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(全国用)2018年高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 专题三 完形填空 第三节 题组训练 1 记叙文(1)

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答案 C

解析 deliver递送;arrange安排;rush快速运输,速送;force强迫。一位患有心脏病的60岁的老人被匆匆推进了抢救室。故选C。 25.A.got by C.stood by 答案 D

解析 get by(靠……)维持生计,勉强应付;go by(时间)流逝,遵循;stand by袖手旁观,支持(某人),坚持(某种说法);stop by顺便拜访,顺便探望。第二天早上我离开的时候,顺便去看他怎么样了。故选D。 26.A.slept C.died 答案 D

解析 sleep睡觉;struggle挣扎;die死;survive幸存。由第三段中的“...three months ago,you saved my life.”可知,那天晚上他活下来了。故选D。 27.A.shortly C.soon 答案 B

解析 shortly立刻;sharp整点;soon 不久;punctually准时地。三个月后,晚上11点整。故选B。 28.A.informed C.indicated 答案 A

解析 inform告知;introduce介绍;indicate表明;inspire鼓舞。我被告知有一对夫妇想和我谈谈。故选A。 29.A.walked past C.ran towards 答案 B

解析 walk past走过,经过;approach走近;run towards朝……跑去;encounter遇到。当我走近他们时,男士说……。故选B。 30.A.past C.very 答案 C

解析 past 过去的;due 到期的;very 恰好的;previous以前的。三个月前的正好这个时候你救了我的命。由上文可知,“我”是在三个月前的晚上11点救了他,此时又是晚上11

B.due D.previous B.approached D.encountered B.introduced D.inspired B.sharp D.punctually B.struggled D.survived B.went by D.stopped by

点,所以用very“恰好的,正是的”。故选C。 31.A.seized C.praised 答案 D

解析 seize抓住;greet问候;praise称赞;hug拥抱。然后他们拥抱了我。故选D。 32.A.express C.display 答案 A

解析 express表达;reveal显示;display陈列;perform表演。他们送给我一份精美的礼物来表达他们对我的感谢。故选A。 33.A.hourly C.quarterly 答案 D

解析 hourly每小时;monthly每月;quarterly每季度;annually每年。他们说他们每年都会来拜访我。由下文“The next April 5th night...”及“Last April 5th night...”可知是每年一次。故选D。 34.A.happened C.volunteered 答案 C

解析 happen发生;refuse拒绝;volunteer自愿;intend打算。第二年的四月5号晚上,我自愿留下来,尽管有一名新医生代替了我晚上的工作。故选C。 35.A.by accident C.in addition 答案 D

解析 by accident偶然;for sure确信;in addition另外;once again又一次。晚上11点整Henderson夫妇再次出现。故选D。

36.A.pushing B.driving C.carrying D.sending 答案 A

解析 push推;drive驾驶;carry搬运;send寄送。晚上11点整Henderson夫妇再次出现,推着一辆婴儿车。故选A。

37.A.with B.in C.above D.behind 答案 A

解析 句意为:一张刻着7个单词的银色卡片。此处是with的复合结构。故选A。 38.A.neighbor B.relation C.partner D.doctor

B.for sure D.once again B.refused D.intended B.monthly D.annually B.reveal D.perform B.greeted D.hugged

答案 B

解析 neighbor邻居;relation亲戚;partner伙伴;doctor医生。良友如近亲。故选B。 39.A.collections C.exhibitions 答案 D

解析 collection收藏品;achievement成就;exhibition展览;treasure珍宝,珍品。我把它当作我的珍宝之一。故选D。 40.A.glad C.unwilling 答案 C

解析 glad高兴的;hesitated犹豫的;unwilling不愿意的;careless粗心的。它总是提醒我,我以前不愿意做的工作竟然给我带来了来自我本来不认识的人的家人般的关怀。故选C。

B.hesitated D.careless B.achievements D.treasures


1.They should keep their own economy running smoothly(smooth).

2.The investigation was carried out under the direction (direct) of a senior police officer.

3.I’ll book a direct flight(fly) to London for you. 4.He is responsible for the amusement(amuse) activity.

5.Strangely(strange),I’ve never seen that television show before. 6.China has many traditional(tradition) festivals.

7.That hotel probably(probable) costs no less than 20 dollars a night. 8.The meeting will be held annually(annual). 9.The train arrived at exactly(exact) 8 o’clock. 10.He is given a free ticket to the exhibition(exhibit). Ⅱ.短语提炼 A.英汉互译

1.retire from 2.be shy of 3.drop off 4.get by 5.负责


对……畏缩;羞于…… 小睡,打盹;减少;让……下车 过得去,勉强应付 in charge of

6.竭尽全力 7.支持;袖手旁观 8.偶然地,意外地


do one’s best stand by by accident

1.I don’t earn a huge salary,but we get by. 2.She knocked the vase off by accident.

3.He was in charge of the shop while the manager was away. 4.The membership of the club began to drop off after the incident. 5.The boxer retired from the contest with eye injuries. 6.One should do one’s best at all times. 7.Don’t be shy of telling them what you think.

8.He is the sort of person who will always stand by a friend. Ⅲ.翻译与仿写

1.On my fifth day,I was terrified to notice I was losing oxygen.

句式分析 be terrified to do sth.对做某事感到害怕;be+p.p./adj.后常跟动词不定式。 翻译 第五天,我发现氧气正在流失,对此我感到害怕。 仿写 听说他们已经结婚了,我对此感到惊讶。

I was surprised to hear that they had been married.

2.When I left the next morning,I stopped by to see how he was doing. 句式分析 本句是when引导的时间状语从句。

翻译 第二天早上我离开的时候,顺便去看他怎么样了。 仿写 当我到达火车站时,火车已经开走了。

When I reached the railway station,the train had left.

(全国用)2018年高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 专题三 完形填空 第三节 题组训练 1 记叙文(1)


