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Nowadays there are roughly 600 million competitive athletes and coaches worldwide and every one of them wants to get better and help their team win. Well, now you can learn and improve your skill regardless of where you live via the power of the information super highway. Here are some sport sites you have to visit to help you win more games next season. *PlaySports TV

This site is focused on helping the 6million volunteer youth coaches with over 3,500

videos. It's a youth coach secret weapon to win more games and make a great impact on the youth they're coaching. The youth sports training on the site is designed to make learning how to play sports easy and fun.

*Glazier Clinics

Glazier Clinics is known for their high-quality clinic where you can hear some of the best coaches share their wisdom. Well, now they have a site in which you can access great training at home if you're a coach and want to have a better record next year. Glazier Clinics feature drills, coaching topics and speakers for every level coach. *About.com

Your sports team will never fall short of valuable tips and tricks with some of the great articles on About.com. With expert content that helps users raise questions, solve problems, learn something new or find inspiration, you're sure to always be on top of your game. *YouTube

Created in May 2005, YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. It has some excellent instructional clips as long as you (电影片段)

don't mind the barrage(弹幕) of advertising. Several channels offer guidance on sports on the site and you only need to search one representing your sports team interests. 1. Which site may be most useful for a volunteer youth coach? ______

A. PlaySports TV C. About.com B. Glazier Clinics D. YouTube

2. What can we learn about Glazier Clinics? ______

A. It's a website for nursing.

B. It is focused on first aid in sports games. C. It is suitable for coaches of all levels. D. It provides training drills offline.

3. What is the similarity between PlaySports TV and YouTube according to the text?


A. They are both only intended for coaches. B. They are popular with young athletes.


C. They aim to make sports easy and fun. D. They offer guidance in the same way.

4. What is the disadvantage of YouTube? ______

A. Some of its videos are boring. B. It has too many advertisements. C. It is hard to find a favourite channel. D. It offers a limited amount of guidance.


Ricky lived in a lovely, futuristic house, which had everything you could ever (未来派的)

want. Though he didn't help much around the house, Ricky was still very pleased when his parents bought him the latest model of robot. As soon as it arrived, off it went, cooking, cleaning, ironing, and----most importantly--- gathering up clothes from Ricky's bedroom floor. On that first day, when Ricky went to sleep, he had left his bedroom in a truly disastrous state. When he woke up the next morning, everything was perfectly clean and tidy. In fact, it was actually too clean; now Ricky couldn't find his favourite T-shirt, nor his favourite toy. However much he searched, the two things did not reappear. The same was starting to happen to other things. Ricky began to suspect the robot. He hatched a plan to spy on the robot, and began following it around the house. Finally, he caught it red-handed. Ricky told his parents that the robot was broken and badly programmed and asked them to have it changed. But his parents told him absolutely not; they were delighted with the new robot, and it cooked like a dream.

One day, the robot was whirring(嗡嗡地响) past, and heard the boy's complaints. The robot returned with one of the boy's toys, and some clothes for him. \, sir. I did not know it was bothering you,\.

\, you thief?! You've been stealing my belongings for weeks!\answered angrily.

\. I therefore calculated that you did not like them. I am programmed to collect all that are not wanted, and at night I send them to people who can use them. I am a maximum efficiency machine. Were you unaware?\, (效率)with a certain pride.

Ricky started feeling ashamed. He understood that the robot was neither broken nor misprogrammed. Rather, it had been programmed extremely well. Since then, Ricky has decided to become a \, and put real care into how he treated his things. He kept them tidy, and made sure he didn't have more than was necessary. And, often, he would buy things, and take them along with his good friend, the robot, to help out those other people who needed them. 5. What is the robot programmed to do? ______

A. Communicate with humans. B. Take care of children. C. Do the housework. D. Recycle used objects. 6. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 mean? ______

A. The robot had no time for cooking. B. The robot was good at cooking. C. The robot was interested in cooking. D. The robot dreamed of being a cook. 7. Ricky felt ashamed because ______ .

A. he didn't accept the robot at first. B. he didn't take good care of his things.


C. he told his parents to change the robot. D. he had misunderstood the robot.

8. Where is this text probably from? ______

A. A science fiction. B. An entertainment magazine. C. An advertisement. D. A science report.


Fast food has become indicative of our thoughtless, consumer throw-away society. Yes, it may taste good to some people, but the truth is, it is terrible for health. For those who live in a fast food fantasy world, eating it every day, believing that it is fast, convenient and inexpensive, it can be catastrophic(灾难性的).

Contrary to being cheap, fast food is very expensive on many levels. To start with, a home-cook nutritious meal would cost a lot less than any fast food meal and you would know exactly what ingredients were in your food.

However, the expense is not only in terms of money you spend at the restaurant. There are hidden costs. Not only does it cost money to pay for the petrol to go and get this nutritionally poor food, but also it is very wasteful of paper, plastic and styrene(苯乙烯) all of which do serious damage to the environment: plastic and styrene cannot be got rid of, but break up into small particles(颗粒) and end up in our water supply or our air, and therefore our food chain. It is a very severe circle. Besides not being good for you, fast food is also addictive. The more you eat, the more you want, and so, more and more kids are suffering from fatness. Fast food restaurants have become a favourite hangout for teens, and not just for something to eat. If fast food was designed to be quick and easy, why do many of them have cafes, a Wi-Fi zone and an eat-in restaurant? Those are not things a person in a hurry would use. The goal now is trying to attract customers to stay longer and thus spend more money. Their marketing is aimed at attracting kids because they are the ones who have money to spend and are customers of the future.

