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中考英语专题复习 第20讲 九年级 Units 11-12教案

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第20讲 九年级Units 11-12

1.friend(n.)→__friendship__(n.)友谊;友情 2.bank(n.)→__banker__(n.)银行家

3.comfortable(adj.)→__uncomfortable__(反义词)不舒适的 4.weight(n.)→__weigh__(v.)称……的重量 5.courage(n.)→__encourage__(v.)鼓励

6.agree(v.)→__disagree__(反义词)不同意→__agreement__(n.)同意 7.expected(adj.)→__unexpected__(反义词)出乎意料的 8.ring(v.)→__rang__(过去式)→__rung__(过去分词)

9.alive(adj.)→__live__(v.)生活→__lively__(adj.)活泼的;有生气的 10.work(v.&n.)→__job__(同义词n.)工作

11.burn(v.)→__burnt__(过去式)→__burnt__(过去分词) 12.discover(v.)→__discovery__(n.)发现;发觉 13.office(n.)→__officer__(n.)军官;官员 14.believe(v.)→__believable__(adj.)可相信的 15.disappear(v.)→__appear__(v.)出现;露面

1.would __rather__ 宁愿

2.drive sb.__crazy__/__mad__ 使人发疯/发狂

3.the __more__...,the __more__... 越……,越…… 4.be friends __with__(sb.) 成为(某人的)朋友 5.__leave___ __out__ 忽略;不提及 6.__call__ sb.in 召来;叫来

7.neither...__nor__... 既不……也不…… 8.to start __with__ 起初;开始时 9.let...__down__ 使失望

10.__kick__ sb.__off__ 开除某人

11.be hard __on__ sb. 对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉 12.__rather__ than 而不是

13.pull __together__ 齐心协力;通力合作 14.__by__ the time (that)... 在……以前 15.give...a __lift__ 捎(某人)一程 16.in __line__ with (与……)成一排 17.__show__ up 赶到;露面

18.__by__ the end of... 在(某时间点)以前 19.sell __out__ 卖光

1.Money and fame __don't__ always __make__ people __happy__.金钱和荣誉并不总能让人开心。

2.She said that the sad movie __made__ her __cry__.她说悲剧电影使她哭泣。 3.__The_more__ __more__ I got to know her,__the___ __more__ I've realized that


we had a lot in __common.对她了解得越多,我会发现我们的共同之处越多。

4.His face was always pale __as__ chalk.他的脸总是面如灰土。

5.__Neither__ medicine __nor__ rest can help him.药品和休息都帮不了他。 6.But __whatever__ it was,don't be too hard on __yourself__.但不管怎样,不要过分苛刻地要求你自己。

7.Peter went to soccer practice __with__ __courage__ __rather__ __than__ fear in his heart.彼得并没有感到害怕,而是鼓起勇气去参加足球训练。

8.When I __got__ to school,I realized that I __had___ __left__ my backpack at home.当我到学校时,我才意识到我把背包落在家里了。

9.My alarm clock didn't __go___ __off__.我的闹钟没有响。

10.Life is __full___ __of__ the unexpected.生活总是充满难以预料的事。

11.__Before__ I __got__ to the bus stop,the bus __had__ already __left__.在我到公共汽车站之前,公共汽车已经走了。

12.Many April Fool's jokes may __end__ __up__ being not very funny.许多愚人节玩笑结局并非十分好玩。

?would rather


He would rather stay at home in such bad weather.在这么糟糕的天气里,他宁愿待在家里。

He would rather not listen to jazz.他不愿意听爵士乐。

I would rather read a book than watch TV.我宁愿看书也不愿看电视。 【拓展精析】

would rather表示主观上的选择,意为“宁愿;宁可;更愿意”,后面接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为would rather not do sth.。

would rather do sth.than do sth.意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事”,相当于prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.。


1)—Driving less,walking more is good for our health. —So I'd rather ________ an hour's walk to work than consider __C__ a car.(2014,安庆模拟)

A.take;drive B.take;to drive C.take;driving D.taking;driving

?By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.我到外面的时候,公共汽车已经开走了。


By the time I finished working,they had already gone back home.我下班时,他们已经回家了。

When I got to the cinema,the movie had begun.当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。



by the time意为“到……时候为止”,引导时间状语从句。从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时。

过去完成时态表示的是在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。它表示动作的时间是“过去的过去”。其结构是由“had(用于各种人称和数)+过去分词”构成。其时间状语常为以by,before,by the time,by the end of等引导的时间状语。


1)By the end of last month,I __D__ all the CDs of Justin Bieber.(2014,黄山模拟)

