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人教版九年级英语第二轮复习 - -词汇专练(有答案)

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人教版九年级英语第二轮复习 ----词汇专练(有答案)


1.Jerry will succeed in working out the problem he gives up.

2. Wu Lan is still young, she can help her mother do some housework on weekends.

3.I can lend my bike to you you promise to take good care of it.

4.Work hard, you’ll catch up with your classmates next time.

5. my sister I do well in our lessons. My mother is very proud of us.

6.—Did you say anything to your parents they shouted at you?

—No, I was afraid to talk back. They looked really serious and scary.

7.I was still painful I went to see a doctor. 8.Hold your dream, you might regret some day. 9.Give me a chance, I’ll prove it to you. 10.—I hear Susan will go to Xinjiang alone.

—That’s true. her father her mother will go with her.


11.He was advised to eat (few) hamburgers and drink

(little) cola to keep fit.

12.How Eric looks! He writes as as Betty. (care)

13.The artist is so (friend). All the kids like him so much.

14.The second-hand car is much (cheap) than the new one.

15.The soup tastes so (terribly) because it’s too salty. 16.It is said that Hangzhou is the third (comfortable) city to live in China.

17.This shirt is a little expensive. Can you show me a (cheap) one?

18. (lucky), they were not badly hurt in the car accident.

19.On hearing the exciting news, I was too excited to fall (sleep).

20.No one can swim (far) than Jim.

21.—Have you watched the movie DyingtoSurvive, Kelly? —Not yet. I (watch) it with my cousin tonight.

22.Her father (drop) her off at the school gate and


then drove to work.

23.—Why are you still waiting here?

—Doctor Yang promised to attend the party, but he (not appear).

24.—Do you want to go to the talk on recycling?

—Great!I (look) for some information for my article on the topic.

25.—Oh dear! My mobile phone has turned into a brick. It’s not working at all.

—Well, it (happen). Take off the battery and put it back on later.

26.Dad (bring) them to our house and Mum soon had lunch ready for them.

27.The librarian was (smile) at me and seemed friendly.

28.—I (lose) my card. I want to report it. —You can call the bank to report the loss. It would be faster. 29.—Did you watch the program ClassicPoemsSpread last weekend?

—I wanted to, but my brother (watch) a football match then.

30.Nobody can predict what (happen) in the future.So


enjoy your life.

31.—Must we hand in our homework today, Miss Chen? —No, you . You may hand it in tomorrow morning. 32.Look, little Jim is swimming so fast. I believe my eyes.

33.You look so weak! I think you go to see a doctor at once.

34.—Why we close that chemical factory?

—Because it has caused lots of pollution. We need a better environment.

35.—Wow, another gift! What’s in the box?

—I’m not sure. It be a pair of sports shoes. 36.—I often hear the little girl (practice) playing the

piano in the next room.

—Listen! Can’t you hear her (play) the piano? 37.—Would you like to go (swim) in the river, John?

—Swim? Sorry, our teachers always tell us (not swim) in the river alone.

38. Students are encouraged (play) football. Now many football clubs have

been set up in schools.

39.It is necessary for us students (improve) the


listening ability.

40.There was something wrong with his car. He had his car (repair).

41.There are some boys (play)basketball happily over

there. I want to join them.

42.Two disabled men from Ordos have spent ten years (plant) trees in the desert.

43.His grandparents pay more attention to (exercise) in the morning.

44.I can’t help (laugh) when I watch the funny cartoon TomandJerry.

45.Mr. Zhou is good at cooking and he has decided

(open) his own restaurant.

46.Sue practises (play)the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances.

47.The traffic is terribly busy in the morning. You’d better avoid (drive) in the center of the city.

48.—Could I go swimming with my friend, Dad?

—No, it’s very dangerous for you kids (go) swimming without adults.

49.We’ve worked so long. Shall we stop (have) a rest?


50.Tom is old enough (wash) his own clothes.


1. unless 2.Though 3.if 4.and 5.Both; and 6.when 7.so 8.or 9.and 10.Neither; nor 11.fewer;




14.cheaper15.terrible 16.most comfortable 20.farther 21.will







26.brought27.smiling 28.have lost29.was watching 30.will happen

31.needn’t 32.can’t33.should 34.must 35.may

36.practice; playing 37.swimming; not to swim 38.to play 39.to improve 43.exercising

44.laughing 45.to open 46.playing 47.driving 48.to go 49.to have 50.to wash


40.repaired 41.playing 42.planting

人教版九年级英语第二轮复习 - -词汇专练(有答案)


