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Module 3 Unit 2 教学设计

课题 AWE M1 U2 项 目 话 题 Language and its history 语音 Natural and fluent pronunciation and intonation Vocabulary, nowadays, mainland, occupy, mixture, official, phrase, contribution, defeat, replace, entire, servant, raise, therefore, process, distinction, concern, ban, pure, unique, access, gentle, character, embarrass, backwards, conclusion, custom, interrupt, mistaken, deed, appearance, represent, simplify, combine, distinguish, indicate, press, convenient, practical Be made up of, consist of, aside from, take control of, mother tongue, ought to, differ from, stand for, as a whole 语法 1. noun clauses introduced by question words: what, which, who, whom, whose, when, where, why, and how 2. preparatory subject it 1. describing point of time and sequences 2. state reasons Listen for specific information Discuss the development of languages and make a survey Present a report about Chinese and Western body language Read an article about the history of English, a report about how Chinese characters developed and the story of Braille Expand vocabulary related to countries and languages Write a booklet either about the development of a language or some Chinese characters 目 标 要 求 词汇 语言知识 功能 By the end of the unit, students will be able to 听 说 语言技能 读 写 情感态度 Students have a right attitude the differences between English and Chinese. Students are more active in learning English after knowing more about the development and its history. Students are encouraged to know more about the development of Chinese characters. Students are more aware of the difficulty of the blind people and the development of Braille. Summarize what is in listening and reading; put more effort on the difficulties; cooperate with others; expand knowledge in other ways 学习策略

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课型 Welcome + Word power Learning objectives

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. learn about five different language forms;2. deal with words and expressions related to language and distinguish formal English from informal English; 3. enlarge their vocabulary by learning countries and their languages;

4. develop their speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion. Predicted area of difficulties

1. how to improve the learning of English

2. how to use formal English and informal English properly Learning aids: 1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures: PROCEDURE Warming up PPT1-3 Extensive knowledge PPT4-9 CONTENT 1. Daily report: 2.Sharing Ss’ own knowledge about language: (1) how many languages are there in the world? (2) how many can you speak? Know more about different languages in the world Introducing other forms of languages in the four pictures : (1) emoticons (2) sign language (3) Braille (4) animal language Present the result of the discussion of each group Other ways in which information is conveyed: Flowers; smoke; Why is English important? broad; stand for; inform…about/of….; in circles; exchange; form; 二次备课 Welcome to the unit PPT 10-25 Output of Welcome to the unit PPT26-33 Presentation of language focus PPT 34-36 精品 文档 欢迎 下载

精品 文档 Practice Homework PPT 37 Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases above. Preview the reading passage.

课型 Reading(I) Learning objectives

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. know more information about the history and development of English ; 2. learn the basic skills of how to read a history article ; 3. form a positive attitude towards learning English .

Focus of the lesson

1. elements of a history article: times, places, events 2. the history of English

Predicted area of difficulties

Old English; Middle English; Modern English

Learning methods

1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures: PROCEDURE Warming up PPT1-4 Reading strategies PPT5 Reading PPT6-15 CONTENT 二次备课 1. Daily report 2. Lead-in:history 1. Introduce the reading strategies: how to read a history article 2. Use the skills to get the main dates, places, and events Use skimming to get the main structure. Class assessment—times and events Task-based reading Discuss in groups: What caused the language to change? How will you learn English now? Is Chinese likely to be most widely used in the world? 1. Finish the time chart. 2. Read the text again; underline the words, phrases Post-reading PPT16-19 Homework PPT 20 精品 文档 欢迎 下载

精品 文档 and sentences that you think are important or you don’t understand.

课型 Reading(II)

Learning objectives

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. write out the transformation of the key words and phrases correctly; 2. use the key words properly in relevant tasks;

3. know some borrowed words and phrases in english;

4. raise the awareness of learning new words or phrases in a context. Focus of the lesson

1. usage of the key words and expressions 2. strange rules in English Predicted area of difficulties

1. the usage of the following words and phrases ‘be made up of’ ‘occupy’ ‘consist of ‘name after’ defeat ‘take control of’ lead to’ raise’ distinction’ and so on 2. the proper usage of noun clauses Learning aids 1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures:

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精品 文档 PROCEDURE CONTENT 1. Daily report. Warming up 2. Brainstorming: Retell the history of English briefly. all through history be made up of the English occupy consist of be named after aside from be mixed with be puzzled about play a part in defeat take control of affect lead to doing on the other hand result in raise serve … to sb make contributions to conquest the latter come into (widespread) use become King of England mother tongue official events during the Renaissance go through keep on doing/ keep doing It is certain that… Distinction between 二次备课 Key words and expressions Practice Doing the relevant exercise: Blank-filling Multiple choices Dialogue 精品 文档 欢迎 下载



