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IV. Extensive Reading: Unit 1, Book II of An Integrated English Course (15%)

D. Vocabulary of extensive reading of Unit 1

a) Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank: 31. Education is _______ for children in most countries. a. compulsory resolute

32. He was _______ and ill treated. a. found b. capture c. enslaved d. held

33. Don't waste your time on these _______ things. a. small b. trivial c. bored d. trifle

34. You can pay for the refrigerator either in a ______ sum, or in monthly installments.

a. large b. huge c. lot d. lump

35. He said he had been _____ to crime by poverty. a. force d. stimulated c. impelled d. induce

36. His manner was quiet, his speech____ . a. deliberate d. deliberated c. careful d. considering

37. The engineers and technicians are still ________ on the unexpected accident.

a. discussing b. talking c. conferring d. mentioning 38. The council member _______ himself from the decision to close

b. determined

c. forced


the biggest department store in the town. a. denied b. dissociated c. put d. separated

39. The atmosphere of tense expectancy _____ everyone. a. serious b. calm c. sensible d. sobered

40. We should not pretend to understand the world only by the

intellect; we _______ it just as much by feeling. seize b. capture c. apprehend d. arrest

b) Please write out the word based on the definition given in the blank.

41. ( ) a description or an account from one point of view, especially as opposed to another

42. ( ) an act or a procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means

43. ( ) being in a state of intense joy; enraptured

44. ( ) using or marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with others

45. ( ) to bring to a halt; baffle

c) Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form or an appropriate word derived from the one underlined on the left of the sentence. 46. volunteer He gave an ________ smile.

47. vulnerability We are _______both by water and land, without either fleet or army.

48. stable Political _______is essential to economic



49. credence The new ambassador presented her _______ to the president.

50. illusionary Extreme heat can create an _____ of water on a highway in the summer. Key:

31. a 32. c 33. b 34. d 35. c 36. a 37. c 38. b 39. d 40. c 41. version 42. trick 43. ecstatic 44. diplomatic 45. stump 46. involuntary 47. vulnerable 48. stability 49. credentials 50. illusion

IV. Extensive Reading: Unit 2, Book II of An Integrated English Course

D. Vocabulary of extensive reading of Unit 2

a) Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank:

31. Following the election, the Democrats were demoralized, discredited, and______. a. breaking

b. broke

c. dishonest

d. broken

32. The governor's full public disclosure only _______the chorus of protests.

a. amplified b. expanded c. swelled d. broadened

33. His bad temper was ___ by his headache. a. irritated b. annoyed c. provoked d. aggravated

34. Do you give ______to what the man said a. credit b. belief c. trust d. money

35. I felt great _____when I heard I had passed the examination. a. ease d. change c. relief d. comfort

36. If you don't pay your rent you'll be______. a. knocked d. shouted c. dropped d. evicted

37. Pens and pencils ______out over the top of his coat pocket. a. poked b. push c. thrust d. shove

38. He has a bad cold and his nose is _______up. a. filled b. packed c. stuffed d. loaded

39. His inability to speak English puts him at a _______when he attends international conferences.

a. inconvenience b. mistake c. inferior d. disadvantage 40. He _______to be reading an important paper when the boss entered. a. faked b. pretended c. acted d. showed

b) Please write out the word based on the definition given in the blank.

41. ( ) to assume financial responsibility for; guarantee against failure

42. ( ) the design, development, and production of aircraft 43. ( ) a region of low barometric pressure

44. ( ) a wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; a magnate

45. ( ) sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord

c) Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form or an appropriate word derived from the one underlined on the left of the sentence.

46. restraining I can't _________my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals.

47. prohibition Smoking is strictly ________in the process of handling explosive materials.

48. parallelism There are few _______ between American football and European football.

49. frantically There was a ________rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.

50. informal There are a few _______to be gone through before you enter a foreign country

31. b 32. c 33. d 34. a 35. c 36. d 37. a 38. c 39. d 40. b 41. underwrite 42. aviation 43. depression 44. tycoon 45. unanimous 46. restrain 47. prohibited 48. parallels 49. frantic 50. formalities


II. Vocabulary of extensive reading of Unit 3

a) Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank: 6. The Blacks and native Indians in America live in __________ areas. A. isolated mountainous

B. segregated

C. poor




