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2004年考研英语真题及答案详解 - (含答案 - 译文 - 词汇讲解)

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line is merely the realization of one short-term goal. Therefore, this line rather marks the starting of another race than announces the finishing of one.

This drawing reminds me of a lot of stimulating stories. The most persuasive example is the discovery of radium by Madame Curie, which is regarded as the long-awaited final answer to the mystery of radiation. On the other hand, it triggers off the study of other radioactive elements and their applications, which starts a brand new chapter in physics. Another example that occurs to me is the safe return of Shenzhou V spaceship, which marks the triumphant end of the launch and at the same time, begins a new era for China's space exploration. A third example is relevant to ourselves. Four years' college life is now approaching an end and each of us is standing at a new starting point, either pursuing further study or starting a career. Only when we are well-prepared for this change, can we face the challenge in the future and be the winner of the next stage.

三、范文点评 文章结构:



1. dash:“猛冲,急驰,飞奔”,这个词很形象,短距离赛跑专用该词,它也可以充当名词,即:make a dash for the finishing line,此外,能够表达这种快速移动的含义,替换dash的词还有:rush, hurry, dart, scamper等。

2. congratulating himself on finishing:congratulate oneself on…“独自庆幸”。例如There are so many fishing boats that the only fish left must be congratulating itself on its narrow escape.(渔船如此之多,仅剩的一条鱼肯定在为自己幸免于难而暗自庆幸)。

3. define:“确定”,此处还可以用infer, detect,conclude等词。

4. reveal:“揭示”,类似含义的词还有show, expose, illustrate, demonstrate等

5. represent:“代表,代替”,可替代的词有stand for, symbolize, manifest, portray, characterize, describe等

6. no more than 与接下来的merely的意思接近,都是“仅仅、只有”,此处的写作技巧为使用近义词,避免重复。可替换的表达还有:only, just, simply等。

7. while:这个转折连词适合引导对比的句子,而且对仗工整。例如Love is not treasured buy one surrounded by love, while to an orphan it is what he desires most in the world. (一个被爱包围的人不会看重爱,然而,对于一个孤儿来说,爱是这个世界上他最渴望得到的东西)。

8. short-term:“短期的”。反义词为long-term,也可以用in the shot run和in the long run,但后两个表达在句子中做状语。

9. rather … than…:“是…而不是…”。这个结构可以并列任何并列词性,但需要保持一致。例如:It is rather the parents than the child who make decisions for the latter.(为孩子作决定的是父母而不是孩子自己)。

10. mark:“标志着”,它与announce(宣布)形成对仗。可替换的词有:indicate, signal, declare, proclaim等

11. persuasive:“富有说服力的”,替换词有convincing

12. long-awaited:“盼望已久的”,它与well-prepared(准备很好的)构词相同,均为“副



词+动词过去分词”做复合形容词。考生在写作中要掌握它们的使用。类似形容词有:above-mentioned上面提到的, long-established长久存在的,much-needed非常需要的,much-praised倍受赞扬的, not-yet-ended尚未结束的,often-repeated常被重复的,well-known著名的,wide-spread广泛流传的。

13. trigger off:“启动,激发, 引起”,trigger原指“扣扳机”,使用其引伸义,非常形象。 14. start a brand new chapter:“开始崭新的一章”,相同的表达为turn a new page。 15. occur to sb.:“某人突然想起…”

16. era:“时代”,近义词为age或time。这个词多指具有标志性事物或人物的时期,用在文中非常恰当,如:the Kennedy era(肯尼迪时代),the era of space travel(太空旅行时代)。

17. further:该词是个常见词,含义简单但使用灵活。它作形容词可以表示“进一步的”,如further development(进一步发展)。还可以用作动词,表示“继续”,例如:With the furthering of cultural exchanges, more and more people will accept notions and customs which used to be totally foreign to them.(随着文化交流进一步深入,越来越多的人会接受一些以前对他们来说非常陌生的观念和习俗)。

四、写作误区 篇章结构误区:

写作中容易犯的第一个错误是跑题,有的考生把这篇文章写成了记叙文,花了大篇幅描述图画上的赛跑者,写他经过努力终于跑到了终点。也有考生好不容易憋出了一个主题,如:成功在于过程,不在结果。还有考生甚至想出的主题是:人很容易陷入一个又一个的怪圈,所以当你发现自己无法控制你的生活时,就要跳出这个怪圈。有考生这样写道“In the evening we finish all the things and go to bed, which means today’s over, but when we open our eyes, we will face a new day and a new challenge. That’s a order of nature, which we cannot avoid.”这段话根本没有涉及到该图画的内涵,而是谈了一些肤浅的生活琐事。这些都是审题不够准确,产生偏差造成的。


语言表达错误: ①用词错误:

A boy is throughing a line which is either a starting point or a terminal point.(A boy is crossing a line which is both a starting point and a terminal line.)


For example, the student is working hard in the classes and wishes to have a good mark.(For example, the student works hard in the class and wishes to have a good mark.)


His fault is satisfied with the past success and paid little attention to the present challenge.(His fault is being satisfied with the past success and paying little attention to the present challenge.)


The reason why you have no need to look back is whether you win or lose, it has been past, they can do nothing on the problem you are facing.(The reason why you need not look back is, whether you win or lose, it is past and can do nothing to the problem you are facing.)




In our lives, we have several steps to experience. Although you have got to the finishing point of one step, it doesn’t mean you have accomplished the whole race.(In our lives, we have several stages to experience. Although we have got to the finishing point of one stage, it doesn’t mean we have accomplished the whole race.)


But it doesn’t matter, if you again start from the beginning and do your best, you try again and again. Sooner or later, you will success.(But it doesn’t matter. If you start again from the beginning and do your best, sooner or later, you will succeed.)




2004年考研英语真题及答案详解 - (含答案 - 译文 - 词汇讲解)