A.collect B.collected

C.have collected D.had collected

2)When I got to school,Amy __B__ her homework. A.had invented B.had finished C.has finished D.had rushed

?forget,leave 【典例在线】

When we relax on the beach,we often forget the time.当我们在沙滩上休闲时,我们经常忘记时间。

I left my watch in the library yesterday.昨天我把手表忘在图书馆了。 【拓展精析】


forget指忘记一件具体的东西(其后没有具体的地点),忘记(做某事)。 leave指把东西忘在了某地,后接具体的地点,如:leave sth.+地点。 【活学活用】

1)By the time I got to school,I realized I had __left__ (忘记) my math book on the bus.

2)Sorry,I __forgot__ (忘记) your e-mail address,please tell me again. ?above,over,on 【典例在线】

Look!A plane is flying above your head.看!一架飞机正在你的头顶上方飞行。 There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。 There's a glass on the desk.课桌上有一个玻璃杯。

The temperature will stay above zero.气温将持续在零度以上。 It costs me over 100 yuan.这花费了我100多元。 2000 feet above sea level海拔2000 英尺 【拓展精析】

above意为“在……之上”,表示相对高度,不一定是正上方,其反义词为below。 over意为“在……之上”,表示在垂直之上,其反义词为under。 on意为“在……上面”,表示与表面接触。




3)Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays __C__ zero.(2013,无锡)

A.up B.down C.above D.below

4)Mrs.King put a coat __A__ the sleeping girl to keep her warm.(2013,安徽) A.over B.with C.behind D.beside


1.The aim is to give people more __power__ (力量) over their own lives. 2.His personal __wealth__ (财富) is around $100 million. 3.I __overslept__ (睡过头) and missed the bus this morning. 4.Jack lives to the __west__ (西边) of the town.

5.Researchers in this field have made some important new __discoveries__ (发现).

6.Yesterday the doctor __examined__ (检查) her but could find nothing wrong. 7.You'll have to get your parents'__agreement__ (同意) if you want to go on the trip.

8.In less than a year,he developed into a good __worker__ (工人). 9.I don't think differences are important in a __friendship__ (友谊). 10.Can you tell me the dog is dead or __alive__ (活着)? 二、单项选择。

11.—Show me your homework,Dave?(2013,襄阳) —Sorry,Mrs Brown.I've __D__ it at home. A.missed B.forgotten C.lost D.left

12.—Let's play football on the playground.

—It's too hot outside.I would rather ________ at home than __D__ out.(2014,铜陵模拟)

A.to stay;go B.staying;going C.stay;to go D.stay;go

13.__C__ the time I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.(2014,合肥模拟)

A.On B.In C.By D.With 14.We can get fresh water from rain,from rivers,or from __B__ the ground.(2014,芜湖模拟)

A.across B.under C.over D.off

15.The peaceful music in the CD made the students __A__ relaxed.(2014,池州模拟)

A.feel B.feels C.felt D.to feel

写作典例之时事热点 (一)(2014,平凉)



流逝。请根据以下提示,以How do we make good use of our time?为题,谈谈你如何安排自己的时间。词数:80词左右。


How do we make good use of our time?

Time is important to everyone.We need to make good use of it.Here are some things we should spend more time on.

First of all,we should spend more time with our family.It's our family who will support us whenever we are in difficulty.Reading good books is also an important thing.Besides,we should exercise every day to keep healthy.Only when we are in good health will we be able to achieve our dreams.Of course,to make our dreams come true,more time needs to be spent in planning for our future.In addition,never forget to spend some time playing for fun,life should be full of happiness.Helping others can bring you happiness as well.

If we can make good use of our time,life will be more colorful and meaningful.





2.我为什么有这样的梦想? 3.我将怎样实现我的梦想? 要求:

1.文中不能出现真实的人名、地名和校名。 2.包含提示内容,可适当发挥。


4.提示词汇:achieve one's dream,hold on to,difficulty,give up 【范文欣赏】

China dreams are made up of all Chinese people's dreams.As a middle school student,what's my dream?

I dream of becoming a teacher when I'm older,and I hope to work in my old school.Because I want to reward my teachers for teaching me so well,I'll also try my best to teach my students as my teachers taught me.To achieve my dream,I'll have to study harder from now on,I'm never give up my dream no matter what difficulties I meet.I'm sure my dream will come true as long as I hold on it.

If everyone does so,I strongly believe our China dreams must come true and China will get better and better.


中考英语专题复习 第20讲 九年级 Units 11-12教案


