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朔方的雪花在纷飞之后,却永远如粉,如沙,他们决不粘连,撒在屋上,地上,枯草上,就是这样。屋上的雪是早已就有消化了的,因为屋里居人的火的温热。别的,在晴天之下,旋风忽来,便蓬勃地奋飞,在日光中灿灿地生光,如包藏火焰的大雾,旋转而且升腾,弥漫太空;使太空旋转而且升腾地闪烁。Unit1 Reading部分精练


1. Mr Green’s family is going to move to a town near the ________ (海). 2. It is comfortable to lie on the ________ (海滩). 3. I have my ________ (自己的) bedroom. What about you? 4. She goes into the ________ (浴室) and takes a shower.

5. She is cooking delicious food in the ________ ________ (餐厅).

6. My grandparents like growing some vegetables in the ________ (花园). 7. If you don’t take your book, I will s________ mine with you. 8. —Where is your mother, Jack?

—Oh, she is sleeping in the b________. 二、单项选择。

( )1. —How old is your sister?

—She’s ________. And we’re going to have a party for her ________ birthday next Friday.

A. seven; seven B. seventh; seventh C. seven; seventh D. seventh; seven

( )2. We know that she enjoys ________ books very much. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read ( )3. —What do you think of your bedroom? —It’s nice. My bedroom is small, ________ it’s clean and tidy. A. because B. so C. and D. but

( )4. —I like ________ football matches. What about you?

—Me too.

A. watching B. reading C. seeing D .looking at ( )5. I think WaterPark is a good place ________.

A. to have fun B. have fun C. having fun D. to have a fun ( )6. He ________ his parents ________ in a flat in Shanghai. A. and; lives B. with; living C. with; live D. and; live 三、句型转换,每空一词。

朔方的雪花在纷飞之后,却永远如粉,如沙,他们决不粘连,撒在屋上,地上,枯草上,就是这样。屋上的雪是早已就有消化了的,因为屋里居人的火的温热。别的,在晴天之下,旋风忽来,便蓬勃地奋飞,在日光中灿灿地生光,如包藏火焰的大雾,旋转而且升腾,弥漫太空;使太空旋转而且升腾地闪烁。1. Andy’s cat usually sleeps on the balcony. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Andy’s cat usually ________?

2. My flat is on the seventh floor. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ is your flat ________? 3. What place do you like best? (改为同义句) ________ ________ your ________ ________?

4. She and her sister live in the same bedroom. (改为同义句) She ________ a bedroom ________ her sister.

5. I live in a house. It has eight rooms. (合并为一句) I live in a house ________ ________ ________.


enjoy, chat, but, living room, have fun 1. At the weekend, I often ________________ with my dog in the park. 2. Do you often ________________ with your friends on the Internet? 3. My parents often talk with their friends in the ________________. 4. Mt flat is not very big ________________ I like it very much.

5. My family and I often sit in the kitchen and ________________ a cup of tea. 五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 不要向外看树上的鸟儿。

Don’t ________ ________ ________ the birds in the tree. 2. 我喜欢在卧床听音乐。

I like ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 3. 这座城市的中心有一个很大的公园。

There is a very big park ________ ________ ________ ________ the city. 4. 我住在一个离学校有20英里远的小镇上。

I ________ ________ a small town twenty ________ ________ the school. 5. 花园是种花的最好地方。

The garden is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ flowers. 六、阅读理解。

What type of house do you want to live in? Now let me tell you about Bill Gates’ house. He is a very famous and rich man in the world. He has a very modern house next to Lake Washington in the USA. His house has 45 rooms and there is a computer in each room.

There are two sitting rooms in the house, a small one for Bill Gates and his family and a very large one with sofas and chairs for 150 people. Of course, there are also bedrooms for his friends and other people in the house. Every bedroom has its own bathroom.

Bill Gates and his family sometimes watch films in their own cinema. It is very cool. Their big swimming pool is wonderful, too. People can swim and listen to music at the same time. He also has his own theatre, library, study and so on. On the ground floor, there is a parking lot for 20 cars.

Would you like to have a house like Bill Gates’? ( )1. Where is Bill Gates’ house?


A. It’s next to Lake Washington. B. It’s next to Washington.

C. It’s in the centre of Washington. D. It’s over a river in Washington. ( )2. How many rooms are there in Bill Gates’ house? A. 12. B. 20. C. 45. D. 150.

( )3. Each room has a ________ in Bill Gates’ house. A. TV B. bathroom C. computer D. sofa

( )4. There are two ________ and the big one can hold 150 people. A. bedrooms B. kitchens C. dining rooms D. sitting rooms ( )5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People can listen to music when they swim in Bill Gates’ swimming pool. B. People can watch TV and swim at the same time in Bill Gates’ house. C. There is a library in Bill Gates’ house.

D. Bill Gates’ parking lot is big enough for 20 cars.

Unit1 Reading部分精练

一、1. sea 2. beach 3. own 4. bathroom 5. dining room 6. garden 7. share 8. bedroom

二、1-6 CCDAAD 三、1. Where does; sleep 2. Which floor; on 3. What is; favourite place 4. shares; with 5. with eight rooms

四、1. have fun 2. chat 3. living room 4. but 5. enjoy

五、1. look out at 2. listening to music in bed 3. in the centre of 4. live in; miles from 5. the best place to grow 六、1-5 ACCDB



