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必修四Unit 3

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1 ?单句语法填空(导学号02516156)

1. Can you give us a detailed description of the contents (content) of your lost wallet? 2.

customers convinced vehicle.


an swer should have caused such a strong react ion

4. He is a failure (fail) as an artist , but a success as an art teacher. 5.

years ago.I wonder if you can pick out


the money in order to give it to charity.

7. They were dancing and singing on the square, much to the amusement (amuse) of passers-by. 8. The hotel was n't particularly (particular) good.But I had stayed in many worse hotels. 9.

remember very few occasi ons ill health.

10 . I knew I had made a mistake directly (direct) I han ded in my paper. 11 .单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516157)

1. With the electricity being cut off ,all the machines had to stop working. 去掉 being 2 . She loves the song in the particular, because her mother used to sing it. 去掉第二个 the

3 . We should n't compla in about being poor — many families are much badly off tha n we are. badly worse 4 . To our amused, they had a quarrel about such a small thing. amusecHamusement 5 . He speaks En glish as if he is an En glishma n. is^ were 川.佳句写作(导学号02516158) 1.



I admire my En glish teacher.I can whe n she stopped worki ng because of

This picture was taken twenty my younger brother.

The judge did n't believe his expla nati on

(expla in) that he had stole n

He was surprised that his (react).

We fin ally man aged to make the (convin ce) of the quality of the


答案:It rained heavily in the south in the summer in 2017 , causing serious floods. 2.

正如所报道的那样,史密斯先生被选为主席。 (as)

答案: As is reported , Mr.Smith was elected chairman.

3. 我们一到那儿就给你打电话。 (directly)

答案: We'll call you up directly we arrive there. 4.


(as if)

答案: He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 5 .到现在为止,没有更有效的教育方法。

(up to now)

答案: Up to now , there has been no more effective way of education.


I .阅读理解(导学号02516159)

A culture's values can be mirrored by its humor.Humor has been evaluated by many great minds such as Thomas Hobbes, who disliked humor , “ Laughteris nothing else but sudden glory arising from some sudden thought of feeling far better than others. He thought hum”or to be a negative quality of human narrow- mindedness.

However ,Mordechai Gordon ,Ph.D of Education ,insists,“ Humor allows us to view the world from an angle that is amusing rather than serious. I ”agree with Gordon.Learning to look at the world through humor is important.

In the United States,every four years an election occurs.Without humor as a way to express their feelings , how else would Americans keep from clawing their eyes out and going the way of lemming? Television shows like The Daily Show have become important parts of American culture.They are mothering the masses by metaphorically ( 隐喻地 ) airplane- ing politics into our mouths.They make politics fun.

Of course , politics is only one type of humor.Social humor helps people through the twists and turns of the human condition.American pop culture promotes an unhealthy self- image.On the topic of self- image , Hari Kondabolu stands out.He has a joke about the popular musical group “The Pussycat Dolls , de”scribing their hit song Don't Cha as a negative representation of women.He points out an obvious offence in American culture.

A study from Loyola University of Maryland has shown that humor is one determining factor for selecting a mating partner.Amongst other things , mates look for an outstanding funny bone in a potential partner.

Of course, humor is not always used for good purposes.Humor can be linked to vulgarity ( 庸俗 )and racism , but,like everything else ,it has potential to unite human beings by allowing us to laugh at ourselves ,our failures and our connection with one another.

Though life may seem tough and depressing at times , all I have to do is look in the mirror at my increased wrinkles ( 皱纹 ) to know that there is a comedy out there that even Chaplin wasn't aware of.

With that in mind , remember to laugh with humanity and sometimes at humanity.

[语篇解读 ] 一种文化的价值能通过其幽默感表现出来。本文作者介绍了自己幽默的看法,并决定用幽 默的态度来面对生活。

1. Hobbes believed that humor ________ .

A . was only a way to laugh at others to make oneself feel better B . resulted in narrow- mindedness of human beings C .had the power to mirror personal glory and national values D . was for people to view the world from another angle

解析: A [ 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知, Thomas Hobbes 不喜欢幽默,并从他的话中 “Laughter is nothing...better than others. ”可知。 ]

2. What is the author's attitude towards political humor?



