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题型组合训练4 完形填空 七选五

(建议用时:35分钟;实际用时: 分钟)



I worked in a restaurant.One night a woman came in with three small children.As a __1__, I could usually tell who is going to tip well and who isn't going to tip at all. I __2__ got the latter vibe (气息) from her.She asked about the __3__ of everything on the menu, but she ordered __4__ water to drink.She wasn't __5__ appetizers.At one point her daughter asked her very politely, “Mom, can I have __6__?” The woman pulled out her coin purse and __7__ her change before saying yes.Then I was __8__ that I wouldn't get a tip, but they were very nice and pleasant to __9__ so I didn't even think twice about it.

At the end of the meal, she paid __10__ in coins.

When I went back to clear the table, to my __11__, there were a lot of quarters left for me.They amounted to $8, or about 25% of the __12__.Here was a woman who had to count her money before __13__ her daughter a milk because she wanted to __14__ she still had enough to tip me.

Was it the largest tip I ever got? No, but it's the only one I __15__ after all these years.

This story is a __16__ that the very best aspects of human nature can shine through in even the most __17__ of everyday situations.The first __18__ may be powerful, but it's important to let others show their true nature rather than making a snap (仓促的) __19__ about them.As a matter of fact, generosity is a valuable virtue, whether you __20__ to be rich, poor, or somewhere in between.

( )1.A.manager C.waiter

( )2.A.certainly C.suddenly ( )3.A.material C.taste ( )4.A.even C.also

( )5.A.content with C.interested in

B.director D.cashier B.positively D.regularly B.price D.colour B.much D.only B.aware of D.ready for


( )6.A.juice C.milk

( )7.A.counted up C.stared at ( )8.A.worried C.disappointed ( )9.A.please C.serve

( )10.A.largely C.rarely

( )11.A.surprise C.amusement ( )12.A.dish C.amount

( )13.A.ordering C.passing ( )14.A.believe C.ensure

( )15.A.understand C.require

( )16.A.container C.performer ( )17.A.normal C.important

( )18.A.impression C.prediction ( )19.A.choice C.analysis ( )20.A.attempt C.fail

B.soda D.cocoa B.used up D.played with B.convinced D.annoyed B.approach D.attend B.partly D.entirely B.satisfaction D.regret B.meal D.menu B.fetching D.preparing B.insist D.admit B.remember D.save B.judge D.reminder B.ordinary D.unusual B.thought D.expression B.comparison D.decision B.happen D.desire



1.C 根据“I could usually tell who is going to tip well and who isn't going to tip at all. I __2__ got the latter vibe (气息) from her.”可判断出来,作者是一位服务员。所以选C。

2.A 根据“She asked about the __3__ of everything on the menu, but she ordered __4__ water to drink.”可知,作者知道她一定不会给小费。 故选A。

3.B 句意:她问了菜单上所有东西的价格,但是她只要了水喝。所以选B。 4.D 解析同上题。所以选D。

5.C 根据“She asked about the __3__ of everything on the menu, but she ordered __4__ water to drink.”可知,这里意思是她对开胃饮料不感兴趣。content with…对……感到满意;aware of 意识到; interested in…对……有兴趣;ready for准备好。所以选C。

6.C 根据下文“Here was a woman who had to count her money before __13__ her daughter a milk…”可知这里填milk。所以选C。

7.A 根据“The woman pulled out her coin purse and __7__ her change before saying yes.”可知,这里意思是她在拒绝女儿的请求前,数了数她的零钱。counted up 把……加起来;used up 用完;stared at 凝视;played with同……一起玩。所以选A。

8.B 根据“The woman pulled out her coin purse and __7__ her change before saying yes.”可知,作者更加确定自己不会得到小费了。所以选B。

9.C 句意:但是她们非常好,我很愿意为她们服务。所以选C。 10.D 句意:这顿饭结束后,她完全用硬币付的账。所以选D。

11.A 根据“there were a lot of quarters left for me”可知,这位女士经济这么拮据,还给自己留下小费,所以令作者很吃惊。所以选A。

12.B 句意:它们总计八美元,大约是这顿饭的25%。所以选B。

13.A 句意:这位女士在为女儿点牛奶前,数了数自己的钱,因为她想确保有足够的钱给我小费。所以选A。

14.C 句意:解析同上题,所以选C。

15.B 句意:它是许多年以后我依然记得的一次小费。 所以选B。

16.D 句意:这个故事是个提醒,人性的最好的一面可以在日常生活中普通的事情上体现出来。所以选D。

17.B 解析同上题。所以选B。

18.A 句意:第一印象可能是强有力的。所以选A。

19.D 句意:但是让别人展现他们真实的一面,而不是仓促地做决定,这是非常重要的。所以选D。

20.B 句意:事实上,慷慨是非常宝贵的美德,不论你碰巧是贫穷、富裕还是介于两者





Everyone who has lived or worked overseas understands that travel is an enriching and life-changing experience, __1__. That frustration often stems from culture shock, but being able to identify the symptoms can help you ease the discomfort and anxiety of living in a new place. There are four main stages of culture shock while studying abroad that occur at different times for each person.

The Honeymoon Stage. This is when everything is new and fascinating about your host country. It's at this stage that you may fall in love with Italian pizza or the Irish accent. __2__. You're fascinated by similarities and differences between the host country and your home.

The Crisis (危机) Stage. This is when the differences between your home culture and the host country become apparent and feelings of frustration (沮丧)or anxiety occurs. You really want a jelly sandwich to remind you of home, but you realize your host country doesn't have it anywhere. They don't know your sense of humor. __3__.

__4__. At this stage, you become familiar with your surroundings and develop a routine. The same concerns will occur, but you will be better equipped to handle them. You have more friends, increased social skills and you've even become an explorer of the culture. You've regained your confidence, become more independent, competent and culturally sensitive. The Mastery Stage. Congratulations! You've adjusted to the host culture. You've taken an inward and outward journey that has led to immeasurable personal growth. You're now able to live and work to your maximum potential.

__5__. You can confidently speak and understand most colloquial English. You've developed meaningful friendships. You've settled. You belong.

A.The Depression Stage B.The Adjustment Stage C.Nobody knows the real you D.but it can also be frustrating

E.but it may be costly to live in a new culture F.You're no longer distressed by cultural differences G.You're thrilled by new sights, sounds, smells and events




1.D 根据句子结构“Everyone who has lived or worked overseas understands that travel is an enriching and life-changing experience, __1__.”可知,应在D/E中选择。根据下文的“That frustration often stems from culture shock”可推知,D项“but it can also be frustrating(但这也可能令人沮丧)”切题。该项中的frustrating和下文中的frustration属同根词。故选D。

2.G 上文提示“在这个阶段,你可能会爱上意大利披萨或爱尔兰口音。”承接上文,G项“You're thrilled by new sights, sounds, smells and events(你对新的景象、声音、气味和事件感到兴奋)”切题。故选G。

3.C 上文提示“他们不懂你的幽默感。”承接上文,C项 “Nobody knows the real you(没有人知道真正的你)”切题。故选C。

4.B 此空位于段首,属于小标题。根据下文提示“在这个阶段,你会熟悉周围的环境,并养成一种习惯。”承接下文,B项“The Adjustment Stage(调整阶段)”切题。且该项与前后段的首句相吻合。故选B。

5.F 下文提示“你可以自信地说并理解大多数口语。”承接下文,F项“You're no longer distressed by cultural differences(你不再为文化差异而苦恼)”切题。故选F。



