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一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now — ______________. A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. I don’t know

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

2. We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. A. benefits B. affects C. affects D. effects

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

3. The government official explained that there’s no point _______ about the cultural gap in that city.

A. to worry

B. with them worrying C. in worrying D. worry

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

4. The police are________ the two missing children. A. looking out B. looking after C. looking for D. looking on

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

5. If he _______such a good chance, he would have planned to learn more. A. was giving B. had given C. had been given

D. was to give

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

6. — What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!— __________________. A. No, thanks B. Thank you C. Yes, it is D. Sorry, it isn’t

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

7. — What can I do for you, madam — __________________. A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way C. Thanks

D. Excuse me. I’m busy 正确答案:A 满分:2 分

8. I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an

opportunity to do so on another ______. A. occasion B. situation C. condition D. environment

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

9. Strict _____________ measures have been taken during the President's visit. A. secure B. security C. safe D. save

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

10. —It’s cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door— __________________. A. With pleasure

B. Yes, please C. Of course not D. Thank you

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

11. The furniture in his room is quite different _______ in yours.

A. from those B. from that C. from that one D. from those ones

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

12. — I'm afraid I've got a terrible flu.— ____________________________ A. Never mind

B. Keep away from me

C. Better go and see a doctor



