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一.选择题(共40小题) 1.﹣I seem to be lost.Could you tell me ______________? ﹣Sure.You can take bus No.5to get there( ) A.where is Ge Garden

B.how long it will take me to the Yangzhou﹣Taizhou Airport C.how I can get to the Slender West Lake D.how far is my trip to the museum in Yangzhou

2.﹣﹣Hi,Amy,you live on Center Street.Can you tell me _____? ﹣﹣Sure.There is one called Grandma's Home.( ) A.where it is B.how I can get there C.if there is a restaurant on it

3.﹣Do you know ? ﹣Oh,she lives in London.( ) A.where does Jane live C.where Jane lived

B.where Jane lives

4.﹣﹣﹣Could you tell me _______?﹣﹣﹣Yes,she _________ to the reading room.( ) A.where is Jane,has been B.where Jane is,has gone C.where was Jane,has been

D.where Jane was,has gone

5.﹣Excuse me,I want to go to the 21st National Book Expo (世博会).Could you tell me______? ﹣Sure.It is at No.3Changjiang Road in Harbin.( ) A.where it is B.where it was C.where is it

6.﹣﹣Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her? ﹣﹣Because she wondered _______.( ) A.where did the other students go

B.what her students have done during the trip C.when would the students come D.whether her students had won the match


7.﹣Tom!Look at the man in black over there.Can you tell me ________? ﹣Oh!He is my friend,Jim.( ) A.what he is B.who he is

C.how he is

8.﹣﹣﹣I'm going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students. ﹣﹣﹣Great!But don't forget to tell them______.( ) A.what should they eat at the festival B.why people enjoy the full moon C.what kind of race is often held D.How do people celebrate it

9.Could you please tell me _______?( ) A.what's wrong C.what wrong is

B.How did he get there D.what is this

10.﹣Will you please show me _____this new machine?

﹣It's a piece of cake.Now let me tell you what to do first.( ) A.can I how operate B.I can how operate C.how can I operate D.how I can operate 11.﹣Do you know _______ the iPad last week? ﹣Sorry,I have no idea.( ) A.how much did she pay for B.how much she paid for C.how much will she pay for D.how much she will pay for

12.﹣Could you please tell me _____? ﹣Yes,sure.( )

A.if there is a bookshop near here B.where can I buy a stamp C.when will the next bus arrive D.you like to eat what

13.Could you please tell me___?( ) A.what time you usually get up


B.what time do you usually get up C.what time did you get up D.what time will you get up 14..﹣What did she say just now? ﹣She asked __________.( ) A.that I liked English best B.what is wrong with me C.where was the nearest hospital D.if I would go shopping with her

15.The exchange students will leave soon.We had better ask our monitor __________ a farewell party.(A.when will we have B.when we will have C.when we would have

D.when would we have

16.﹣Could you please teach me ______ to give out\(红包) on WeChat? ﹣Sure.Let me show you.( ) A.how B.why

C.when D.where

17.─Granny,the school trip was very exciting but a little tiring. ─Oh,could you tell me ______?( ) A.how did you go to the park B.what you did during the trip C.that you saw something beautiful D.if your friends had played with you

18.﹣﹣I'd like to know ﹣﹣﹣Maybe in the forest.( ) A.whether we will go camping B.where we will go camping C.whether will we go camping D.where will we go camping

19.﹣Could you please tell me _______? ﹣﹣Sure.It means face to face.( ) A.if F2F stands for in a text message


B.what did F2F stand for in a text message C.whether F2F stood for in a text message D.what F2F stands for in a text message 20.﹣Could you tell me _______? ﹣At 9:40this Sunday.( ) A.what I should take B.who you are coming with C.where you are waiting D.what time you are arriving

21.﹣Could you please tell me ? ﹣Sure.There is a supermarket down the street.( ) A.where will I buy some medicine B.where did I buy some medicine C.where I can buy some medicine

22.﹣Excuse me,could you tell me ? ﹣Yes,I bought them in Xinhua Bookshop.( ) A.where you bought the books B.where did you buy the books C.how you bought the books D.how did you buy the books 23.﹣Could you tell me ? ﹣He is very tall and strong.( ) A.what does Mr.White look like B.what Mr.White looks like C.what did Mr.White look like D.what Mr.White looked like 24.﹣Could you tell me _____? ﹣At the end of July.( ) A.how often he heard from his pen pal B.how soon he will be here


C.that he went on vacation D.when you will start your vacation 25.﹣Do you know_______tomorrow?

﹣Sorry,I don't know.You may surf the internet.( ) A.whether will it rain B.if it will rain C.whether does it rain

26.The teacher asked me ______.( ) A.why do I come late B.why I come late

C.why I came late

D.why did I come late

27.﹣﹣﹣We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet. ﹣﹣﹣Really?Will you please show me____?( ) A.how can I use B.how I can use C.how can I use it

D.how I can use it

28.﹣Excuse me,could you tell me ________? ﹣Sure,Bus No.9will take you right there.( ) A.where is Nanjing Museum B.how can I get to Nanjing Museum C.which bus I shall take to Nanjing Museum D.how far it is from here to Nanjing Museum

29.I don't remember _______ the book yesterday.( ) A.where I bought

B.where I did I buy

C.where will I buy D.where I will buy

30.﹣﹣﹣Could you please tell me you will go to HongKong on business?﹣﹣﹣Sure.I prefer to take a plane.( ) A.whether


C.when D.How

31.The policeman asked the lost girl _________ so that he could take her home.( A.where did she live B.where she lived C.where is she living D.where she lives 32.Read!Books will show you _____.( ) A.what is the outside world like




