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Lesson 33 Let’s go to the zoo





Lesson 33 Let’s go to the zoo

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Materials(教材分析)

(一) Lesson type (课型)

( A new Lesson)

(二) Status and function (本课在教学中的地位).

This is a listening lesson. The lesson is about what the animals are doing..It is helpful for the Ss to learn about animals and protect them..(三) Teaching aims (教学目标)1、Knowledge objects (认知目标).

A) Enable the Ss to remember the words :dream, noise, lion, lonely, miss, forest, course

B) Get the Ss to be familiar with present continous tense: What is the elephant doing? He is dreaming. The birds are singing. Is the panda eating? C) Help Ss to know more about the animals 2、Ability objects (智能目标).

A) To improve the Ss’ oral-speaking abilities.

B) To cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems. 3、Moral objects (德育目标).

To improve the Ss’ awareness of protecting animals. (四) Teaching Important Points (教学重点)

1) Master the words and phrases. 2) Talk about present continous tense(五) Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)

How to improve the Ss’ awareness of protecting animals.

Part Two:Teaching methods (教法)

1. Multi-media teaching. It can help the students be interested in the lesson and learn the lesson happily and easily.2、Encouragement and praise.3. “Task-based” teaching method.

“Task-based” language teaching is an effective and advanced teaching approach. It’s widely used in many different countries.

Part Three: Learning methods (学法).

1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.

2. Get the Ss to form good learning habits. Such as: Co-operation and competition----Students cooperate and compete with each other by working in groups.

Part Four: Teaching Aids(教具)

Multi-media computer, courseware(课件), the students’ pictures, a tape recorder,

Part Five: Analysis of the students



The students are in Grade Seven now, and they have some interests of learning and speaking English, they are willing to co-operate and communicate with others in class, especially this lesson is related to their daily life. I think it’s easy for them to learn the lesson and they will take an active part in the activities in class.

Part Six: Teaching procedures(教学过程)

Step I. Greetings.Step II. Show time

Ask some students to come to the blackboard to say and act the scenes “ Ask the way” and “ At the supermarket”


Step III. Leading in.

?In lesson 31 Danny and Jenny go to the bookstore.?In Lesson 32, Li Ming and his mum go to the supermarket. Today they want to see some animals, where can they go? (边说边展示图片)Ss: They can go to the zoo.

T: Yes, now let’s learn a new lesson. Lesson 33: Let’s go to the zoo.

(板书):lesson 33 Let’s go to the zoo.Step IV. Guessing game

T: Please look at the blackboard. Read and guess.

1. It lives in a forest. It eats meat. It looks like a big cat.( tiger ) 2. It lives in a tree. It eats bananas. It has a long tail.( monkey )

3. It’s a big animal. It eats meat. It is the king of the jungle.( lion )4. It has a long nose. It has strong legs and big ears. ( elephant )

5. It is white and black. It looks cute. It likes to eat bamboo. ( panda )设计意图:通过猜谜游戏,激发学生兴趣,快速进入文章。为讲解课文做铺垫。

StepV Listening.

Listen to the tape then tell true or false.1. The monkeys are eating donuts. ( F )2. The panda looks cute. ( T )3. The tiger is hungry. (T )4. The elephant isn’t dreaming. ( T )

5.Jenny thinks the birds are making noises. ( F )6. The animals don’t have feelings. ( F )




Step VI Presentation

T: How many animals can you see in th picture? ( Show some pictures and ask)Ss: Six.

T: What are they?

Ss: They are monkeys, tigers, lions, pandas, birds and elephants.T: Yes. Now let’s look at what they are doing?T: What is the elephant doing?

Ss: He is dreaming.( 边说边板书此句,领读)T: What does the panda look like?Ss: It looks cute.

T: What is the panda doing?Ss: It is sleeping.

T: Look at the monkeys. Are they eating donuts?Ss: No, they aren’t.

T: What are they doing?Ss: They are eating bananas.T: What are the tigers doing?Ss:They are eating meat.T: Maybe They are hungry.T: Look at the lion.Is he sad? 

T and Ss: The lion looks lonely. (边说边板书此句,然后讲解lonely 和 alone 的区别)lonely: 孤独的(有感情色彩,指人孤独寂寞)alone: 单独的,一个人(没有感情色彩)

eg. He lives alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely.T: Maybe he is missing the forest. ( 边说边板书此句,领读)

T:What are the birds doing? Are they making noises?( 边说边板书,领读)Ss: They are singing happily.


Step VII: Listen and fill in the blanks.

Danny and Jenny are at the zoo. They see many_______. They are _____、______、

the tiger、________、_______ and birds. The monkeys are _____ bananas. The panda looks _____. The tiger is eating _____. He is _____. The ______is dreaming. The birds are ______ happily. The lion looks ____, maybe he is______ the forest.

答案( animals, monkeys, the panda, the lion, the elephant,eating, cute, meat,

hungry, elephant, singing, lonely, missing)

Then the teather ask:

1. Is the zoo a happy place for animals?2. Do animals have feelings?

学生两个人一组讨论然后分组回答。对回答结果给出测评分1-5 分。接下来仍然是一个小组讨论的题目。What animals can you see at the zoo?


Step VIII: Practice.

3. —Where is Zhang Yan?

Step VIIII: Homework


Today I go to the zoo. I see many animals… 2. 预习Lesson 34. 完成所发预习习题。


1. Please be quiet! My brother _________ (write)2. It is 6:00. My parents __________(cook)


—She ___________ (swim) with her sister.( )4. -- What ___your mother ____ ? -She is reading.

A. does do B. is do C. is doing D. does doing5. waiting Tom for now sister his is (连词成句)___________________________________. 6. they doing are their homework(?) _________________________________?

答案: 1. is writing 2. are cooking 3. is swimming 4. C 5. Tom is waiting for his sister now. 6. Are they doing their homework?


What are they eating or what are they doing?

How do the animals feel at the zoo or what do the animals look like?老师提问,给学生模版让学生回答,模版可以像这样给出:I can see…

They are (eating/playing)…

They look/feel…(同样对结果给出测评分) 然后让学生思考:

1. If(如果) you are an animal, what animal do you want to be( 成为)?2. Where do you want to live?




1.Look at the lion.

2.He looks lonely.

4.Are they making noises?

3.Maybe he is missing the forest.

5.Of course. The animals also have feelings.




