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高中英语 人教版 必修2 Unit4 Wildlife protection grammar 教案 - 图文

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课 题 授课班级 课 型 Grammar&Writing 高一(7)班 授课教师 周文芳 Students will be able to learn the structure and master the usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice; 知识与技能 Students will be able to use the structure to make some sentences. Students will learn to write a formal letter. 教 Students will discover the structure of the Present Progressive Passive Voice through observing the sentences from the context and consolidate it through speaking and writing. 学 过程与方法 Students will learn to use the Present Progressive Passive Voice to describe something and give opinions. Students will improve their speaking skills and think broadly through 目 discussion. The students will be more active in the process of learning English and more confident of their learning ability through different activities; 标 情感态度 Students will gain a sense of achievement in discovering the grammar 与价值观 rules by themselves; Students will be aware of the importance of protecting animals and environment. 1. Help students to sum up the structure and the usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice; 教学重点 2. Guide students to master the usage of it through speaking and writing. How to help students to apply the Present Progressive Passive Voice to 教学难点 make descriptions and writing a formal letter. Task-based language teaching; Discovering; Cooperative learning; 教学方法 Practice; Writing. [来源:Z.xx.k.Com][来源:学科网][来源:学科网][来源:学&科&网]教学用具 课时安排 The multimedia and the other normal teaching tools. 1 period 教 学 内 容 设计与反思 板书设计: Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Grammar & Writing 现在进行时的被动语态: am/is/ are+being+done A letter to WWF: Beginning (1.greetings) Body (2.problems & suggestions) Ending (3.wishes) 教 学 内 容 设计与反思 Step1 Warming up Show students a short piece of the movie Kung Fu Panda 2, let students get first impression of the leading character in today’s lesson——panda. Step2 Lead-in Show students a picture of panda that looks like a Kung Fu panda and other pictures of panda to arouse their interests. Then, in contrast, share them with the news of the panda died recently and read the news in detail. Present the sentences with Present Progressive Passive Voice according to the news one by one. Step3 Discovering useful structure List the sentences mentioned before, get students to pay attention to the underlined part and summarize the grammar rules: 1. The other 4 pandas are being affected. 2. Another panda Dabao is being killed by virus. 3.The Rare Wild Animal Research Center is being shut. 4. The associate professor Mr. Jin is being interviewed. 5. The source of the virus is being searched for. The Present Progressive Passive Voice 现在进行时的被动语态同主动语态一样强调在目前或现阶段正在进行的被动动作。经常和always, often或者时间副词now (现在), right now (现在, 此刻), at present (现在,目前), at this moment (此刻), these days连用。 结构:am/is/are + being done Step4 Practice Continue to present some more pieces of the news about pandas. And provide some key words for students to tell the news by using the Present Progressive Passive Voice. Specifically, give students the sentence of active voice at first and then guide them to transform it into passive one. 1. From now on, “Panda killer” is being paid close attention to. 2. The pandas are being protected from virus in Chengdu. 3. Some plans are being made against the virus. 4. The problem is being discussed at the meeting. ▲ Some additional rules worth attention:use the information above help students to discover and make a summary. 1)The pandas are under protection. The pandas __ ____ ________. 2) The problem is under discussion at the meeting.这个问题正在会议上讨论。 The problem __ ____ _______ at the meeting. 3) Some plans are in use now. Some plans __ ____ ____ now. 归纳:“be +under/in等介词+名词”结构可表示现在进行时的被动语态的含义。 Step5 Speaking From the news, we can see the pandas are in danger of dying and even dying out. There must be some reasons. Now, let’s work together to find out: “Why the numbers of pandas are decreasing as time goes by?” First, get students to brainstorm for different reasons. Then, get students to work in pairs to make a dialogue and guide them to use the structure of “be being done”. Step6 Writing So far, we have found out some reasons that affected the missing of pandas. It’s time for us to give some suggestions to save and protect pandas. 1. Brainstorming: Students are required to give their suggestions on save and protect pandas. And after that, give them some pictures as hints to make the suggestions clearer and correct. Provide them with some key word. Key: Plant much more bamboo. Build up nature reserves. Make some posters to advertise the importance of protecting pandas. Design some shirts of pandas to sell for money. Raise money to do the protection. …… …… 2. Writing task: Write a letter to WWF and tell the problems and give your suggestions on how to save and protect pandas. Suggested structure: Dear______, Beginning (1.greetings) Body (2.problems & suggestions) Ending (3.wishes) Yours truly, signature(签名) Tips: Use the structure “am/is/are being done” as much as possible. Step7 Summary Guide students to review what they learned today: 1. The structure and the usage of Present Progressive Passive Voice. 2. The awareness and importance of protecting pandas and the other wildlife. Homework: 1. Finish this composition. 2. Search on the Internet or other sources for information about pandas. 3. 完成《优化设计》P59-61. Reflection:

高中英语 人教版 必修2 Unit4 Wildlife protection grammar 教案 - 图文


