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牛津上海英语六上《Unit 10 Healthy eating》[何老师][市一等奖]优质课

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By the end of the lesson, students are expected to

learn and use new words: fit, exercise;

know about the whole story and catch detail information through different reading skills like skimming and scanning;

try to talk about the story and the past events, using simple past tense;

know more ways to keep healthy through logical thinking and group cooperation



教师在进行二次学情分析时发现:本篇课文生词较少,主要有fit,unhealthy,exercise,countryside和 stay。结合班级学生的具体情况分析,反义前缀un学生早已了解并掌握,unhealthy的含义和用法学生自学能够学会;stay和countryside的含义和用法学生也在课外阅读篇目中已有所了解,因此教师不将这三个词作为本节课要学习的重点词汇;fit和exercise两个词的大致含义学生可以通过上下文的内容、对比两组词组进行猜测。因此,在文章的大意理解上,教师认为学生基本不会存在困难,能够自己完成理解。

但是,在exercise的发音上以及对文章个别重点词句的理解上如did no exercise、that kind of food,教师觉得部分学生会存在困难,教师需要通过运用paraphrase以及读懂文字背后的情感态度等方法来帮助学生更好地进行理解。另外,在对文章逻辑结构框架的建构上教师依然需要引导和帮助学生学会运用predict,skimming, scanning等各种阅读技巧来获取所需的相关信息一步步实现,同时文本内在的逻辑联系部分学生无法理解,也需要教师设计问题、搭建脚手架帮助学生梳理,使他们找到现状、查明原因、寻求解决方法、结果发生改变之间的逻辑联系。


1. exercise的准确发音

2. 准确理解“I don’t have that kind of food”背后的含义 3. 正确地运用过去时态表达个人想法

4教学过程 4.1 第二学时 4.1.1教学目标

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to

learn and use new words: fit, exercise;

know about the whole story and catch detail information through different reading skills like skimming and scanning;

try to talk about the story and the past events, using simple past tense; know more ways to keep healthy through logical thinking and group cooperation


1. exercise的准确发音

2. 准确理解“I don’t have that kind of food”背后的含义 3. 正确地运用过去时态表达个人想法


活动1【导入】1. Review and predict

*Look at a picture of food pyramid and answer a question: What does food pyramid tell us about?

*Look at the pictures of the story and fill in one word to show what they are about. List questions of what they want to know about the story.


1. Skim and get the overall idea

Go through the story and choose the questions mentioned. 2. Scan to know about the characters

*Find out the relationship between Mr. Lin and Miss Chen. *Find the adjectives to describe Mr. Lin and Miss Chen.

*Finish the table about reasons for differences between Mr. Lin and Miss Chen on the worksheet

3. Read and talk about the end of the story

Answer question about what Mr. Lin did to become fit and healthy and discuss what else Mr. Lin did or eat.

4. Consolidate students’ learning of the story

*Discuss answers to the questions listed at the beginning of the class. *Talk about the story in students’ own words in simple past tense.


1. Imagine and discuss

What did Mr. Lin did/didn’t do after he went back to city to keep fit and healthy. 2. Expand knowledge on ways to keep healthy

Watch a clip and tick ways people use to keep healthy on the worksheet.


1. Interview people around about their ways to keep fit and healthy, take notes and give a report with at least 3 to 5 ways.

2. Read another passage about how Japanese keep healthy and finish the table.


Assignment for 6A Unit 10 Healthy Eating

Reading Material

The Healthiest Lifestyle in the World

In many countries around the world, people are living longer than before. People have healthier lifestyle, and healthcare is better too.

Okinawa is an island off the coast of Japan. The people on Okinawa, the Okinawans, may have the longest lives and healthiest lifestyles in the world.

Researchers did a study. They started their study by looking at city and town birth records from 1879. They didn’t expect to find many centenarians in the records. They were very surprised to find so many old and healthy people living in Okinawa. What is the secret of Okinawans? First, they eat a healthy diet. They eat many fresh fruits and vegetables. They also eat fish often and drink a lot of water and green tea. But researchers think that the Okinawans have other healthy habits as well. They don’t do hard exercise such as weightlifting or jogging. Instead, they prefer relaxing activities like gardening and walking. Researchers say that older Okinawans also have a good attitude about aging. They sit quietly and relax their minds with deep breathing exercise. They also enjoy massage.

lifestyle: the way people live their lives

records: things written down and kept to be looked at or used in the future expect: think something will happen

centenarians: people who are 100 years old or more attitude: the way that you feel or think about something

breathing: to take in air and send it out through your nose or mouth

Fill in the table according to the passage:

牛津上海英语六上《Unit 10 Healthy eating》[何老师][市一等奖]优质课


