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Asking and answering question An environmental accident The Daily Reporter Tanker Grounded

200 tonnes of oil leak into sea

1 .Following this news announcement a journalist interviews a spokesperson from the company that owns the tanker. Listen to the interview. 1 What caused the accident

2 How many accidents has the ship been involved in 3 Does the spokesperson come out of it well 2Complete the questions the journalist asks. 1 how this happened

2this isn't the first time this particular ship has been in an accident 3And to do to limit the damage

4 this kind of accident is acceptable 5 It's a PR disaster for your company, Indirect questions

3 Look at exercise 2. Study the structure of the indirect questions in sentences 1 and 4,and the tag questions in sentences 2 and 5.

4 Convert the following questions into indirect questions.

0 How many years' experience do you have in customer service

Can you tell me how many years' experience you have in customer Service 1 Where have you worked before I'd be interested to know 2 Are you an ambitious person Would you say

3 Have you gone as far as you can in your present job Do you think 4 Who are our main customers

Do you know

5Convert the following questions into tag questions. 0 Are you interested in a full一time job

You're interested in a full-time job ,are not you 1 Are you married

2 Can't you start tomorrow\

3 have you only worked for smaller companies

4 Did you manage to find our offices easily'

5 Is this your first real job

6 Would you be able to work part-time

A job interview

6 How would you feel if you were asked these questions How would you reply 1 Can you tell me why you think you'll be good at this job 2 Why should I employ you

3 You don't have much experience in this field, do you

4 You've taken quite a lot of time out from work .Why is that

5 You are quite a quietly-spoken person. Do you have trouble asserting yourself

G Now, your last job. Did you choose to leave 7 And what do you know about our company 8 So tell me what you did yesterday.

7 Work with a partner. Each choose one of the following jobs to be interviewed for. Prepare five questions each and then lake it in turns to adopt the role of interviewer and interviewee. Try to put your interviewee `on the spot: firefighter restaurant manager web designer

fundraiser for local sports club trainee investment advisor

Reading Test: Introduction and Part One

The Reading Test has six parts, in which there are a total of 52 questions, and Lasts one hour. It carries 25% of the total marks. The texts are all business-related and vary between 150 and 500 words in length. Each part tests a particular reading skill or understanding of language structure.

In the exam, you have an hour to read over 2,000 words, so try to develop your reading speed. The only way to do this is to practise: .Read English business texts, e g Time, Newsweek.

.Get your news from English Internet sites, e g the BBC, CNN.

Part Text tune Skill focus Task

1 Single text or 5 Beading for global meaning; Matching summaries

short texts (450 summarising to each section of text words

2 Single text (460- heading for detail; Inserting missing 500 words) understanding structure sentences into text

3 Single text(500- Reading for general meaning 4-part multiple choice 600 words) and specific detail comprehension question

4 Single text (250 Understanding meaning and Gap-fill; multiple

words) grammar of individual words choice (4-choice)

5 Single text (250 finding missing words to Open gap-fill one words} give meaning and cohesion Word per gap)

6 Single teat (150- understanding grammatical Identifying incorrect of

200 words) structure unnecessary words Past One

Part One is a test of reading for gist or global meaning. five texts or sections have to be matched to live sentences that summariese the general view being expressed in each. Follow these steps ·Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand the context of the passages) and what you are being asked to do. .Do not read the summaries first. ·Bearing in mind what general information you are looking for, read the first text }uml

then try to summarise, in your head, the general view it expresses. ·Now read the summaries and lind the one chat matches your own mental summary. ·repeat this procedure for each of the other four texts.


1 Write a one-sentence summary for this passage. Compare your answer with your partner.

I favour a direct approach to interviewing where the questions really put the candidate under pressure and test their reactions. If you look at manuals on interviewing technique, you'll find that most advise you first to make the candidate feel at ease, and then to ask open-ended questions that give them the freedom to tall; and express themselves as they would like. But I think we're being far too nice here. By allowing people to dictate the direction of the interview, we run the risk of not discovering who they really are and wasting everyone's time.

2 Following the approach described above, do this Reading Test Part One. Give yourself about twelve minutes. PART ONE Questions 1-8

. Look at the sentences below and at the five extracts from an article on employee motivation

..Match each statement 1-8 to one of the extracts (A, B, C, D or E). .you will need to use some of the letters more than once. .There is an example at the beginning (0). Example:

Job satisfaction is the key to an employee's motivation. D

1 Companies usually try to motivate employees with extra payment or verbal praise.

2Financial rewards don't work so well when the manager assesses performance himself

3In the end, motivation has to come from the person himself. 4Loyalty and commitment are two different things.

5Employees are committed when they understand and believe in the company's aims.

6Most employees see rewards as an end in themselves.

7How well you work does not depend on how good your working conditions are. 8Good relations between managers and workers create the right working environment A

Fundamental to the issue of motivation is the distinction between employee loyalty to the company and employee commitment. Employees feel loyal when they feel comfortable and well looked after job security, reasonable conditions of pay, generous holiday entitlement, medical insurance and a good pension. Without these conditions an employee will feel neither loyalty to the company nor any motivation to work. But it is also possible that even with good conditions, the employee may not feel motivated. This is because performance is not directly related to working conditions: an employee can feel secure. whether he works hard or not B

Motivation has more to do with commitment to the job. The conditions that produce commitment are different from those that inspire loyalty. Committed employees will have a clear sense of the goals of the company and understand their part in contributing to achieving them. Moreover, they will believe that these goals are worth working for: they will derive job satisfaction from what they do. So companies who want a motivated staff ought to be spending their time thinking about their goals and communicating these with enthusiasm to their staff. C

Instead, the motivation debate seems to focus on rewards, either financial or non-financial. For example money is commonly used as an incentive for sales people or others with measurable targets to reach. Sometimes it is also used to reward employees whose performance has been evaluated subjectively by a line manager. This is less satisfactory. Verbal commendation is also used to motivate, from a simple word of encouragement in the employee's ear to a public award ceremony. D

But do all these types of rewards motivate people Well yes, they do. They motivate them to get rewards. What they don't necessarily do is motivate them to be a committed employee and do a good job. What really motivates people is the level of satisfaction they find in their work. As Herzberg famously put it: 'If you want people motivated to do a good job, give them a good job to do‘ E

So the real motivators are things which are intrinsic to the job: that the employee

feels part of a unit that is working towards something worthwhile. And from this as long as communication between employee and management is open and respectful, will come recognition for good work, advancement in the company and personal growth. The best that companies can do is to create such an environment and then hope that within it people are able to motivate themselves



