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一、交际用语 (共计 10 分,每小题 2 分) 1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。

1. - I’m so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you?

- .

A. Nice to see you. B. Sure.

C. You are welcome.

2. - What’s your present job?

- .

A. I am 24 years old.

B. I just graduated from college. C. I’m a film-maker. 3. 一 Goodbye, everyone.

- Bye, Sally!- Don’t forget to write. A. Stay in touch. B. Just wait and see. C. Sounds great.

4. - We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner.

- . A. Thank you.

B. Yes, I’d love to. C. That’s good.

5. - Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?

- . A. Don’t ask me.

B. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project. C. I don’t like the Japanese food.

二、 词汇与结构(共计划分,每小题2分)

6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选顶。 6. Each apartment only 15 to 30 square meters for one unit.

A. costs B. spends C. takes 7. -Can I help you, sir?

-I’d like to have 100 . I want my students to draw pictures. A. piece of paper B. pieces of paper C. pieces of papers 8. You know, this bridge Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau.

A. comes B. connects C. contacts

9. One day they crossed the bridge behind the palace.

A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese 10. This box is that one.

A. heavy than B. as heavy as C. heavier as 11. I hope you’11 working with us in the future.

A. enjoy B. apply C. achieve

12. Let's meet at 7:30 outside the gate of

A. the People’s Park B. the People Park C. People’s Park


13. I really like that car you and I am thinking of buying it.

A. recommended B. interviewed C. talked 14. -Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda?

一 Yes. I’m at drawing than her. A. better B. good C. well

15. I'd love to with you my new kitchenware.

A. share B. put C. help

16. People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money cooking fuel.

A. in B. on C. of

17. Nick a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn’t take it.

A. offered B. has offered C. was offered 18. We two railway tickets online this Monday.

A. looked B. booked C. took

19. This article deals with the natural phenomenon which most interesting to everyone.

A. are B. is C. they are

20. It was who wrote those words on the blackboard.

A. he B. him C. himself

三、阅读理解(共 40 分,每小题 4 分)

21-25 题:阅读短文,根据短文内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 Passage 1

Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house. Your first step will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many different things. You will probably try to find a sunny place, with pleasant surroundings (环境)near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.

Next you will find a good builder, and together with the builder you will work out a plan. The builder will draw the plan. It will show the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts, which must be noticed, such as windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your house. He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks, the glass, and everything else that must be used in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate (预算)must be corrected and revised (修订). His estimate is based on existing prices, but prices of such things may change, and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.

When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. (You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too high!) You may find that the house you wanted at first costs too much, or that you can spend a little more and add something to your plan. The builder’s estimate depends on the plan, but the final plan depends on the builder's estimate.

21. The best title of this passage is .

A. Building a House Costs Much Money B. Estimate Is Important C. Planning a House

22. The first thing for a person to build a house is .

A. to get as much money as possible B. to find a suitable piece of land C. to work out a plan

23. The phrase “draw a plan\

A. making a picture of a building or a room B. making a plan

C. working out a plan

24. When the builder starts to build a house, his estimate will have to be corrected and


revised because .

A. it is wrongly worked out by a workman

B. the future owner of the house thinks the estimate is so high that he cannot afford the building

C. the prices of building materials and the expenses(费用)of labor may be different from the original prices and expenses

25. What is the relationship(关系) between the estimate and the plan?

A. The plan depends on the estimate.

B. The plan has nothing to do with the estimate. C. The estimate and the plan depend on each other.

26-30 题:阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写 T ( True ),错误的写 F ( False )。 Passage 2

The world’s longest high -speed railway route, running from Beijing to Guangzhou, has been in operation for a few years. It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 8 hours. With comfortable seats and quiet cabins, this high -speed line offers a pleasant journey for thousands of travelers.

The high speed railway connects Beijing with five provincial capitals. Part of the line, from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, was in operation before the whole line was connected. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has connected the entire line. It covers a total length of 2,298 kilometers.

The Beijing -Guangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power. Travelers benefit from the efficient network, and find that their hometowns are not that far away.

As the American publication Newsweek puts it: China is now engaged in a “railway revolution”. These350 kilometer per hour high -speed railway trains have made the country’s vast territory “substantially smaller”,and changed the country economically.

( T )26. The world’s longest high-speed railway route is from Beijing to Guangzhou. ( F )27. It takes only 10 hours from Guangzhou to Beijing by train.

( T )28. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has linked with the total route.

( T )29. The Beijing-Guangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power.