Fast food is dangerous to your health, hard on your wallet, addictive and harmful to the environment. Through the power of the media, children, teens and adults are attracted to \, be part of the fast throw-away lifestyle it promotes. How to resist the hype(促销广告)? Just take a good look at the results on those who eat it. Then look at yourself.

9. What's the author's purpose in writing the text? ______

A. To present the advantages and disadvantages of fast food. B. To tell readers about the negative effects of fast food. C. To explain what ingredients you can find in fast food. D. To compare home food with fast food.

10. The author thinks fast food is expensive because ______ .

A. the price includes the labour and materials B. the delivery charge of fast food is very high C. the hidden costs have to be counted D. the packaging is too expensive

11. Fast food chains want to attract young people because ______ .

A. the young care less about their health B. their food promotes a young lifestyle C. the young have enough money to spend

D. they consider the young as their main future customers


12. Which would be the best title for a book on fast food by this author? ______

A. The Fast Food Movement: Is It Slowly Killing Us and the Environment? B. The Psychology of the Fast Food War: What Makes You Want to Eat It? C. Bad for Your Health? Fast Food Is for a Sustainable Healthy Future. D. The New Diet Revolution: Food for the Future of the Planet?


Many people think that hippos(河马) are cute and funny-looking. They are really fat and they have short, thick legs. They also have little round ears that wiggle sometimes. (摆动)Hippos look funny, but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Hippos are extremely violent and dangerous. In fact, they kill more people than any other animal in Africa. Think of how many dangerous animals that Africa has. It has got crocodiles, snakes, lions, elephants, and many more. Hippos also are more dangerous than all of them.

Hippos are naturally very dangerous animals, but there are some situations that make them even more dangerous than normal. They are very territorial. That means that they stay in one area which they consider to be their private area. If a person or animal enters a hippo's area, the hippo will attack. Hippos often attack when they are returning to the water. Hippos eat on land and return to the water at dusk. If a hippo sees an animal when it's returning to the water, it will become violent.

Hippos are so strong that they often kill crocodiles. There are two reasons that explain why hippos and crocodiles often fight. First of all, hippos and crocodiles live in the same areas. Since hippos are territorial, they don't like having crocodiles nearby. Also,

crocodiles often eat young hippos. For that reason, adult hippos frequently kill crocodiles. Mother and daughter hippos have close relationships. However, hippos don't have any other close relationship with each other. Hippos often live together in large groups, but scientists don't know why. It's hard to study the behavior of male and female hippos, because males and females look the same.

Hippos are violent, but they are herbivores. A herbivore is an animal that eats only

plants. An adult hippo eats about 50 kilograms of plants every day. Hippos are much more comfortable in the water, but they can run fast on land. Their top speed is about 19kilometers per hour. That's much faster than humans can run. 13. What is the text mainly about? ______

A. The fight between hippos and crocodiles. B. How to tell male hippos from female ones. C. Africa's most dangerous animal--- hippos. D. Why hippos get violent.

14. If an animal is territorial, what does that mean? ______

A. It is afraid of other animals. B. It stays within a limited area.

C. It does not like to live in large groups.

D. It does not want other animals to enter its area.

15. What is the author's purpose in writing the text? ______

A. To inform. B. To entertain. C. To instruct. D. To persuade. 二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)

Study Tips and Techniques If you often find yourself struggling with your studies, here are some useful study tips and techniques that can help you out. Self-study and research


It is a common wrong idea that self-study can begin only after a particular topic is taught in class. (1) . After attending the classes, it is of great importance that you have time to review the notes that you have taken during the classes as well as try and read more about the subject on your own.

(2) Yes, one of the important habits that you must acquire to improve the studying process is to involve yourself in group discussions about the subjects that you are studying. Group discussions can be a great way to broaden your viewpoint over important problems since group discussions give every group member a chance to voice their understanding. Group discussions are thus a healthy and a rather informal way of exchanging information and discussing issues.

Regular planning

(3) . According to your convenience, map out your daily/ weekly/ monthly study. It is always better to have a weekly or a daily arrangement, so that sudden changes in class schedules or any other changes can be taken into consideration accordingly.

(4) Yes, there exist many students who burn the midnight oil. The studying process should be such that it leaves enough room for a student to join in entertainment activities and

relaxation. Always plan a schedule that will not influence your sleep, your health, your sports/ entertainment activities and other tasks. Build the right attitude

Normally students get too caught up with the grades, the percentage and the entire marking system.Always remember that if you study with the aim of acquiring knowledge, the grades will be brighter. However, if you just aim for the high grades, there is a chance you might get the grades, but you will miss out on acquiring comprehensive(综合的) knowledge on a particular subject. (5) .

A. Balanced study

B. Debates and conversations

C. Organized and comprehensive notes

D. You should start preparing for the class in advance

E. Having a clear project makes it easier for a person to reach the goal

F. Try and answer these questions yourself with the help of books or the Internet

G. Always study with the right point of view, and you will never have to worry about your grades 16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.

E F. F G. G 17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.

E F. F G. G 18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.

E F. F G. G 19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.

E F. F G. G 20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.

E F. F G. G


Having finally finished my 10-hour sleepy voyage on the international plane, I stepped on a bus, waiting anxiously for it to start.

A woman, sitting next to me, and her daughter both seemed (21). she told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and would throw up(呕吐) continuously;(22), the mother




