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人教新目标九上英语试卷 Unit5 What are the shirts made of单元及解析

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人教新目标九上英语试卷 Unit5 What are the shirts made of



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评卷人 得分 一、阅读理解

(题文)In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artist .So he invented a very simple camera .He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.

The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837.That year, Daguere, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.

Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way .Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.

In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many picture of great people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike.

Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photos were nor just copies of the real world .They showed and feelings, like other kinds of art. 1.(小题1)The first photo taken by Niepce was a pictures of ____________ A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window 2.(小题2)The Daguerro type was____________. A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer

3.(小题3)If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840s, he had to__________.

A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera

C. stop in most cities D. take many films and something else with him. 4.(小题4)Mathew Brady_________.

A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures

C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people 5.(小题5)This passage tells us_____________. A. how photography was developed

B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different cameras 评卷人 得分 二、完型填空

People all over the world eat rice.___people, in Asia(亚洲), Africa(非洲)and South America___it every day of their lives. Some people almost do not eat___except rice.

Rice is a kind of____ There are more than 7000 kinds of rice. Most kinds are water plants. Farmers___rice in many countries even in the southern part of Russia and in eastern Australia. No one really knows where rice___. Someone in China wrote about it almost 5000 years ago. Some scientists think that rice___in West Africa,___think it___from India and then ___to other parts of the world.

6.A. Thousands of B. Hundreds of C. Millions of D. A million of 7.A. eat B. eats C. eaten D. is eaten

8.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 9.A. grass B. fruit C. flower D. vegetable 10.A. make B. run C. keep D. grow

11.A. came from B. came to C. went from D. went to 12.A. grew B. grow C. is grown D. was grown 13.A. another B. other C. the other D. others

14.A. came B. come C. was come D. was coming

15.A. was planted B. was taken C. was kept D. was grown 评卷人 得分 三、单选题

16.The bridge ___________ by the farmers themselves in 1982. A. built B. was built C. build D. was build

17.All the books will _______ to the children who live in the small village. A. be sent B. sent C. be send D. send

18.(题文)Keys _______ used for ______ the doors. A. is, opening B. is, opened C. are, opening D. are opened

19.My mother told me that my homework must ____ on time. A. finish B. be finish C. be finished D. finished 20.The rubbish smells __________.

A. well B. badly C. terribly D. terrible 21.My father finished his work ___________. A. in the end B. by the end C. at the end D. for the end 22.It’s ________ for me to see you.

A. please B. pleasure C. pleased D. pleasant

23.The stones they carried were used ________ houses and bridges. A. to build B. to be built C. for building D. A or C 24.The room_____________ as a study. A. used to being used B. used to be used

C. was used to be used D. was used to being used 25._____ the new China _____ on October 1, 1949 ?

A. Did, found B. Was, found C. Was, founded D. Did, be founded 26.I still can’t believe it! My bicycle____ last night. A. is stolen B. was stolen C. was stole D. stole

27.I’m sorry I haven’t got any money. I’ve ______ my handbag at home. A. missed B. put C. forgotten D. left

28.---________ bad weather! -----Yes, and it will last ____. A. What, two days B. What a, two days

C. How, for two days D. How, two days long

29.Some gifts were ________ on her _________ birthday. A. for her, ninth B. to her, nineth C. for her, nine D. to her, ninth

30.Look! There _________ deer ________ with the tourists on Yinhe Square. A. are a number of, playing B. are a number of, play C. is a number of, playing D. is a number of, play



评卷人 得分 四、书面表达

31.书面表达 Zhang Hua 是一个中学生。在上星期五下午放学途中,她在地上捡到了一个钱包(wallet)。请根据所给的单词,写一个短文。

关键词:on one’s way home, wallet, card, have to wait, in a hurry, thankful, refuse, though _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 评卷人 得分 五、选择句子补全短文


We all love new inventions. 32.. But have all these inventions really improved the quality of our lives? Picture this: You’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings and a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen. 33.. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel? Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, with no telephone, no car, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? 3 34..

人教新目标九上英语试卷 Unit5 What are the shirts made of单元及解析


