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德国留学签证动机信 该肿么写!

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德国留学签证动机信 该肿么写?!

准备办理德国留学签证的朋友们,有木有听过“动机信”的大名呢?没错,它就是诸位申请者在办理德国签证时需要准备的材料之一。不过,你知道签证动机信应该包含哪些内容么?你知道动机信的正确写作方法么?莫急莫急!下面,就由天道德国留学小编为您带来详细介绍! 一封优秀的德国留学签证动机信需要包含的内容 : 一、个人信息



2)在德国,出生日期的格式是月日年。如1987年5月28日出生,那么应填05/28/1987。 3)地址一定填准确,否则可能延误收到录取包裹。如果家庭住址不方便收包裹,可以在动机信里分开写上邮寄地址和家庭地址,这样学校一般会把包裹寄至邮寄地址。如果你住的是小巷小街,嘉华德国留学专家建议不要翻译地址,直接使用拼音。


5)电子邮箱非常重要,一定留一个有效的,因为申请过程中邮件会成为你和学校间的主要沟通 6)所获荣誉,学术的和社会活动方面的荣誉都要写上去。包括获奖名称,获奖时间,发奖单位,奖励原因,可以简要说明获奖比例。如果中学时有与申请专业相关性强的突出奖项,应该也写进去。或者所获奖项总数量不多时,中学时有的特殊的奖项也可以添上去。 二、个人发表著作

包括题目,作者,时间,杂志(包括页码)(中英文,以原发表为准)。 三、个人技能

最好按照与所申请的德国留学专业相关程度决定先后,联系越紧或越重要的技能一般放最前面。 四、其他


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的,可以重点介绍。 以上是合格动机信的一般顺序,如有特殊情况申请人可以根据自己申请的专业及经历而对各项目的排序或者内容的详略作一定的调整,还可以酌情加一些对申请有帮助的东西。同时注意语言简洁,用粗体字标注重点内容,间距、字体、各部分所占空间。总之,好的动机信一定是让录取官员一眼扫过去感觉很工整舒服,同时关注到了你想表现的重点。 德国签证动机信模板 Motivation Letter Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apply for the English-Taught Master degree in Communication Engineering, which starts in December 2011. I am a BSc(Eng) in Telecommunications

Engineering with Management, which is a joint degree program between Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications(BUPT) and University of London. Reasons for choosing CE of RWTH Aachen

I had spent nearly two years seeking the way of my life from 2007 till 2009. Initially, as a freshman, I concentrated on the work of Student union and Beijing IETYME (Institution of Engineering and Technology Yong Member Section). As a result of my hard work, I was elected vice president in the third semester. However, instead of feeling much pleasure and excitement, I could not work up too much enthusiasm for the iterative activities.

Then I understood that the work of organization management didn’t really fit me. Naturally, I transferred my focus to study. I was heartily satisfied when I overcame puzzles even though the two-year distraction brought me great difficulties at the beginning. Since then, I started to realize that this should be the way of my life. I also found that I am most attracted by subject concerns with communication systems and excelled in courses such as Introduction to the Communication,

Telecommunication Systems, Signals and Systems Theory, Internet Protocols, Digital Signal Processing and Microwave & Optical Transmission.

Through these courses, I learnt the simple infrastructure of communication system and basic theories such as Sampling, Quantization, Channel Coding, Queuing Theory, Fourier Transforms, Wireless Network, Digital Filter Design and Routing Protocol. However, I was still confused with questions like what parameters would influence the practical operation of equipment, how to integrate the single units, how can I make improvement to avoid disadvantages of existing theories.

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In the summer of 2010, I participated in school laboratory which took charge of MIMO System optimization, one of national key scientific research projects. I keenly felt the lack of knowledge over that period, and was figuring how to exactly calculate the channel capacity in different conditions, how to instantly transfer channel state information (CSI) to transmitter antennas, how to apply the ideal model in the complex realities. I found these questions very fascinating.

Obviously, it is impossible to solve those questions with the current knowledge I leant in my undergraduate period, thus I decided to further my study. Another important reason is that what we learnt lags far behind reality, which can’t support me in operating advanced equipment. For example, the 8051 microcontroller I learnt in the course of ‘Microprocessor System Design’ was applied in 1990s.

While doing microwave experiment, my teacher mentioned that among the top three companies: Anritsu, ROHDE&SCHWARZ and Agilent, which produce VNA, R&S owns the unparalleled predominance compared with the other two companies.

Germany owns the most advanced technologies, the best research groups, first-rate industrial technology and rigorous elite education system, which strengthen my wish to continue my studies in Germany. RWTH Aachen University, which is among the best in Germany, enjoys an excellent international reputation and brings together many distinguished scholars.

为了确保申请德国留学的小伙伴儿,能够写出一份高质量的德国留学签证动机信,文章中,天道小编特意与各位分享了动机信写作的内容及模板,希望大家能够参考一下!更多德国签证资讯,还请继续锁定我们的频道!感谢您的阅读! 适合您的申请步骤





第四步,拿到录取通知后,德意志银行开户并存担保金,拿到资金证明后,递交签证 第五步,拿到签证,成行

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天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道!

德国留学签证动机信 该肿么写!


