35.(广东中考)“A white elephant”means something that is useless,________it may cost a lot of money.

A.unless B.until C.since D.although

( A )36.More than ________people visited the ______ car exhibition. A.two thousand;five-day B.two thousands;five-day C.two thousand;five day's D.two thousands;five days'

( B )37.The Internet is really ________ for us.We can easily find the information we need on it.

A.safe B.useful C.boring D.hard

( C )38.—(乐山中考)I'm sorry for being late.

—Never mind.The meeting ________for only 5 minutes.This way,please. A.has begun B.has ended C.has been on

( B )39.—(达州中考)What's the matter,Jack?

—I ________down while I ________ on the ice.I got hurt badly. A.was falling;skated B.fell;was skating C.fell;skated

D.was falling;was skating

第 4 页

( B )40.—(泸州中考)Alice,will you take a taxi to the party with us?

—________.I'll take a bus there. A.That's right B.No,thanks

C.You're welcome D.I don't think so


In the US,Mother's Day is a holiday on the second Sunday in May.It is a day when children give their __41__ cards,presents and flowers.

One of the best ways to celebrate Mother's Day is to give your mother the day off.Let her have a good rest while other members of the family do the __42__.

Many families begin Mother's Day with __43__ in bed.Usually dad and the children will let mum __44__ longer as they go into the kitchen and get ready __45__ her favourite meal.A Mother's Day breakfast can make anything your mum likes.

After the food is cooked,keep everything nicely on a plate.Don't forget to put the bottle with only one flower.It's spring here,so the children can pick the nicest __46__ from the garden outside.When __47__ is ready,carefully carry the plate and mum's favourite books and newspapers up to her bedroom.Cards and small presents from the children can be put on the plate __48__ it is given to mum in bed. Many families take mum out to her favourite restaurant for a meal.It is a good day to let your mum __49__ and let her see what a wonderful __50__ she has. ( C )41.A.teachers B.parents C.mothers D.friends

( B )42.A.washing B.housework C.work D.shopping

( A )43.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner

( B )44.A.eat B.sleep C.wash D.cook ( B )45.A.to B.for C.with D.by

( B )46.A.plate B.flower C.bottle D.food ( A )47.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

( D )48.A.after B.when C.if D.before ( D )49.A.sleep B.eat C.cook D.rest

( A )50.A.family B.job C.restaurant D.flower



Tom is an eight-year-old student in Grade Three. He is not interested in his lessons. He spends most of his time playing basketball. At night, he doesn’t sleep until very late in order to play. In the morning, he usually gets up late and hurries to school. Sometimes he sleeps in class.

Tom’s father is worried about his poor schoolwork. He tries to make him work harder.One day, his father said to him,“My boy,if you get one hundred marks in the exam, I’ll buy a new basketball for you.” The boy was very happy to hear that.

The next day Tom came running home. “Oh, Dad, I got one hundred.”He shouted,“I got

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