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英语统考B 复习题答案

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at work. answer :D.

15、This book is nothing ______ do with the

author's first novel.


16、The young man was drunk ________ two

glasses of wine. B:with

17、I didn't buy the apples; she gave them to me ______ nothing. C:for

18、They sent the letter to me ________ mistake. A:by

19、James Watt ______ the steam engine.


20、The children _______ play with them.

C:want me to

21、How ______ you say that you really

understand the whole story if you have covered

only part of the article? can :A.

22、They all go outing on such a warm spring day

______ Mark. He is busy with his lessons now.


23、As a primary school teacher, one should be

______ with children. This is the first standard for being a good teacher. A:patient

24、Standing under a big tree to _______ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially

true when it is the thunderstorm reason. A:avoid 答案:A

25、The teacher's lecture on pronunciation lasted

for three hours. Many of us felt very _______ and sleepy B:bored

26、After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I

wanted to drink _______. A:something cold

All ______ they have done is good

英语统考B 复习题答案


