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人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5词汇运用专项练习(包含答案)

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Unit 5

根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1.I was cutting my hair when the s_____________(奇怪的) man passed the door. 2.Ben’s mom was putting some candles and m_____________(火柴) on the table. 3. We were having fun in the p_____________(操场) when the school bell rang. 4.Robert and his friends were c_____________(完全)surprised to hear the news. 5.The news on TV r_____________(报道) that there was a rainstorm in the area. 6. Jenny has a lovely ___________(闹钟)to wake her up every morning. 7. He forgot to take a box of ___________(火柴)when he went camping. 8. I can see some children playing games through the ___________(窗户). 9. There is a lot of ___________(木头)in front of my old house.

10. Be careful! The roads were ___________(覆盖着冰的)because of the heavy snow.

11. Read the first __________(章节)and answer the following questions. 12. If my parents know the __________(实情), they will be angry with me. 13. -What was the __________(日期)of that event? -It was July 20th, 2019.

14. I __________(认识到)I did something wrong. So I said sorry to my mother. 15. Ms. Wang is a Chinese teacher and she is strict with __________(学生), but they like her.

16. Mary closed her eyes and listen to him in s_________. 17. I am sorry you didn’t r_____ your mistakes. 18. The sun r _____in the east.

19. He was playing football with his friends at that time on the school p_________. 20. We hope that the little girl can tell us the t____. 21. Three people died in the r________. 22. When the a______ goes off, I have to get up. 23. A s________ thing happened in our village. 24. She is w________ for the bus at the station.

25. S__________, I remembered that I left my homework at home.

26. The l_____in the room is too weak, I can’t see it clearly. 27. The rain was b_____heavily against the windows. 28. Are you for or a______the plan?

29. He was very tired, and fell a______after dinner. 30. The candle was blown out by the________(风).

31. Who is knocking at the________(窗户)? Please go and open it. 32. My________(闹钟) doesn’t work. Who can help me to repair It? 33. We should try our best to help people in this poor________(地区). 34. The radio says that there will be a heavy________(暴风雨)tomorrow. 35. I can’t read when you are in my________(光线). 36. The house is made of ________(木头). 37. They used a________(火柴) to light the candle. 38. He had a________(奇怪的) expression on his face. 39. My four.-year-old daughter was________(睡着) on the sofa. 40. The house price is r________steadily(稳定地).

41. Don’t play with the ball on the i________road, because it is dangerous. 42. The scenery of this a________is very beautiful. It is worth seeing. 43. I must say sorry to Mr. Wu because my ball broke his w________. 答案: 1.strange 6.alarm 11.passage 16.silence 21.rainstorm 26.light 31. wind 36. light 41. rising

2.matches 3.playground 4.completely 5. reported 7.matches 12.truth 17.realize 22.alarm

8.window 13.date 18.rises


10. icy

14.realized 15. pupils

19.playground 20.truth

25.Suddenly 30.meaning

23.strange 28.against 33. alarm 38. match 43. area

24.waiting 29.asleep 34. area

27.beating 32. window 37. wood 42. icy

35. rainstorm/storm

39. strange 40. asleep 44. window


1.We were climbing up the mountain when it began to rain ___________(heavy). 2.Ben didn’t fall asleep until the wind ___________(die down)at around 3:00 a.m. 3.He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in__________ (silent). 4.I was too tired and still sleeping when my alarm ___________( go off). 5.Kate didn’t think her friend was telling the ____________(true) about the event. 6. He slowly climbed over the ___________ (fall) rocks. 7. She ___________ (begin) teaching English at the age of 25.

8. The Chinese national badminton team ___________ (beat) the Japanese team 3:2 in Australia on May 27.

9. The bed is not comfortable and I can't fall ___________ (sleep).

10. When he was looking into a hole, a big cat appeared ___________ (sudden). 11. We were all __________ (shock) when we knew the news. 12. Great changes have taken place __________ (recent) at my school. 13. The husband's stable job has __________ (mean) to his family. 14. Excuse me, but I must say you are __________ (complete) wrong. 15. There are many beautiful __________ (tower) in Xi'an. 16. She cleaned the room while her baby was ______ (sleep).

17. When I___________ (walk) in the street, I__________ (meet) my best friend Jim. 18. Mum_________ (buy) my father a nice coat and a pair of trousers last Sunday. 19. While my parents were doing some cleaning, my sister_________ (shout) to me loudly.

20. When he saw the thief steeling things in the office, he closed the door and _________ (call) the police.

1.heavily 2. was dying down 3. silence 4.went off 5. truth 6.fallen 7.began



10. suddenly

11. shocked 12.recently 13.meaning 14.completely 15. towers

19.was shouting

20. called

16. asleep 17.was walking, met 18.bought

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5词汇运用专项练习(包含答案)


