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小升初英语专题训练 完形填空15篇

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小升初英语专题训练 完形填空15篇

Passage 1

Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their school. 4 Li is 5 English teacher. He is a good 6 . They love 7 very much. They have two good 8 . 9 names are Lucy and Lily. They are 10 . ( )1.A. teachers ( )2.A. both ( )3.A. at ( )4.A. Mr ( )5.A. a

B. workers C. students

C. too C. of

D. twin D. two D. to

B. all B. in B. Mrs B. an

C. Miss D. Teacher

C. their

D. they

( )6.A. worker ( )7.A. her

B. teacher B. his

C. father D. mother

D. him D. sisters

C. he

( )8.A. friends ( )9.A. Their

B. students C. brothers

C. They

B. Our D. They’re

( )10.A. all American B. American girl

C. America D. American teachers

答案与提示: Passage 1

1. C 由下文 They are twelve,确定他们不可能是teachers, workers,而选项D没有加s,因此只能选C。

2. A both是“两者都”之意,用于be 动词之后。B项all是三者、三者以上“都”,选项C、D都不合题意。

3. B “在学校”可用at school,但school前有修饰词a或one’s 介词要用in.

4. A 由下文He确定老师是男性,B项Mrs是“夫人”之意,C项Miss“女士”“小姐”均为女性,选项D为teacher,英语中对老师的称呼用Miss或Mr加姓,不能用汉语直译。

5. C 由上下文判断此处应用物主代词 their“他们的”。如:李老师可说Miss Li, Mr Li而不能用Teacher Li. 6. B 由文中知道He是老师。

7. D him“他”是句子宾语,应用代词的宾格形式,四个选项中只有D为宾格。

8. A 根据下文可知本句应是他们有两位好朋友。

9. A “名字叫……”names前要加物主代词their,句首要大写。 10.A 此题用排除法。选项D是美国老师们,而这些孩子是学生不可能是老师,选项C是国家名词“美国”,B项American后面的名词未加s,且四个孩子不都是女孩。只有选项A适合题意,意为“他们都是美国人”。

Passage 2

1 Miss Gao’s class there are 2 students. There are twenty-four boys, and twenty-two girls. 3 of the boys is 4 . His name is Jim. All 5 boys are Chinese . All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. In the class there are two 6 girls. They are 7 . 8 names are Lily and Lucy. The other girls are Chinese. We are 9 friends. There’s 10 difference, American-English-Chinese. ( )1.A. In

B. At

C. On

D. About

( )2.A. forty six B. forty and six

C. fourteen six D. forty-six

( )3.A. A

B. An

C. One

D. Ones

( )4.A. England B. English

C. Englishes

( )5.A. other

D. Englandman

B. others

C. the other D. the others

( )6.A. America B. american

C. Americas

( )7.A. twins

C. twines

( )8.A. They ( )9.A. All

D. American

B. twin

D. twinies

C. Them C. alls

D. theirs

B. Their B. all

D. Alls

( )10.A. not 答案与提示:

B. Not C. no D. No

Passage 2

1. A In Miss Gao’s class意为“在高小姐的班上。”

2. D 基数词表示几十几时,先说几十,再说几,中间要加短横。 3. C One of…表示“…之一”

4. B English 可以作为形容词直接放在be动词后面作表语,意为“英国人”。主语可以是单数,也可以是复数。

5. C the other可以修饰复数名词,表示除前面提到的以外的“全部其余的”。

6. D 修饰名词用形容词American .A项为名词意为“美国”。B项没大写,C项为错误表达法。 7. A 句子单复数保持一致。

8. B 名词前面要用形容词性物主代词作定语。they为主格作主语。B项为形容词性物主代词作定语。C项为宾格作宾语。D项为名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语、表语。 9. B all为副词,没有单复数变化形式。

10.C no用作形容词时,可直接置于名词前面。但如果前面已有a, this ,his much, any等词时,则用not.

Passage 3

In our classroom you can see there is a 1 of a park on the back(后面的)wall. You can also see many children 2 the park. There is a river in it. Near the river there are not 3 , but there are many trees. Many 4 are singing in them. Near the trees there are some old men. They are sitting at a table. They are 5 tea and talking. There are two girls over there. They 6 new blouses. They are talking near the river. We can also see two boats in the picture. One is 7 but in 8 boat there are many children. Are there any young men in the 9 ? Let me see, there are some. They are swimming now. What are the boys doing? They are 10 there.

( )1.A. map ( )2.A. of

B. children’s clothes B. on

C. lake D. picture

C. in D. under

( )3.A. some flower B. flower

C. any flowers D. some flowers ( )4.A. cats B. apples C. dogs ( )5.A. drink ( )6.A. put on D. are putting on ( )7.A. full

B. empty C. big

D. small

D. other D. birds D. drinking

B. eat C. eating B. wearing on

C. are wearing

( )8.A. the other B. others C. another

小升初英语专题训练 完形填空15篇