( F )30. These 350 kilometer per hour high-speed railway trains have made the

country’s vast territory “considerably smaller”,and changed the country economically.

四、翻译( 共 20 分,每小题 4 分)

31-35:从以下 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳翻译。

31. That’s why tiny little apartments with a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom come into being.

A. 这就是为什么小公寓的卧室,一个厨房和一个浴室。

B. 这就是为什么小的小 公寓有一个卧室,一个厨房和一个浴室。 C. 这就是只有一卧一厨一卫的微型公寓形成的原因。

32. I'd like you to meet the famous bridge designer Mr. Liu Hua. A. 我喜欢你去见见著名的桥梁设计师刘华先生。 B. 我想给您介绍下著名的桥梁设计师刘华先生。 C. 我们最好去见见著名的桥梁设计师刘华先生。

33. It’s a great example of treading lightly on the bridge. A. 在桥上缓步行走是非常好的体验。 B. 在桥上交易是很好的体验。

C. 在桥上轻微的交易是很好的体验。

34. Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot. A. 太阳能灶是由反射镜及烹饪锅系统组成的。


B. 太阳能灶是一个反射系统和一个锅 C. 太阳能灶利用了反射系统和烹饪锅。

35. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. A. 太阳一次只能照到它的一半,地球看上去像一个球。 B. 由于地球看上去像一个球 太阳一次只能照到它的一半。 C. 地球看上去像一个球,太阳一次只能照到它的一半。


一、交际用语 (共计 10 分,每小题 2 分) 1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 1. - A: Hello, Bill Burton speaking.

- B: Hello, Mr. Burton, this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call. A. It’s my pleasure. B. What can I do for you? C. Is that Jenny speaking? 2. - Is there anything I can do?

- .

A. Don’t mention it.

B. Thanks, but I can manage. C. Go ahead, please.

3. We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have a walk?

- .

A. It likes a good idea.

B. It sounds like a good idea. C. How is a good idea?

4. -Would you like a glass of wine?

- I don’t drink. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please.

C. I don’t like it.

5. – Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?

一 I’m sorry, I have no idea. I . A. don’t know

B. am a stranger here C. am not

二、词汇与结构( 共计 30 分,每小题 2 分)

6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

6. my agenda is quite full for the whole week, so I can’t an appointment with you.

A. draw up B. sign C. make

7. Jamie wants to speak tome private.

A. on B. in C. to

8. There a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A. was B. will have C. will be 9. How often to the dentist?

A. you go to B. do you go C. do you

10. For days, smog persisted in many areas. China is to control air pollution.

A. take measures B. doing business C. taking measures

11. Have you filled in the application form your passport yet?

A. in B. for C. with

12. Miss Liu doesn’t mind your homework as long as it is done by yourself.

A. you to delay handing in B. your delaying handing in


C. your delaying to hand in

13. I suppose you know everything about that event, ?

A. don’t you B. do I C. do you 14. you busy with the Singles Day?

A. Be B. Are C. Will

15. You know, online shopping has so many .

A. advantages B. advantage C. advantaged

16. You can buy almost everything you have access to the Internet and enough money.

A. as long as B. as big as C. so large as

17. The Prize in Economics in 1968, that is, more than half a century ago.

A. establish B. established C. was established

18. The job is great in terms of salary. It has its disadvantages, .

A. though B. however C. even

19. His parents are present there , but their minds are somewhere else.

A. physically B. apparently C. psychologically

20. It is easy to get the software we need the market is small.

A. as if B. so that C. although

三、阅读理解(共计 40 分,每小题 4 分)

21-25 题:阅读短文,根据短文内容从 A,B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 Passage 1

An ebook (also refer、 d to as an electronic book, eBook, or e book) is a digital version(版本) of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options (计算机屏幕上的阅读选择). Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all, when you order an ebook, their is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook.

21. From this passage, we learn that an ebook .

A. can be found in any library

B. can be read directly from the Internet

C. can be read when special software is installed 22. The Ebook Reader is used for .

A. reading an ebook you’ve downloaded

B. turning a print book into a digital version C. downloading an ebook from the Internet

23. From this passage, we can learn that .

A. you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travel B. you can order an ebook using the Ebook Reader C. the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to you 24. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. An ebook is ordered in the same way as a print book is. B. The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed. C. The downloading time is decided by the ebook’s size. 25. The passage is mainly about .

A. a better way to download an Ebook B. a new kind of book 一 the Ebooks C. the new version of Ebooks




